
Tuesday 31 January 2012

There is now a writer for X:Men First Class!

Hooray! Empire Magazine have given me the best ever news I have heard today...20th Century Fox has just closed a deal with Matthew Vaughn who brought us the the amazingly fantastic 'X Men: First Class' to come back and direct the sequel to this amazing film.

According to Deadline New York 20th Century has also got in place to come back into the centrefold of this amazing X:Men film Simon Kinberg to write the script for this as well as Bryan Singer who is coming back to produce this sequel.

Thanks to Emma Watts 20th Century Fox's sole production president who has also just signed a new multiyear deal  that will keep her in this role until 2015, she has really shaken the studio up with how, according to Deadline New York:

"...has made it a priority to populate the studio's slate with elite filmmakers, and coming back for more..."

And as you may or may not have seen this X Men: First Class and how well that it did money wise for both the studio and Matthew Vaughn's team, and the fact that a couple of months ago I was reading an interview that Michael Fassbender gave about how he and James McAvoy were bandeying around ideas for a sequel to this film as both actors were still excited to comeback for this sequel that there was bound to be a sequel in the works and that Matthew Vaughn would be wanting to come back to 20th Century Fox for more of the same again in the form of a sequel.

And thanks to yesterday's post on The Hollywood Reporter's Heat Vision blog
that that is safe for me to say that as well as Matthew Vaughn and co coming back into the centrefold for X Men: First Class sequel, that all the cast from this amazingly fantastic first film are coming thank god for this I say as every actor on the last film from Michael Fassbender to James
were all amazing!

And to be honest there would be really no point in letting this team of really good actors and actresses go onto other projects as then you'd have to start from scratch and recast all the parts as well as get in a new cast and this I think would take a lot more time and a lot more tassel than every involved just having the same cast and crew work on this sequel is cheaper and you could start development for this film straight away if you wanted but then again you couldn't really do this as you would still need a script to be written as well as a story for this film.



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