
Wednesday 5 October 2011

Resident Evil:Retribution

Yesterday when I was perusing the web I stumbled across this exciting bit of news thanks to which were lucky enough to interview the director of this new installment in the Resident Evil series of films,-Paul W.S Anderson-, when he rocked into London town to do his share of the mandatory press interviews for his other film The Three Musketeers in 3D.

Anderson told those lucky devils over at that he lent heavily on the Resident Evil video games for inspiration on this film, and that after having several critics saying that these films had become 'too action heavy while sidelining the horror', but Anderson understandably explained that:

'One of the strengths of the Resident Evil game franchise is that they keep changing it up. Some people complain about that, and it's a complaint I hear about the movies as well ' Resident Evil is horror, why do you keep doing action?' Well, that's one of the things the game has done as well, they've always kept an element of horror but they've become increasingly action driven games with these phenomenal action sequences. That's something I think that has kept the game alive, and it's also one of the reasons why I think why the movies have kind of broadened out in terms of audience as well. If you make just hardcore horror, there's a limited audience for that. Whereas if it's horror mixed with action, I think you kinda broaden your potential fanbase'

So if your one of these critics then I think you can put this in your pipe and smoke this! And I hope this answers your criticism.

It's understandable this is as if you think about this because if you went to a movie that just had in it big explosions, car chases, gun fights, but not much of anything else in the form of horror or suspense or anything to make you jump out of your seat when your watching this at the cinema or wherever you watch this, then if you weren't a hardcore action lover then you would leave the cinema really disappointed and feeling like 'Why on earth did I go see that?' or you'd think 'Well that didn't give me any thrills like it was built up to be, so why on earth did it get made?'

It would be utterly shit, and then their would be critics coming out of their darkened holes rearing their ugly heads saying that the director has probably had a hit with another action movie of theirs and on this movie hasn't bothered to think about other people in the audience who like some action in movies but also want a bit of a build up to this action or want their to be some twists and turns in the story line to the action.

And if I think about it in the second Resident Evil the best bit in it was when Milla Jocovich crashed through on her motorbike in the church and used two shotguns to shoot at two umbrella corporation made weird looking dog figures that were killing the police as well as that journalist who was going to make that documentary about what was really going on in Racoon City, and then to help out the lone police member who was panicking about the dog things they both pull down a huge wooden cross with chains onto the thing.

So I think that and the other parts that the director has added to this set of films is what great and what really makes them such a great set of films to watch.

Paul W.S Anderson has also worked very closely with Capcom and Milla Jovovich, (who thankfully will be coming back to reprise her role of Alice), to according to '...ensure a line of continuity between the movies and the game franchises...'

This dynamic duo also listen very carefully to the fans of the games and decided to introduce three new characters that were firm favourites of the games, these are:

  • Leon Kennedy
  • Ada Wong
  • Barry Burton 

When they were casting for these new characters they tried to get the best people who looked like the characters in the games. This for me is continuity gone mad if you ask me, as there are many things that the computer game creators can use in terms of different computer software and different computer programs to make game characters look facially and physically different to how many actors and actress look in the real world...but I guess if there is already critics out there moaning about a little thing like the mix of action and horror in the film, then I guess you have to cover all your bases as there might be even more critics (the hardcore computer nutters...sorry if I have offended them but World Of Warcraft isn't actually real!)

They'll be filming this new film in three locations this time: Tokyo, Moscow, and North America. Even after he'd signed on to this contract he flew over to Osaka,-where Capcom are based-, and spent some time explaining to them what his ideas were for this film and he also met with the game creators to say these ideas such as one action sequence in the film has actually been taken straight from the game and has been transported into the film, but instead of using a Hummer and are going to use instead a Rolls Royce Phantom.

I don't know how far this goes in the way of a spoiler but the zombies in this film are going to have a change to them, this being with them bringing in the Las Plagas virus this will allow the zombies to run around, ride motorbikes and shoot machine guns. If you ask me zombies should be kept the way they are already, i.e slow and bumbling the slowness I think gives them their creepy demeanor.

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