
Thursday 26 January 2012

Holysmokes Batman! Someone on the inside's been talking!

Thanks to Metro Newspaper, Joey King who was in the lesser known over here in the UK anyway 'Ramona and Beezus'  has lifted the lid on what on earth she is doing on the set of The Dark Knight Rises, which as I can gather will have pissed Christopher Nolan off no end as other actors have said that on other Batman films that they have done there has been a confidentiality agreement so as to keep any in house secrets secret.

But now in My Entertainment World Joey King has lifted the lid on what she is doing in amongst actors such as Michael Kane, Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Anne Hathaway, Marion Coutillard and the many other amazing names that will be starring in this last of the Christopher Nolan Batman movies.

She has said that:

"I play young Talia al Ghul. I can't give too much away as I promised Mr. Nolan I wouldn't say anything. There are too many secrets about the character and the movie".

This is the young daughter of Ra's al Ghul, who was in Batman:Begins (the first of film in this Bruce Wayne/Batman story), who was head of the League Of Shadows who got Bruce Wayne out of a Chinese prison and taught him how to fight, this role was taken up by none other than Liam Neeson.

The Dark Knight Rises, Batman, Bane, scar

I just found this on Metro's website...this may go some way to explain to all those Batman fans that have seen the movie preview and have complained that you can't hear Bane, well now they all can clearly see from this new still picture why he has to have the mask on all the time as well as all the layers of clothing he wears for the Bane's costume. Also I have just found out that Bane is genetically enhanced.

So if you ask me this is a deliberate move from Christopher Nolan as he has said that he won't clean up the voice on Tom Hardy's character Bane to Warner Bros. and that once critics get the overall bigger picture of what's going on then the words of Bane doesn't matter.

I agree with this as I think that as this is the last film of Batman that he's going to be directing then it looks like he really has gone the full hog and really gone for making everything in this film the most action packed, the darkest, the most ominous this story could ever possibly be...well if you are going to leave this fanomally successful series of films you might as well leave it in style I think.

But I still can't believe that after Christopher Nolan has had a crack at seeing what he can do with the Batman/Bruce Wayne story and as all batfans including myself have seen how fantastic this was...that Batman will be redone with Emma Thomas and Christopher Nolan producing this,-but if you ask me whoever gets the greenlight to direct this next film is completely stuffed as how do you make this redo as awesome or as spectacular as the last one and the big answer to this for me at the moment is you simply can't!-.

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