
Thursday 20 October 2011

Britney Criminal

I saw this on one of the many music blogs that are on the t'internet these days...and to quote Ron Burgundy Britney has gone'...back to (her) home on whore island...' this may seem harsh but there are for me a lot of scenes in the music video that needn't be there.

Also if you haven't noticed but Britney seems to be doing her bit of Product Placement in this video as in the first bit of the video there are two of her perfume fragrances in the bathroom where she goes to splash water on her face...this for me seems not only product placement for this but I think that as the advert for these are in my opinion are shit as they make the perfumes look shit and this is probably why these products have to be in the video as they are really not selling in their droves if these adverts are anything to go by.

In case your wondering who this guy is this is her now boyfriend but if you ask me this is a probable cause for claiming this video is soft porn and probably shouldn't air this on music video channels and should just keep this for private viewing pleasure...sorry no pun intended here it just was the first thing I thought of! lol! 

Anyhew.... I think that I might just be getting old but I think that definitely there could have been a different kind of video done as this now I think about it she was probably done to give the video a 21st Century update to the Bonny & Clyde story of a couple holding up banks but instead of banks it now looks like Bonny & Clyde are now holding up Off Licences.

If you want to see this and see if you do/don't agree with these views or if you want to see it anyway then here it is below for your viewing pleasure...but I just thought that when it comes to editing this so as to put this on the music channels in the day how/or what are they going to do in order to clean it up before the watershed or is it just not going to be shown at all...if this is the case are their going to be millions of people like in the new music video for the laidback luke ft Example video groups of people having to hang round darkened alleys cramped around a computer screen or someone's mobile phone so as to see it. 

This would look awquard...because if this is the case what's going to happen if the police catch these groups of people, the explanation's they'd have to give would have the police thinking that these people were taking the piss...and then when they've broken these groups up are they going to watch it and see what all these people were crowded around for.

I'm sorry if I've just gone a bit into my own head here but you do have to admit here that this whole scenario is funny|! 

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