
Tuesday 4 October 2011

Kasabian album review

A couple of months ago I had the good fortune thanks to Facvoiceebook to hear a snippet of Kasabian's first single off their new album 'Velocerraptor',- this being 'Switchblade Smiles'-, and I have to say that I loved this song straight away, especially the sound of the guitars on the track and the almost sounding like a fist coming at your face line in the song:

'Move, Can Feel It Coming'

This whole album is just amazing and if you haven't got it yet then why not as I heard this snippet and literally put the date for when the album was released officially in my diary and was just counting down the days for when this came out that is how much of a Kasabian fan I am...oh and I do have to admit that I love Sergio Pizzarno's voice, the awesome sound that he gets out of his guitar on all of the tracks and most of all all of the tracks that he writes for the band and so that I don't offend any other Kasabian fans...I do have to also say that I also love Tom Meighan's (that's the lead singer if your not a absolutly fan like me) voice, and if you ask me these two as well as the drummer and the bassist then this band I don't think would be in the music industry or would be counted as one of the most amazing bands today.

You might have heard the second track on the album 'Days are Forgotten' on the TV as this is actually used in the advert for the album and this is just incredible and I just thought that the first track 'Let's Just Roll Like We Used To' always make me think when I listen to it of how if they were shooting the music video for it then they could do it like how a graphic novel (cartoon strip) is laid out, and make the band into cartoons.

And whenever I've listened to this album just to get myself out of bed in a morning, and to brace myself for the day I have the whole album in my head for the rest of the day...which is no bad thing when you know how amazing this is and how you will get like me completly obsessed with all the songs on the album and I do have to say that when I heard that their album had been knocked off the No.1 mark by One Direction my heart did sink because if I'm honest then I have to say that One Directions song although I do find myself tapping my feet along to their song but there are sooo many thinks to critcise about it, one thing being that the song sounds like 'Summer Lovin' ' from Grease, and I hadn't noticed it before but in the music video for this when it says in the chorus of the song:

'When You Flip Your Hair It Gets Me Overwhelmed'

Louis flips his fringe...this is very laughable and if you ask me it looks a bit Pans People (if your not a nutter of Top Of The Pops 2 then this is a dancing group from the 70's that would come on when their was a dance track on and they would literally have a huge set for them and then they'd come in all dressed up in costumes to do with the song and dance to the song in ways that related to the lyrics).

Anyhew....back to the matter at hand, my favourite track off the album...well one of them has to be 'Goodbye Kiss' and 'Verlocceraptor' as well as 'La Fee Verte' oh I just thought that it would probably take me too long to list all my favorites and it would be a waste of time as I love the whole thing. And in case your wondering all the songs sound sooo different to the last one you were just listening to but it still maintains those big banging guitar sounds and the thumping beats that the last song you were listening to has...I do have to say that this is what Mads Langer and Kasabian have in common as on both of these albums have songs that make you want to hear each and every song as you want to know what the next one sounds like.

This might sound stupid but I can only describe this as putting you under a kind of spell where you not only have to but you want to listen to each and ever song because not every song sounds generic, i.e from the first song there's a big voiced lead singer, big guitar beats and the song is really catchy and the other songs are a little bit different but the same so when you hear it on the radio you know that this song belongs to this band but although if you heard one of these songs on the radio you could say this is a Kasabian record but you sit there thinking 'WOW! This sounds nothing like the songs from their previous albums!

This in my opinion shows the mark of an amazing album and like all their previous albums you have to get this as if you blink and miss the album and don't have it in your record collection you'll end up regretting this.

So go get this already!

P.S you can get this from amazon,itunes, hmv or yor local supermarket in the entertainment section.

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