
Saturday 21 January 2012

More Dark Shadows news!

This just in from Empire Magazine online, there is a new still of Johnny Depp in full Barnabus Collins regalia:

This new still as with the one has really come thick and fast, and this will no doubt lead to either more stills from the movie coming out or more details including a shiny new trailer for this...which I can't wait for when it comes out as the two stills that are doing the rounds on the internet at the moment is really wetting my appetite and getting myself ready and excited about seeing this film that looks like it will be a classic Tim Burton and Johnny Depp collaboration film.

I have to say that this still and the last still from the film really do se this film up, but this still really does set the tone of this film up and now that there is a full view still of what Johnny Depp looks like in full costume as Barnabus Collins that you can guess that this film will be scary but as it's a Tim Burton film that it won't be really scary and there will be a few jokes thrown in for good measure, I'm thinking here Tim Burton's Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Edward Scissorhands (although this was a sad movie there were some jokes about the awkward situations that Edward gets into only having scissors for hands), Batman with Jack Nicholas in etc.

To be honest because I am such a big fan of both Tim Burton films as well as Johnny Depp-I was thinking about this the other night when one of my favourite Tim Burton film  s as well as my favourite Johnny Depp film was on E4 'Sleepy Hollow', I don't want to sound like a film snob but I think why Johnny Depp is such a good actor is that he is willing to go for whatever role that will challenge him so that he doesn't just give a really good performance acting as a bad guy in a film and therefore for the rest of his acting career he gets pigeon holed into only playing that kind of role for the rest of his acting career,- that I really want to fast forward the extra info about this film as well as the trailer for the film and just go and see the film on May 11th 2012.

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