
Monday 16 January 2012

American Pycho being remade

A couple of months ago I heard on the movie news grapevine...i.e the internet that American Psycho is being planned to make a comeback to the silver screen.

Yes your eyes are not decieving you...American Psycho is coming back!

I don't really understand why Lionsgate are going to redo this film as the original one was soooo amazing. Well...maybe amazing isn't the right word to describe American Psycho as it is about a psychotic serial killer.

I have to say though that as this film was an out and out bloody scary fright fest I could only stomack up to the first five minuites of this film...I know that this seems very cowardly of me but when this is the label that is put on the film coupled with how I get scared very easily I have to say that this was a very safe viewing time for me...but then again that was when I was 18 and now that I'm 21 I think I may be able to handle it.

Anyhew... according to Indie Wire:

"...the story is being updated to contemporary New York by commercials and music video  director Noble Jones..."

Although there have been few and far between other info on the movie other than this...but it sounds like this movie is in it's very early baby steps development as the only other new that's in about this news is that Bret Easton Ellis (the writer of the original book), has only just looked over the preposed story for the movie that Noble Jones is wanting to do and thankfully,-although this may be premature-, but Ellis likes it...saying on his Twitter account:

"...Haters beware: I just had a long discussion with Noble Jones, the writer/director  of the 'new'  American Psycho movie. His take is genuine."

As this is the only up to date piece of info on the movie this is very frustrating as since I heard about this being remade I have tried to see if there is more info on this because this to me although there is a lot of people out there that say this news is an absolute travesty I am very excited to see if this movie can be redone differently, as let's face it this redo will never be better than the Christian Bale classic...but I'm deffinitly up for seeing what Noble Jones's take on this story is.

Anyways...if your like me and want to hear more news on this or are a fan of the original film then you should definitely keep your fingers and toes crossed to see what happens on this.

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