
Monday 19 September 2011

Postman Pat and his black and white cat...are coming to cinemas

Thanks to Empire Magazine and The Hollywood Reporter I have learnt the fabulous (well I think it's fabulous news) and I'm so excited to hear this as Postman Pat and his black and white cat are coming to cinema screens in 3D, and the release for this exciting piece of news has been pencilled in for Spring 2013.

The cast for this Postman Pat The Movie: You Know Your The One has been so far set as Rupert Grint and I can guess what character he'll be voicing...if you haven't seen the TV series then you'll not get this but if you have then you'll know which character I'm talking about, was sooo long ago the TV series but there was a ginger teenager who was always on his skateboard and causing his elderly mother agro...I just remembered he also wore glasses so you could say if this is the character he is voicing then it could be suggested that he is letting out his inner 'I always wanted to wear the Harry Potter specs!' anguish...Harry envy I think I'll give the name to it.

Jim Broadbent, David Tennant and Stephan Mangan. This will be a collaborative effort from Classic Media and  Rubicon Group Holding that's going to be done as part of Pat's 30th birthday celebrations. Mangan will voice Pat in a plot line that to me sounds very unreal, as the story makes Pat seem like a fallen postie. As the story shows Pat falling into the clutches of what money can do to a person or a postie in this case, wearing a new suite as he goes into a national TV talent show that threatens to take him away from Greendale.

This to me as I've mentioned before makes Pat sound like a joke as it will show Pat falling into the temptations of money, why not make him a drug addled postie...I mean if he falls into the temptations of money why not make it a really shocking movie, it just sounds to me unreal as Postman Pat was a children's character and I can't imagine him getting all nasty because of money and if he is threatening to leave Greendale then what will become of Jess!?

I guess the possibilities are endless for where this story will lead to

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