
Monday 17 October 2011

Top Gun is defo on!

Last I heard that the film boffins over in Hollywood wanted to do Top Gun with hopefully getting Val Kilmer and Tom Cruise back to take up their respective mantles of Maverick and Ice Man, there was no noises last I heard from Cruise's camp but when Kilmer was interviewed at this years Comic Con about his new film Twixt he was making some interesting noises saying that he would be up for it if he was asked. the noises that I've heard now from Empire Magazine and Variety that the writers of X Men: First Class have been asked by Paramount to write this. So I'm thinking if the ideas that Ashley Miller and Zack Stentz had for the amazing X men film is anything to go by then the script for this film will be hopefully fingers crossed AMAZING! Well it certainly put Michael Fassbender on people's radar...i.e more audiences noticed him and this no doubt got people to go see Jane Eyre which was a hit in my book.

However there is no other news on what Tony Scott's involvement on this will be but there has been news that Christopher McQuarrie has already bounced around some ideas for this script for Paramount, so whatever this new script's story line will be there is a definite springboard for Ashley Miller and Zack Stentz to work off.

All that has been said about Tony Scott's involvement on this is that back on 26th October on HitFix announced while they (Hitfix) were interviewing him as he was promoting his other film 'UnStoppable' that he confirmed that he was going to be on this project that has the working title of 'Top Gun 2', and he had the idea to take the film in the direction of how airborne technology has moved on since the last film.

But I don't think Top Gun would be Top Gun without the pilots, Maverick, Ice Man or Goose or even if there was no doughnuts in the sky.

So we will have to watch this space to see where this goes from here, if Paramount puts it into production after a script ever materialises or not.

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