
Thursday 26 January 2012

New James Morrison video

The other day when I was on Youtube after work I came across the new video for James Morrison's 'Slave to the Music'.

Here it is below:

I think it is fair to say that this music video must be his promo video for the song as it is his new song and I guess he needs to get this played as much as possible on every radio show including music TV channels so that it makes a bit more money for him as I think this video is a bit like he really didn't know what to do for this video...and the whole thing does look like including the gold microphone which is cool but still it looks like with the dancers in a sixth form drama project.

This may sound a bit harsh but I do think it still is a valid point in the grand scheme of things, and I have just realised that I may be a bit biased on this point of view as everyday when I come into the office my mum puts this album on the CD player and now as she has played it so much on certain songs it gets tired and skips to the next song or sometimes it won't even play this song or the next track listed on the album...but I do have to admit that although I am not one of James Morrison's biggest fans I do think this album is really catchy and on some songs like this one it reminds me of the motwon records that I have on my IPOD.

Anyhew...I also saw this new Dappy music video on 4Music music channel yesterday and this features none other than Queens Bryan May on guitar.

Here it is below:
I do think this is a catchy song and I think it could do well but all the time I was listening to it it just sounded the same as his last one 'No Regrets', but I think that's why Bryan May has gotten in on this track so as to make it sound a bit rocky and make it not sound so 'No Regrets'.

But I can see what they've done here, because of the name of this track 'Rockstar' they've got Bryan May in as he was in a rock band-Queen to be precise-. It's not the most original idea that a record comaony has had that's for sure.

I just thought that I quite liked 'No Regrets' as it was a little bit different to what Dappy was doing in N-DUBZ but it's a little bit disappointing to see if someone had bought that album under the illusion of thinking that that song was good maybe the rest will be just as good, but then when you hear this you might think at first that |"ok this sounds a bit like that other song but I'll listen to the other tracks"...but then you get to the end of it and you think that 'I've just listened to a whole album of 'No Regrets' so why on earth did I buy this I could have easily downloaded the single 'No Regrets' '.

Also my sister has just found this incredibly good band called 'Trailer Trash Tracy's' and their song 'Candy Girl'.

Here it is below:

 I absolutly love the guitar on this track and I know it sounds a bit like the xx but this is completely different to them as it may be the same genre of music but I think this is a bit less emo...and I do have to be honest here that when I first saw the xx live on 'Later... with Jools Holland' that I really didn't like them as I though that they were really emo and really playing up to the stereotype of they have really pale skin, hair all over their face and are really depressed, but I have come to like their music.

I think here that the bass on Candy girl is really cool and really interesting...and I just really can't put into words how completely good this is and their album 'Ester' is on HMV website and I definitly think that these are well worth having a little listen to because they really do help you unwind after work and it is really worthwhile just sticking 'Candy Girl' on at any point during the day wheather your still at work or in the middle of  doing nothing it is definitly one that you want to listen to over and over again.

I do have to say though, I know this may affect it's likeability somewhat but the first time I heard this I kept getting flashbacks to the 'OC'...this at the time sounded like it might have been in one episode where there's an awkward silence or a scene going on between one of the couples.   

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