
Tuesday 11 October 2011

O-h, O girl in trouble!

Guess who's in trouble this week....Beyonce. Not only has she come out and said in her latest interview with Harper's Bazzar that she is expected to give birth to her first child in February 2012, but according to RollingStone Magazine she has stolen some dance moves and visual concepts for Countdown her next single off the album 4 that she is intending to release.

RollingStone reports that Belgium choreographer Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker has told Studio Brussels that:

"I'm not mad, but this is plagiarism..." 

she goes on to say in this interview that:

"What's rude about it is that they don't even bother about hiding it"

In a statement given out by Beyonce's people she has said that:

"Clearly, the ballet 'Rosas danst Rosas' was one of many references for my video 'Countdown'. It was one of the inspirations used to bring the feel and look of the song to life."

This statement went on to say that this was just one of the many other things that inspired her video, the other inspirations for her music video were Audrey Hepburn's Funny Face, Brigitte Bardot, Andy Warhol as well as Diana Ross.

Beyonce's statement added that:

"I've always been fascinated by the way contemporary art uses different elements and references to produce something unique".

But De Keersmaeker has said that she feels that Beyonce's version of her choreography has been watered down:

"In the 1980's , this was seen as a statement of girl power, based on assuming a feminine stance on sexual expression...I was often asked then if it was feminist. Not that I see Beyonce dancing it, I find it pleasant, but I don't see any edge to it. It's seductive in an entertaining , consumerist way"

But my take on this is that Beyonce has come out with her hands up and has said that she has used her choreography in her new music video but she has used it to create a look and feel to her video which as she has used other inspirations such as Andy Warhol, Audrey Hepburn's 'Funny Face' and other 1960's references I guess that is the look she wanted, but it also sounds like she has put her own twist on this so technically this isn't really plagiarism...I just thought that Beyonce came out on her 'Single Ladies' video and said she used the dance moves from a 1980's video but no one called that plagiarism.

And with the watered down comment that the Belgium choreographer has made it does sound like Beyonce has tried not to copy this but it does sound very I bet this is really good and if you ask me if she has copied it then it should be taken as a compliment because Beyonce one of most successful women in the music industry has copied it! 

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