
Tuesday 31 January 2012

New Stills from the new Riddick!

Yesterday on Vin Diesels's Facebook page,-where it seems is all the behind the scenes info from this new film that you could possibly want to know is-, I saw these two new stills from the film.


These two stills as you can see brings to life the costume of Riddick as I know from a previous post that I have done that all we (the fans) have been able to see of this costume was just the principle artwork which I do have to say was really impressive, and with the principle artwork of what the desolate land is going to look like that according to the back story for this new film is:

Riddick is left for dead on a desolate planet that is inhabited by alien predator creatures that as you can guess want to eat him and he becomes more powerful and dangerous than ever before. Therefore, bounty hunters from  all corners of the galaxy descend on this planet to find him and claim their prize...but they soon realise that they are all pawns in Riddick's grand scheme of revenge. So putting his enemies right where he want them he unleashes a vicious attack on vengeance...then when this is all said and done he pops home to Furya to save it from destruction.

Ah well, all in a day!

This I hope is the first in a lot of promo for this film to 'leak' onto the internet...but I just thought that this film that is working under the title of 'Riddick' has just started development again after all the problems it had with its development,-one thing is the budget that had to be trimmed-,so this may just be the very first baby steps stills that will come from this movie that's back filming in Montreal, Canada.

Hopefully this isn't the only stills that are to come out of this film as I am sooo excited that tere is going to be finally another Riddick as I am such a big fan...well I absolutly loved 'Pitch Black' and eventhough 'The Chronicles of Riddick' was nowhere near 'Pitch Black' I still watch it every time it's on TV...but when I first heard that this film is going to be going back to 'Pitch Black' I was really really happy as this film had the best mix of action, suspense and scare.

Still this is the very tentative stages so who knows what is going to happen.

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