
Thursday 6 October 2011

Oh God No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I heard from Empire Magazine online that The Human Centipede 2 has finally got a certificate for it to be newly rated an 18 certificate.

Ian Sadler Eureka's sales director has been reported as saying that they:

 '...are really pleased that after nearly 4 months of detailed discussions and debate, we have been able to reach  an agreement with the BBFC and to produce a very viable cut of the film which will both excite and challenge its fans...'

This new decision should hopefully please Tom Six (the director) as his initial response to the BBFC not giving him the certificate for this (in my opinion is a grotesque movie, but I guess if you like that sort of stuff in your horror films then this is going to excite you, but I saw this trailer and I have to say that now I thin about it could be interpreted as how people get obsessed by the ideas behind films or books, i.e sometimes you leave the cinema thinking to yourself 'I wonder what it would be like if that was real', and the protagonist gets obsessed with the idea of what would if you could make an human centipede in real life instead of a film, and although this is an absolutly horrific idea this I guess is the whole premis of the film).

Anyhew... Tom Six's initial reaction to not getting a certificate for his gory film was:

'...Thank you BBFC for putting spoilers of my movie on your website and thank you for banning my film in this exceptional way. Apparently I made an horrific horror film, but shouldn't a good horror film be horrific? My dear people it is a fucking MOVIE. It is all fiction. Not real. It is all make-belief. It is art. Give people their own choice to watch it or not. If people can't handle or like my movies they just don't watch them. If they like my movies they have to be able to see it any time, anywhere and in the UK...'

Thankfully for those like me that like their horror to be a lot less SAW/ Human Centipede and a little more watchable horror so you don't at least feel like your in need of throwing up then you'll probably welcome the news that so as to reach a much greater horror liking audience there have been 32 cuts done to this movie in order to get it to an 18 certificate, which amounts to at least 2 minuites and 37 seconds of movie that has been cut...but if you ask me if this is all that has had to be cut from the movie to dampen down the blood and gore then I think by the sounds of it the filmmakers haven't lost anything as it sounds like there is still a variable amount of blood, guts, gore and horror in it for the filmmakers to feel a bit happier with the BBFC for letting them keep a little bit of the high degree of horror in it.

I'm also guessing that with these cuts the trailer that is doing the rounds on the good old internet at the moment will need to show these cuts as well as possibly the poster or maybe not as the poster I think is really quite good and you have to take a closer look at it and you can't just take a glance at it as it sums up the film but if you ask me the title for the film Human Centipede 2 pretty much sums it up and really doesn't give off any ambiguity like many other films that are out there at the moment.

As you can imagine there is no releases date as of yet...things I guess don't work that quickly!

So watch this space for when it does come out!

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