
Thursday 26 January 2012

New SkyFall images and news!

According to Metro Newspaper to save money on this new Bond:SkyFall movie that is being directed by Sam Mendes that some scenes will be shot in Bognor Regis...yes I said Bognor Regis and no your eyes are not decieving you.

This shot below was taken at one of the new locations for SkyFall at The Four Seasons Hotel, London.

But fear not Bond fans there will be one exotic location which still falls in the bond history of things such as with other Bond films there was Venice, Russia, the Carribean etc, this one exotic location will be Turkey...but we already knew this or if your not like me and are an absolute nut when it comes to James Bond then this is new news...also just in case you want to see for yourselves I would advise that you go to the Twitter pages of @007 and on there is the official SkyFall website which has all manor of James Bond news and information.

Daniel Craig as 007 in Skyfall taken while filming at the Four Seasons in London

Although when you put it like that that shooting scenes in Bognor Regis are for money saving reasons this seems very logical as well as being a safe idea with all the financial problems that MGM had with having to declare itself bankrupt...but when these sorts of locations were on the cards:

  • Bali
  • India
  • China
You do think: 'Oh WHAT! WHY AREN'T THEY GOING THERE?', but then you think there not going for money reasons. 

A 'source' told the Daily Mail that:

"To say some of the cast and crew are a bit gutted is an understatement..."

This source went on to say that:

"As well as Pinewood's incredible facilities, the UK has an array of amazing untapped resources, and some stunning beaches particularly along the south coast and parts of Wales. While is hardly the most exotic of locations it is important for the franchise that they support British industry and give something back."

You could say that this last bit of this quote has come from someone very high up in the film industry that has got something to do with this film as I remember that a few weeks ago Prime Minister David Cameronsaid that he wanted more films to be done independently and that would support the British economy...and whoever this has come from wants to be seen as doing good deeds, so I was thinking maybe this 'source' is Sam Mendes himself as I have heard that he wants to get an Oscar from this Bond film...which would be a first as the only ever Oscar that a Bond film has had is for one of the songs.

But you could also say that as James Bond is a predominatly British film franchise that why wouldn't it not support British industry as I think there is nothing wrong with keeping everything in the films British and more to the point the cars as there is nothing more British I think than seeing James Bond rock up in an Aston Martin, can't really understand why the makers of James Bond went away from Aston Martin andhad instead BMW as the car that would be driven by James Bond.

Here is a date for your diary when this new film comes out...the 26th October this year.

Javier Bardem, Ralph Fiennes, Ben Whishaw along with Dame Judi Dench who will be returning as M who it has been rumoured to test Bond's loyalty to her as her past comes back to haunt her, but it also has been rumoured that in this film Ralph Fiennes's character is waiting in the wings to replace her in this new film.

But Ralph Fiennes has joked that he was:

"I'm allowed to say that I'm a government agent".

So only time will tell if this was a very clever rouse from Ralph Fiennes to get Bond fans off the scent of what his character will actually be or if this is actually true or not.

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