
Tuesday 2 December 2014

Jamie T New Song! Rabbit Hole

I absolutely love Jamie T, I have all the albums and constantly listened to his albums "Panic Prevention" and "Kings and Queens" on  my Ipod when I was at school, and I couldn't believe my luck when recently I got to see him for the first time with my sisters at Alexandra Palace in London and I have to say he was absolutely amazing, I've never been to a music venue like it before it was amazing it was a brilliant Victorian style red brick building with a huge stained glass circular window at the front of the building with a huge inside area that was decked out with tables and chairs where people could buy either beer from one of the many bars that were on either side of the inside of the building, or eat food from the chip stall or just sit and drink.

There was even a bar for the after party in the foyer of the building and before you see all the stores and seating area there was a beatboxer, but to the back of the building was the main areana.

Jamie T was amazing and I still can't believe we got in here as I had tried tirelessly to no avail to get just any tickets of his once I heard he was going on tour, but it seems that these tickets really were like the gold tickets from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory...but luckily we did it, we got the tickets! The only thing I still can't get my head around is the fact that some idiots thought that they'd buy drinks but not drink them and instead throw them up into the air and just see where or who it lands on...this was mostly me and my sisters.

So apart from this the gig would have been like when I went to see You Me At Six and 30 Seconds To Mars on my 23rd birthday...a perfect gig and a perfect birthday present!

Anyway...I digress anyhew like how excited I was to hear that Jamie T had got a new album and this tour I was utterly excited about how out today (if your on his mailing list, Facebook or Twitter) his new single "Rabbit Hole",-this is one of my favourite songs from the album-:

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Fall Out Boy's New Album!

I was just perusing Facebook when I saw this message that has definitely improved my day as I love "Centuries" so much that I just want to buy this album right now!

Their new album "American Beauty/American Psycho" will be released January 20th worldwide but it will be digitally available from December 8th.

And interestingly enough, if you preorder any digital or physical CD copies packages of the album that are on sale on December 15th it will launch these with several song downloads including the title track.

You might want to take a look at this...Jurassic World trailer: Going Back to "cinco mortes" (five deaths)

I've just seen this new trailer of Jurassic World's return to cinco mortes (five deaths),-if you are like me and have grown up with these films you will know that this is what the locals refer to the islands where these dinosaurs live in Costa Rica in "The Lost World: Jurassic Park", where Intergen labs that created Jurassic Park want to take a research team to Site B to study how these dinosaurs can survive without Licene (the drug in the original film that all of them were created using), but as the board members of Intergen Labs want Dr.Richard Hammond out, they put another team in so as to capture the dinosaurs so as to start Jutassic Park up again and then this causes all manner of problems in New York when they capture a baby T-Rex and it's mother-.

This  new film "Jurassic World" to me looks really good and the CGI looks really impressive, but now that I think abut it I am a bit disappointed that this trailer doesn't show any signature tension builders like there were in the other Jurassic Park films like in the first one there was the plastic cup of water that was sat on the dashboard of one of the cars that gets stuck in the T-Rex enclosure during a rainstorm and it little by little the water starts to move and then you see and hear the huge raw of the T-Rex as it starts to play with the other car that has the grandchildren of Dr.Richard Hammond in, then in the second film Jeff Goldblum's stowaway daughter gets stuck out in a rainstorm in a thing that means you can go high above the trees and at any time you can come down but then all of a sudden the trees around an RV/ mobile home the research team are in start to move as if something is approaching, but when he can't get through to the RV/mobile home on the phone and goes down to see what's happening someone has a baby T-Rex on an operating table drugged up as it has a broken leg and as you can imagine the mother is the thing approaching the RV/ mobile home and it just stands outside the window looking in but just heavily breathes on the window, and for me in the third film the signature tension builder is before the end of the film the professor from the first film has been forced back to the island by a divorced father and mother to look for their son who has gone missing on the island, they all have been running from a group of velocerapators as an assistant of the professor has stolen some eggs of theirs and they have been following them, the veloceraptors catch up to their group and corner them and they have to slowly crouch down while the veloceraptors decide who stole the eggs and the professor remembers he has built a mould of a velocerraptor that works like a duck caller as if you blow through it it makes a sound like a veloceraptor and they use it to make it sound like there is a veloceraptor in danger and that it needs help then the dinosaur group leave with the eggs before the professor and the other people are taken off the island by the USA navy.

This third film isn't as good as the other two but it's still watchable and the actress who played the annoying ex wife who's looking for her son Tia Leoni plays this part really well and in my opinion these other tension builders aren't as good as the water ripple from the first Jurassic Park.

However this impressive looking CGI that shows how in the future Jurassic Park has actually been made using dinosaurs and now some genetically made dinosaurs to keep up with how popular the Park has become as an attraction, but as you can imagine this genetically modified dinosaur that has had DNA of other dinosaurs spliced together in order to make it escapes causing all types of problems as it is super intelligent and a super appetite, hasn't appeased everyone.

According to The Independent some palaeontologists and some zoologists have taken to Twitter to show how disappointed they are at some aspects of this film not being very true to the history of dinosaurs, such as:

One said on Twitter:

"Basic message of #JurassicWorld is 'Screw you, science we don't need your stinking feathers!!This is alt-future-1993!!' #dinosaurs"


"#JurassicWorld Mega-mosasaur has palatal teeth (well done) but no forked tongue-tip as per the platynotan hypothesis...."


" From trailer, looks like #JurassicWorld's Big Bad has thumbs. A huge smart, carnivorous dinosaur with thumbs sounds like a GREAT idea".

The Mega-Mosasaur in case your wondering is the big fish like dinosaur that they use as a kind of killer whale attraction at a SeaLife Centre over in America but without the tips and tricks that they normally get the whales and dolphins to do that eats the great white shark...this though from the trailer I've seen doesn't look that bad as yes it shows the thing has teeth but it doesn't seem to show any forked tongue so I don't really understand this argument here.

The other arguments that these people raise though is that one this is a film where if you think about films in general they are not real, the things that films are made about therefore are works of fiction created by executive director Steven Spielberg and others using the idea "What if dinosaurs still existed what do you think would happen?", and this is set in the future so therefore this is a science fiction film and you want to include all sorts of dinosaurs but because we don't know a lot still about all dinosaurs and what they would look like CGI has been used so therefore some of these Computer Generated dinosaurs are going to look not really much like they would have looked like as you can only use so much data that we do know and for the rest of the unknown parts you just have to sort of make it up.

Second, in reference to the argument about the big bad dinosaur that causes all the trouble in the film is nonsensical to me as this is a supposedly genetically modified dinosaur that has other dinosaurs DNA spliced together to make it so it's of course going to have a few things it shouldn't have as this is the whole concept of the film as it shows you shouldn't mess with things you don't know what the outcome will be. And may I say again this is a film so they the film makers can do whatever they want to in order to create their film.

Ty Simpkins, Nick Robinson, Omar Sy, Vincent D'Onofrio, Irrfan Khan, Jake Johnson, Judy Greer, B.D. Wong, Katie McGrath and Lauren Lapkus appear alongside the hero of the piece Chris Pratt who is already on the island as a behavioural researcher looking at the veloceraptors and when a few issues crop up he's called in to help.
This will be in cinemas on June 12th 2015.

Thursday 20 November 2014

New Fast and Furious 7 trailer!

You may or may not have seen this trailer yet but here is the new trailer for Fast and Furious 7:

As a massive fan of Fast and Furious franchise I was so excited to see this trailer when I first heard on Vin Diesel's Facebook page that you'd be able to see this  trailer on November 1st,-but me being me I completely missed seeing this and then had no access to a computer for two days after this so I couldn't actually see it until now-.

Now that I've seen this though, I have to say that it looks very action packed and lives up to the other films in this series of films, but I have to say though that with all the talks of the missing footage of Paul Walker who died in a car accident being filled in by his brothers and that they would do some voice recordings and green screen kind of work but it would still look like Paul Walker was in the film it does look seamless and that you would never know which is footage that had been recorded with Paul Walker and footage that was filmed after he died.

So this looks like a promising first look at this new film with the new director James Wan who has previously directed horror films such as "SAW" and "Insidious:Chapter 2"...which is surprising to me as now thinking about it I would have thought that Universal Picture's who are distributing this film, would probably not want to take too bigger leap of faith into choosing a different style of director as this is a big money making movie franchise so I would have thought that they might want to at least choose a director that had at least some experience with action based movies before, and not someone who had had no experience of making an action based film before with making a complete different genre of film altogether, but then again these horror films were very popular and this translated very well into making money, and I guess in horror films in general there is a bit of action with people running away from the scary things in the film, and sometimes there is action when people in the film have to fight off the main thing in the film that the whole film has been about.

Anyhew...I digress anyway James Wan definitely looks like to me that he has given this change of genre a really good go.

I have just seen also on ENSTARS this still of Dwayne "The Rock" who plays Hobbs facing off with Jason Statham who will be playing the new villain of the piece Ian Shaw (the big brother of Owen Shaw who died in "Fast and Furious 6" and killed Han at the end of the movie then phoned Dominic Torreto).

This was posted on their website on November 19th, I just thought though that although you can't really tell very much from this still, and having seen other Jason Statham films this face off is probably going to be very good but I hope no baby lotion will be harmed in the making of this fight,-(for all fans of the movies you'll probably get this reference but if you don't then I'll explain, in "Fast and Furious 6" Roman Pierce mentions baby lotion when talking about Hobbs and if you've seen "The Transporter" film you will probably know about the scene in the bus station where there's a lot of oil involved and bicycle peddles to fight in...yes that's right I said bicycle peddles, I bet you never thought they could be used in a fight scene!)-.

'Furious 7'

Also I hear this fight will involve steel rods of some kind so I guess it's fair to say this will be an intense fight!

Can't wait to see this next instalment out in the UK on: 3rd April 2015 in the UK for other countries you know the drill by now go to to check these

Thursday 13 November 2014

There will be a sequel to "The Mortal Instruments:City Of Bones" film

You may or may not have heard this but there will be a sequel to "The Mortal Bones: City Of Bones", another series of books that were turned into films in order to fill the rather sizable whole left by The Twilight Saga.

This didn't do so well at the box office so I'm told but as I've seen this film and although it was a mumble fest it did have a really good twist at the end that left you thinking long after is that real what happened or was it just a lie the baddies told so they could get Clary played by Lilly Collins and Jace Wheelan played by Jamie Campbell Bower to do what they want them to do for them.

If your not familiar with the film allow me to fill in the blanks for you:

Clary played by Lilly Collins has grown up her whole life believing her mother is an artist that is funded by some mystical entity that also buys her paintings, and that her father was killed during the war when she was very little and that her mother's best friend works at a pawn shop and when she was very little he occasionally would pick her up from school, and she doesn't see that her best friend Simon is in love with her. But then on her 16th birthday she suddenly starts drawing and seeing a symbol on everything in a kind of a trance where she just draws it and doesn't know she's doing it and everywhere that unbeknownst to her is an angelic symbol and a sign that she is a ShadowHunter like her mother was and Luke are.

She then starts seeing this mysterious boy Jace when no one else can which leads her to think she's going crazy but she's not, then she learns that she is involved in a search for The Cup Of Everlasting Life, and that this involves ShadowHunters like her mother who were created when Knights Templer brought an angel down from heaven to protect earth from all evils to give a select few skills that could help defeat vampires, werewolves and the possessed (these can be anybody) give them the ultimate power, but the thing is you can only become one of these if your born from a shadowhunter or if you drink from the cup but the only thing with doing the latter is not a lot tend to survive hence why there isn't so much around.

And Clary gets dragged into this when her mother gets kidnapped as she and Luke were the last people to see the cup as they had to steal it away from a power hungry shadowhunter called Valentine that originally wanted to use the cup in order to make more shadowhunters, but before this he had gone insane with wanting to get more power i.e he had started to find a way to summon demons to earth that turns out to be Clary's real father but right at the end he says that not only did he father her but he also fathered her love interest Jace.

I was thinking how do they solve this surely they don't do this by doing a Jeremy Kyle style DNA test so I bought from Amazon the rest of the five book series to try and find out because it might be quicker to find the answer out that way because who knows when or if there will be another film.

And just like that I found out that there will be a sequel that already has the two lead actors signed on to reprise their roles for the next movie "Mortal Instruments: City Of Ashes", with it being suggested that Sigourney Weaver join the cast for the new movie.

Constatin Films will be going through this last film to see if they can find out what went wrong with the last film doing so badly at the box office, so that the sequel which had already started production in line after the last film but had the brakes put on it after the underperformance at the box office.

Production has been said in a post by The Hollywood Reporter on the 23rd of October last year to be restarting in 2014 but no official date on this has yet been known and it has also been said by the Hollywood Reporter that Constantin Films believes that one of the reasons this first film underperformed was because of:

"The reader's of Mortal Instruments are older than you might think...That may have been one issue in our marketing, that we focused too much on a very young audience segment".

Apart from this not much else is known on the next film in this franchise.

The Divergent Series:Insurgent

In case you hadn't heard there is a second film in this filler- in- series of books by Veronica Roth that have been made into films now that Twilight is all done and over with.

"The Diverrgent Series:Insurgent" you see what I mean by filling in where "The Twilight Series" left off, and the teaser trailer for this has just dropped today, here it is below if you want take a look:

Insurgent (2015) Poster

This film sees Shailene Woodley who played Tris in the last "Divergent" film back as Tris on the run in future Chicago after the events of the first movie with Theo James who played Four in the last film evading the power hungry Kate Winslet who if you've seen the film know that she manipulates the system of being dived into 4 factions that are based on virtues such as you have Erudite who Kate Winslet is leader of, these have a thirst for knowledge and want to be the governing body in the future, there's Tris' faction which is selfless, help the needy and poor, not vain and are the ruling body in the future, there is a faction that is also the police and another that are the farmers.

But in "Divergent" there is for everybody when you turn 16 you get to decide whether or not you want to change your faction or not and this is a person's decision at the end of the day but it is also decided based on other things but once this decision has been made you can't go back and you are only suppose to be 1 thing not all 4 virtues like Tris who is Divergent otherwise you will be killed by the government as they see Divergents as threats to the system, and Tris ends up in the faction that is the police and her brother ends up in Erudite. But they all find out that this is has been rigged so the police get given serums that makes them more susceptible to suggestion in order to get rid of the ruling faction that's in power so they can take over the government, and she nearly gets killed taking Kate Winslet down and shutting down the system to stop millions of people getting slaughtered but in the end she uses the serum against Kate Winslet and thus the slaughter is stopped.

But she is still on the run

And as you can see from this teaser that the level of action just keeps on rolling and I have to say this might be just me but when I first saw this teaser I wasn't sure with seeing the first film if this was real with her having to save her mum from being trapped inside their burning box of a house or if it was a fear that she had as in the last film Tris was tested to see if she was truly one of them by allowing someone to see the images inside her head of the fears via a hallucinatory serum that makes you sleepy, she has and how she would solve them but being Divergent she would be spotted immediately so she has to mask how she would solve these fears via some help from Four who allows her to see inside his head and what his fears are and how she should solve them.

In this film it sees Tris having to face up to the choices she's made as she unlocks the truth about the past and future of their world. But also she will have to track down what it is that her parents died for in order to protect.

This film will be released in the UK (for all other countries please go to on March 20th 2015.

"Mechanic 2:Resurrection" news!

I saw the headline of this on the other day and thought that I should put this on here, and coincidentally I was thinking the other day "why don't the filmmaking powers that be do another Mechanic film?" and this has answered this question for me thankfully

According to a post on Heat Vision on The Hollywood Reporters' website that posted on 7th November Dennis Gansel will be directing the new film and that Jessica Alba, Tommy Lee Jones and Michelle Yeoh (you may or may not recognise her from "The Mummy:Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor as she played Zi Yuang the woman who curses all of the dragon emperors troops to turn into terracotta soldiers, and she was also in "Tomorrow Never Dies" who played Wai Lin the agent who works with James Bond in China to locate Elliot Carvers' stealth boat amongst other films she's been in), are set to join Jason Statham who will be back to play Arthur Bishop who if you haven't seen the original film stars Jason Statham as a hitman/mechanic that is employed by a private contracting firm that do hit man assignments all around the globe, Bishop is trained to be one of these mechanics by Donald Sutherland who plays Harry McKenna who is in a wheelchair and he has a deadbeat son Steve McKenna played by Ben Foster ( who you may not recognise from "Hostage" with Bruce Willis, he is the insane friend of the robbers who break in to steal money but he kills the two brothers who wanted to break in to steal the money then takes over and turns the whole thing into a hostage situation), who knows that his dad is a mechanic and he knows about Bishop, but it isn't until Steve's dad dies that Steve teams up with Bishop to learn the tricks of the trade so he can get whoever killed his dad,-but what he doesn't know is that Arthur Bishop was set up by the company that both him and his dad work for to kill Harry McKenna-.

These mentioned films are really good action films that are really cleverly written especially "The Mechanic", and that have really good twists to them especially "The Mechanic" I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it but all I will say is the ending is really good...and of course if you get the chance to watch any of these films you should.

Anyhew....according to Heat Vision this film will follow the story of Arthur Bishop as he struggles to fulfil a contract on a list of targets which just happen to be some of the most dangerous men in the world.

Summit will release this next instalment in the Millenium Films action franchise on January 22nd 2016 with principal photography already starting back on November 4th in Bangkok, Thailand.

William Chartoff, David Winkler John Thompson and Frank DeMartini are producing Avi Lerner is executive producing.

And I have just read the most exciting news that Michelle Yeoh will be returning in the sequel to "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

There will be another Transporter and The Mechanic film...Huzzah!

Yes your eyes are not deceiving you and I think it might just be me but I am saying huzzah at this news because I think both these films,- "Transporter" and "Transporter 2",- are really good fun to watch for petrol heads like me who also like action, all of these except the 3rd film as this I think that one wasn't very good...and I have to say it but I did like "The Mechanic" film as this I thought was really well written.

I heard a rumour on that there was going to be a "Mechanic 2" the other day but really didn't take it in, but this news about there being a "Transporter 4" is exciting as these for me were really well written films that were filmed in really nice locations,-well I say both films, but I have to say though that I really think the first "Transporter" film that was set in Nice, France is probably the best one out of the whole film franchise and it is the nicest place to film a film,-.

According to The Hollywood Reporter though there will not just be a fourth film there will be hopefully if all goes well on this "Transporter 4" there are plans for a "Transporter 5" and a "Transporter 6". This "Transporter 4" according to The Hollywood Reporter will be a reboot of the original series, and it will be co-produced between Luc Bessons',-who wrote the original film franchise which starred Jason Statham-, Europacorp and Mark Gao's Fundamental Films which is based in Shanghai so as to get easier access into China's booming box office.

This is part of a multiyear deal between the two companies according to The Hollywood Reporter that stipulates that both EuropaCorp and Fundamental Films will release at least 15 EuropaCorp films in China and that Fundamental Films co-produces at least three of these.

However, Jason Statham it is said by The Hollywood Reporter will not reprise the role of Frank Martin ex military who drives a BMW, lots of suits including back up ones, who has his set of rules, will take anything or anyone no questions asked to any destination for money, that is now synonymous to this series of films and the Madeline's ( these are if you don't already know about them are the deliciously scrummy cakey consistency sponge biscuits that you make in silicone kind of seashelled shaped moulds before you leave to bake in the oven, if you've never had one of these before I'd advice you to try them as they are delicious), and I have found out has even sparked a TV series on American channel TNT.

This "Transporter 4" according to The Hollywood Reporter will focus more on the origins story of the lead role of Frank Martin.

According to "The Transporter 4" has a USA release date of 19th July 2015.

For more info on "The Mechanic 2: Resurrection" movie see the post after this.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Here's a weird one for you....Jared Leto for "Suicide Squad"

I've just seen on this on IndieWires' website and I have to say that I'm still trying to wrap my head around this piece of news, not really sure how to react to this piece of news so your commemts would be much appreciated.

According to The Wrap:

"Jared Leto is circling a key role in David Ayre's "Suicide Squad" that could prove to be The Joker, an individual familiar with the Warner Bros. project".

Not much has been heard of yet about this film other than Jesse Einsenberg who you may or may not recognise from "The Social Network" or if you've seen it "Now You See It" which saw him star as one of the four horsemen which were a group of magicians that are set up by a mysterious person to bring them all together to do various big tricks in order to get into the magic circle but you never see until right at the end of the film who this mysterious person is,-and let me tell you that this is really cleverly written, and a really good twist to it and now that I think about it it is a very aptly named film as you'll be thinking about this long after you've seen the film, so you really should see this film-, who it has been said will reprise his role as Lex Luther in this film, and that the story for this is based on a DC Comic were a group of supervillians are given a shot at redemption by the government by sending them on a mission that will kill them all.

And apparently according to The Wrap this isn't the first comic booked based film that Jared Leto or his representatives have expressed interest in, according to The Wrap Leto's representatives expressed interest in "Doctor Strange" but the studio apparently passed on this as "...they were seeking a more established actor to help introduce one of it's lesser known character's to audiences..."

But it did also say that Warner Bros. have been eager to work with Jared Leto.

Ryan Gosling was according to The Wrap offered the role of The Joker but he bailed apparently because there were options for their to multiple movies from this movie that has had the script rewritten by David Ayre as according to The Wrap The Joker had been left out in Justin Marks' original screenplay for this film.

Other names that have been thrown into the who-might-be-in-the-movie rumour mill is Cara Delevigne who has been rumoured,- I say rumoured because nothing has been set in stone yet so things could all change-, by Latino Review to be being sought after to play Harley Quinn a character that when she's around causing trouble The Joker usually isn't far behind, Tom Hardy, Will Smith and Margot Robbie who are said according to The Wrap all are at various stages of discussions to star in this film.

So with so much still up in the air who can say who will be in this film for certain...but I think as I am a massive fan of 30 Seconds to Mars and Jared Leto and have seen quite a lot of his films including "Dallas Buyer's Club" which he has won an Oscar for best supporting actor that this would be amazing, but different and I wonder how he would play this role as The Joker was last played by Heath Ledger who gave an unforgettable performance as The Joker in Christopher Nolan's "Batman: The Dark Knight".

So we'll have to watch this space to see what else comes out about this film!

Today's Update filmfans!: I've just read on The Hollywood Reporter's website that this is no longer a rumour that Jared Leto might star in this film, apparently according to The Hollywood Reporter he is just one of the speculated actors,-the others include Tom Hardy and Margot Robbie-, in the final stages of talks for roles in "The Suicide Squad", Margot Robbie is up for the role of Harley Quinn and Tom Hardy would play the team leader Rick Flagg.

Jai Courtney who will be in the new Terminator film is according to The Hollywood Reporter the newest name who has been named to be in talks with Warner Bros. to star in the film, (and I think especially if Jared Leto is going to be in this film why wouldn't you want to get a chance to be in a film with him if you were an actor?), it's not known yet what role though Jai Courtney would be playing in the film that has a release date of August 5th 2016,-but I'm not sure if this is just the USA release date or not, so don't quote me on this release date,- and also according to The Hollywood Reporter Will Smith is in negotiations for a role but it is said this is a less assured place according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Although I have just read on via Variety magazine that Jai Courtney might be playing a major role that could be prove to be a Batman villain called Deadshot.

Warner Bros. has not commented on this story though

Monday 3 November 2014

I don't know why but they're is another Terminator film coming to a cinema screen near you!

No your eyes are not deceiving you there is another Terminator film going to be released for your viewing pleasure...,-well if you can call it viewing pleasure-.

You may or may not have already heard but Arnold Schwarzenegger (sorry about the spelling if it's wrong) is back in another Terminator film and according to this film Terminator: Genisys when interviewing the actor Jai Courtney who will be playing the role of Kyle Reese in this film which is just the first in a planned two sequels for this Terminator film which will be shot back to back according to Collider, one of these is said to be released in 2017 the other in 2018, with the shooting of these two films starting in 2016, this film is going to be a reset for the franchise that in an earlier interview with the actor said that he would really love to see this film as an R rated film but

"...didn't think in this day and age it is much more likely to be a PG-13..."

I've seen one or two of these films but and I heard how badly the last film that featured Christian Bale went down so why on earth make another one of these films...they had their day in the sun didn't they? and how/why on earth cast Arnold Scharzenegger as how is he meant to be taken seriously after the roles in films he has had recently done such as "The Expendables" which is just a cast of old ageded action stars who need to do another film for money purposes but it just is comedy, take "Escape Plan" which was with Sylvester Stallone who has had so much plastic surgery you can't really tell what he's saying or his face looks like it's melting for example...but I've just thought that the Expendables being written and directed by Sylvester Stallone has really become a big money family friendly franchise, so I'm thinking that Paramount Pictures (who will be distributing this film) with making two sequels that are going to be filmed back to back that this will hopefully generate lots of interest in either people who have seen the last Terminator films and want to see this film to see what its like,-but have seen the Terminator with Christian Bale in and want to erase this from their minds but want to see how the story of the new film will follow on in the grand scheme of Terminator,- or newbies to the whole Terminator film thing, and this will hopefully be translated into lots of numbers of people spending money at the cinema and hopefully if this film is ok then this interest by fans of the Termiator film will call for a franchise,-the power of fans is never to be underrated as just look at Veronica Mars which via Kickstarter the fans got it made into a film,- which in this day and age is big money, take a look at Fast and Furious as well as The Expendables, Batman etc etc... I just don't know.

Case and point is how the actor said in an interview with that:

"...if someone hasn't seen the first two Terminator films they wouldn't be completely lost when watching Genesys..."

Not a lot has been said about the full plot of this new film that has been described as a reset not a reboot by Jai Courtney in this same interview, but what I have managed to get so far is that according to Entertainment Weekly is that:

The year is 2029, the Future War is raging and a group of human rebels have the evil artificial intelligence system Skynet on the ropes. John Connor ( who will be played by Jason Clarke who was recently in Dawn Of  The Plant of the Apes)  is the leader of the resistance, and Kyle Reese (who will be played by Jai Courtney) is his loyal soldier raised in the ruins of post apocalyptic California."

Also according to story of Reese being sent back to 1984 by John Connor to save his mother from a Terminator programmed to kill her so that John Connor will never be born that still stays the same, but this time Sarah Connor is very different to the one in the previous films, Emilia Clarke will be playing this younger Sarah Connor, this time Sarah Connor will be seen as an antisocial recluse who knows her way round weapons as the story is that at the age of 9 she was orphaned by a Terminator killing her mother and has ever since been raised by Arnold Schwarzenegger's Terminator that she calls "Pops" who is trained to guard rather than to kill.

And not only this but in an interview with, Emilia Clarke said that their will be a twist in the story as "..story is driven in a very different direction by how Sarah Connor fundamentally rejects that destiny..." as she went on to say " Since she was 9 years old, she has been told everything that was supposed to happen". So she's a little bit rebellious!

So this will be very different to how audiences have seen Sarah Connor before, this film will be coming to the UK in 3rd July 2015.

Monday 27 October 2014

OMG! Hold the bus...Elliot Minor have a new song...they've not fallen into oblivion!

I do realise that this headline does seem a bit dramatic but this for me and probably every other Elliot Minor fan is BIG news and it is sooo exciting that you just have to listen to this and if you're as excited about this you just have to download the new single "All My Life" which this may seem very geeky but as soon as I heard this news for me it acted like a bat signal and I of course downloaded this and played it on repeat being the giant fan of both Dan Hetherton's (sorry about the spelling if I've spelt it wrong) band's which include Elliot Minor and "The Dead Famous" that I am, and of course I felt that the world needed to know about this.

I have to say I really like the intro to this song, the way it builds up and this may sound a bit ponsy but it sounds a bit triumphant like "Yeah We're Back Guys!" and I have now that I've just thought about it this song as well as the black and white video does make me smile because being a giant fan of Elliot Minor I'm really happy that there is new music from them...and if your like me why not go see them at the Camden Underworld Pub, Camden, London on the 31st October celebrating Halloween,-it really makes me sad to think that I won't be able to go to this gig as I've got another Halloween party to go to on the same night, but anyhew I digress- and I have to say though that it does make me feel a little sad to hear when the track finishes though.
Oh well thank god for the repeat button! 

Stop the Press:Fall Out Boy new video for Centuries!

You may or may  not have seen this new music video from Fall Out Boy for their new single "Centuries" and as I am a massive fan of this band I was very excited to see this video when I came back from my holidays and I have to say that this is a must see for all fans of this band, but if you are a fan of new music or their kind of music then you have to see this music video.

 If your like me and always listen to this new song of "Centuries" and are like I know how this song goes that they sample but don't know the name of the track and it then get's stuck in your head for ages after, then fear no more I have finally found the song that is sampled in this new Fall Out Boy track, it Suzanne Vega and "Tom's Diner" and here is the music video in case your interested in listening to this song.

This might sound a bit biased as I am a fan of the band but I love this video,- if you've seen this video and are like me and think you recognise the guy at the end of the video but don't know his name it is Rick Ross (in case you don't know he is a rapper and owns a record label) which makes me think "is the next single of Fall Out Boys' going to feature Rick Ross?", as well as all their songs ever since I heard their first single "Sugar We're Goin' Down", and if you've read this blog before then you'll already know that I absolutely loved their new album "Save Rock 'n' Roll" as well as the last track on this album on the album "Save Rock 'n' Roll ft. Elton John" being one of my favourite songs from this album as well as "Just One Yesterday ft. Foxes", "Miss Missing You", "Young Volcanoes", "The Phoenix" this song last song included and "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light 'Em Up)" being for me stand out songs from this album. 
The high quality/ filmic quality to all the music videos from "The Young Blood Chronicles" definitely looks like it has been carried on in  this new music video,-I say filmic as this new music video looks a little bit like the film "Gladiator" (one of my favourite films) meaning that it looks very dramatic (especially when Patrick gets spun into the air in slow mo) and very dramatic which some people have been saying in the comments section of Fall Out Boy's Youtube channel that this brilliantly sums up the essence of the song.
I just think though that why not do a Gladiator style music video as this film is so brilliant!
I also think that this music video is so awesome that this should definitely be awarded best music video of 2014/15 as I have to say there seems to be a lot of music videos floating around at the moment that aren't really necessary and that boarder on offensive not naming any names but Nicky Minajs' "Anaconda" music video springs to mind as well as Maroon 5's "Animals" music video.  

Thursday 23 October 2014

News just in Bradley Cooper fans!

Breaking News film fans: Bradley Cooper will be treading the boards and he will be playing the infamous role of The Elephant Man Joseph Merrick in a revival of a play written by Bernard Pomerance that was premiered at the Booth Theatre in 1979.

According to Yahoo! News via sky news this play "...which emphasises Joseph Merrick's humanity,-even adding a love interest to the story- and his civility despite his appearance that traces Merrick's journey from being an absurd circus freak to a curiosity of London's high society..."

was a play that the actor wasn't acquainted with until later when he was studying at the Actors Studio Drama School in New York, saying that:

"...It wasn't until grad school where we had to choose a thesis and I came across Bernard Pomerance's play..."

This though isn't the first time that Bradley Cooper has played the role having played Joseph Merrick back in 2012 for a short run at the Williamstown Theatre Festival.

He will be starring in a 14 week run of this revival starting with previews on 7th November.

In case your wondering how will they give the elephant man his elephantmaniness i.e his disfigurement, well apparently according to this article the actor will not use prosthetics he will opt instead:

" imply disfigurement through facial expression and twisted posture..."

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Gwen Stefani New Song Alert!

I saw this today on Facebook and as I am a massive fan of all things No Doubt and Gwen Stefani I just had to put this up here:

Here is the video to her new single "Baby Don't Lie", this to me sounds very dancy, like you could just stick this on and have a good old dance to it or even put it on for when your sitting around the pool on holiday, but I do have to say that this video is a bit shit but it's probably only the initial video where if the single gets lots of interest, mainly money then there will hopefully be another better video as the whole thing looks quite bad like the computerised dancing stick men they look really bad as if  the team behind this video couldn't afford to hire an animation expert to make these stick men look like their not stick men.

Also I have to say though that the one legged hop dancing at the end by the dancers behind Gwen looks funny but I do have to be honest and say that as it's Gwen Stefani and she is looking as stylish and as sharp as ever I'll forgive her for this, but this does sound promising for the album that she has said before now that she is working on as well as a new album with No Doubt.

Now I really can't wait to hear other songs from this album!

Alexander Wang and H & there's an interesting collaboration!

Yes, Yes I know that I haven't written anything on here for a while now but my trusty old Sony Vaio who has been through thick and thin with me has finally packed up and there were too many viruses that it kept getting so I had to trade it in for something a little newer... a HP Pavillion which is awesome and it has a little added bonus which I am absolutely loving beatsaudio sound system making all the songs I listen to on here sound that bit sharper, and thank goodness I got this when I did as I had been computer surfing which I strongly recommend no one ever does if they are like me and find themselves in dire need of a laptop as their old one has packed up on them, this I can tell you was definitely not fun to do as all the other laptops that I was using had touchscreen and I absolutely hate it!

In case your wondering what I'm talking about when I say computer surfing I mean like sofa surfing when you don't have a place to stay I was using other peoples laptops when they weren't on theirs.

Anyhew...let's get back to the point, you may or may not know by now that H & M have done a new collaboration with fashion designer Alexander Wang and this new collection will be released on November 6th.

According to #5 Mag the football player Rio Ferdinand's magazine the collection features a variety of items including sunglasses, heavy duty jackets, socks and sweaters, and from the campaign pictures of this new collection that I've seen on Glamour's website it takes on a very sporty theme with lots of greys and blacks being used in this collection.

According to Glamour magazine's website Alexander Wang said that he was "honoured to be part of H & M's designer collaborations", and that "the work with their team is an exciting, fun process".

I have to say though that some of these items included in this collaboration do look a bit intense and maybe a little bit chavvy, like these:

The 10 things to buy from Alexander Wang x H&M    Raquel Zimmermann
I'm not sure if chavvy is the right word for these but these are massive these sunglasses and to be honest who is going to buy these sunglasses that are on what looks like you've got the sunglasses on a chain and unless you were a formula one driver who in all the pre and post interviews I have seen wear massive sunglasses or a celebrity who is going to buy these but then again I have just thought that maybe these glasses on a chain do look young, and maybe that the older gent wouldn't necessarily go for these if they were shopping about for sunglasses so maybe this collection is aimed at the young audience.
I just thought that me saying this may make me sound old even though I'm only 23 going on 24! But I do have to say though that these sunglasses are a bit flashy though and not really my cup of tea.

The pictures on the above left and mainly the jacket on the model (Raquel Zimmermann) below looks a bit intense. And I definitely think that this model has been photoshoped as her waist looks impossibly tiny! but then again she is a model!

Anyhew this collection isn't even out yet and celebrities such as rihanna have been out and about giving the paparazzi and the public a little sneak peak of just some of the things to come. Here are just some of the other items in the collection:

The 10 things to buy from Alexander Wang x H&M  The 10 things to buy from Alexander Wang x H&M  The 10 things to buy from Alexander Wang x H&M  The 10 things to buy from Alexander Wang x H&M  The 10 things to buy from Alexander Wang x H&M  The 10 things to buy from Alexander Wang x H&M  The 10 things to buy from Alexander Wang x H&M  The 10 things to buy from Alexander Wang x H&M  The 10 things to buy from Alexander Wang x H&M 

This does definitely achieve the sporty look that Alexander Wang was going for, but hopefully this and the fact RiRi wore some of these will drive up sales as let's face it it is probably the reason why Alexander Wang wanted to do this as everytime it seems that some fashion house big or small or some kind of celebrity collaborates or puts their name to H & M clothing it sells out in seconds and it gets seen all over the news that hundreds of thousands of people queue outside of the Oxford Street store just to get a look at this new collection of clothes as they all want to own it.

And this is exactly what the designer wants to do as he has said that "this will be a great way for a wider audience to experience elements of the Alexander Wang brand and lifestyle".

Also I just thought that it's not a bad idea to have these clothes out around that time of year as then is when everyone starts to think about Christmas and what ideas would make perfect gift ideas for the family.

Monday 22 September 2014

I've finally found it! Peugeot 108 song: Lykkie Li: Gunshot

I've seen this advert on the TV for weeks and it has been driving me nuts because I have been getting the song that's featured in it stuck in my head for almost the same amount of time:

The other day I finally found it with a little help from Youtube, in casee your wondering the song is by Lykee Li it's called "Gunshot", here is the video for it:


This song is on her new album "I Never Learn" which was released on April 30th this year, I've just seen it today and think that to be honest it's a little crap maybe a little bit artsy/indie/cool with how there is just a girl in what I think is a nice looking long suede I think mac style coat with white makeup and heavy eye makeup on either trying to dance or convulse like she's been shot repeatedly but in a car park  being pushed by tramps and then for some unknown reason then convulsing or dancing the same way amongst a group of girls dancing around like Nikki Minaj or twirking.

I just don't get it! To me it just is crap, if they wanted it to be artsy what I thoeught could have been a cool idea was that at the end of the video when the dancer is crumpled up in a heap at the end the dancer could have had a trickle of liquid looking like blood coming out of her onto the car park tarmac and on her sprawled out hand,-but this is just my opinion anyway, very artsy!-

Anyhew not only have I found out what this song that I think is very good and very catchy is but I was surfing the internet looking at mind does tend to wander when it really shouldn't! but I was looking at a really cool clothes website that me and my sisters have been buying from for a while now &OtherStories and lo and behold on the homepage of this website there is a new clothes co-lab that this clothes shop has done with Lykee Li...I have to say although I wasn't blown away by some of the clothes from this collection I did really like some of the gold rings that are in this collection.

The clothes from this shop are amazing, they are really good quality as well as being so comfy!

Here is the full collection of Lykee Li's Co-Lab with &Other Stories:

Here is the website for you to see all their really cool clothes, accessories and other bits and pips for you to fall in love with...and to also give handy little tips to your family members as it is coming up to Christmas after all!

Friday 19 September 2014

Roza Khamitova scarves and pashmina's you just have to look at!

I heard of this designer a couple of weeks ago but I've just gotten around to putting a post on here about her fabulous scarves and pashmina's that I've fallen in love with as I think that they are fantastic and I can't believe that no one is stocking these fantastic products and even more hard to believe is these products have been specifically designed to be used multiple times and as multiple different pieces of clothing 1. as a scarf, 2. as a pasmina, and 3. as a sarong and 4. as a cover for when your out having a nice sit out somewhere when you suddenly feel a little bit chilly but don't want to put on a cardigan or a heavy jumper because it'll only take up room in your handbag or you'll just be stuck with having to carry it around all day before you have to actually use it.

So you could say that these scarves are a real space saver!

These have been fantastically designed by Khazikstani born Melbourne based designer Roza Khamitova. These silk handmade scarves give the illusion that you are wearing wings:

  Blue Wings scarf, Hand painted printed Wings and feathers, stunning unique and useful, perfect gift   

These come in a variety of colours and animals but mainly wings play a big part in this collection of scarves and covers.

All of these can be seen on her etsy store online here at:

I can't believe that no one has ever thought to make this sort of product before as it seems to me to be a brilliant idea as I can't tell you how many times I've been about and had to put a cardigan on when the sun has gone down and I've felt a bit chilly but lo and behold the cardigan has warmed me up but then I have to take it off as I was too warm but then again I go somewhere else and I feel freezing again in a matter of seconds. Argh! And I just hate the heaviness in my bag or feeling like when I've not had to use the cardigan that what was the point of bringing out the cardigan when I've not used it at all.

It looks like these are going to be the perfect answer to my problems!

Review: The Criterion Restaurant/The Batman restaurant to you and me!

I apologise to all of you in my last post but one I promised that I would do a review of this restaurant review and then I go and do a post about Gwen Stefani...but I'm on it now so you didn't have to wait long to wait for this.

For everyone from movie fans to lovers of food you just have to go to this restaurant 224 Piccadilly you just have to go!

You may or may not have heard of this restaurant before because they like to remain a bit of a hidden gem off the tourist beaten track so to speak and they're not very much into blanket marketing,but as I write this I have just thought that by putting a blog post on here about it that this is getting the restaurant's name out there so many more people will know about it and where it is, but this is such an amazing restaurant that it needs to be talked about not just because it is just one of the restaurants in London used as a location in the Batman films,-the other if your guessing is the restaurant in the gherkin in London,this was used in "Batman Begins" when Bruce Wayne goes to dinner with two models that go swimming in the fountain and then he bumps into Rachel played in this movie by Katie Holmes- so this is strictly a need to know classified piece of information that you definitly need to know about.

Thanks to the handy little movie locations website that I mentioned in my earlier post on here I found this restaurant as I was really wanting to see where this was as I was planning my dad's birthday one year and I thought that as he loves the other movie that this was chosen to be in "A Good Year" I thought why not take him there. Anyway this definitely did not disappoint on giving you the WOW! factor, I mean right from when you walk through the revolving doors into the actual restaurant your blown away with how amazing it is, all of its architecture is neo-byzantine but what really blew me away when I first visited it was the gold shimmering Egyptian style mosaic on the huge ceiling and the very very thirst quenching non-alcoholic pina colada's (these are a must have if you ever visit it) they are just soooo creamy coconuty flavor and really do make you feel like your on holiday.

And even though the main restaurant serves amazingly scrumshus food that is served to a very high standard with very good sometimes too good a presentation if you ask me (to be honest when some of the food came I really didn't want to eat it just in case I ruined how nice the presentation was) but it has such a relaxed atmosphere that you could if you wanted to either sit all day in the bar area and just have drinks or could have nibbles, or if you were in the restaurant area and felt so full by the end of your meal you felt like you didn't want to leave just yet then you can.

Here is the website for further information and for the all important photo gallery that you need to check out:

When I first heard about this restaurant I thought that it wasn't heard about that maybe because it was a celebrity haunt because it definitely looks and feels like one just like L'Avenue Resteraunt in Paris, France but I haven't heard of anyone who is a celebrity going here...but they do seem to be choosing The Chiltern Firehouse Resteraunt of late,-the latest celebrities to be spotted there are the actor Aaron Taylor Johnson and his wife-.

Hold The Phone!: Gwen Stefani and Pharrel Williams are working on a new album!

You may or may not have heard this piece of news yet but I thought that I should put it up here as you may or may not know by now reading this blog that I am a huge fan of Gwen Stefani and No Doubt so as you can imagine when I first heard this news it was the most exciting news I'd heard all day.

According to MTV USA and Gwen Stefani's Facebook page she has been back in the studio with her co-host on The Voice USA Pharrel "The Hat" Williams. I have to say that although Pharrel Williams has prompted a revival of the felt hat and I've been as well as my sisters we've been dying to get our hands on one that actually looks like the Vivienne Westwood hat but is more available on the highstreet.

Anyhew...according to MTV USA Gwen Stefani is going to be going into the studio both on her own to do a solo album but also she has said she will be also recording a No Doubt album...and there is no stopping her there apparently as looking at her Facebook page and this piece of news she has been a very busy bunny with doing her clothes line L.A.M.B Spring 2015 Collection that was at New York Fashion Show this year, working on The Voice USA, working on her shoe collection and working with Dr. Dre...that's a lot!

When interviewed at New York Fashion Show by MTV USA she said that she was going into the studio with Pharrel that night after the fashion show and that she was writing and that she was going to be seeing what came along her way, she had been recording a few things.

When asked about these recordings by MTV USA Pharrel Williams said that:

"When I tell you she's killing it, it's another level. Gwen is somewhere else...."

"All I know is what I feel and what I'm convicted by and I can tell you that Gwen is on something else right now".

This is a big complement and I think with Pharrel Williams with his recent hit making history with "Happy" and his work on Ed Sheeran's "Sing" and "Marilyn Monroe" and "Come get it Bea" featuring Miley Cyrus and his other work in the music industry I'd think when he says something like this that it means that these albums are cross your fingers going to be really good.

Can't wait to hear both when these are finished and raring to get released.