
Friday 25 November 2011

Bat news update!

After a few days away in the big city I thought that I was really behind on any news with up and coming movies but turns out that all the news on any new movies was not as exciting as this and some very exciting set photos from the new Skyfall film.

There have been reports from I Am Rogue that this latest Batman will be set eight years after the last film with Bruce Wayne/Batman looking a little bit older and a little worst for wear as Christopher Nolan has said in an interview with Empire Magazine that he has given Batman:

"With our choice of villain and with our choice of story we're testing Batman both physically as well as mentally..."

I Am Rogue reported that Lindy Hemming the costume designer on all of the Batman films explained the design behind Bane's muzzle like mask saying that

"He was injured early in his story. He is suffering from pain and needs gas to survive. He can't survive the pain without the mask. The pipes from the mask go back along his jawline and feed into the thing at his back, where there are two canisters".

This goes some way into explaining what the thing on Tom Hardy's face was, as when I first saw the costume for Bane I was really bewildered as to why there was a muzzle on him. But now this has been said I can see why there was a muzzle idea put into the mix of what costume for Bane to wear in this movie, but this gives the character more of a back story than just what I was thinking the first time I saw this costume which was "he's only wearing this because he's the villian of the film and the muzzle looks ominous and scary as hell!".

But from what Tom Hardy says in how he describes Bane it paints the picture that can only be attributed to Christopher as if you thought that this costume of Bane was scary and that from the pictures of Tom Hardy looking considerably bigger and more like he looked in Bronson that this new villain was going to be a real handful for the caped crusader...sorry for this but I thought as this phrase hadn't been used for a long time that I might as well as dust it off and use it just this once.

"He's brutal, brutal. His expedient delivery of brutality. And you know he is a big dude who's incredibly clinical, in the fact that he has a result- based and oriented fight style. The result is clear. It's "Fuck off and die." Quicker. Quicker. Everything is thought out way before. He's hit you, he's already hit somebody else. It's not about fighting. It's just about carnage with Bane. He's a smashing machine".

You can pretty much guess from this description that Christopher Nolan has brought this character rip roaring into the 21st Century and with some added grittiness to him..well if your going to update a character that is going to be Batman's arch enemy why not do it like this.

But just to keep in our minds that although Tom Hardy plays this villain with as Christopher Nolan says in this interview

"He's found a way to play a character who is enormous and powerful with a sort of calm to it, but is able to be incredible fast at times. Unpredictable. He just has a raw threat to him that's extraordinary."

Tom Hardy is still pretty much a big fan of Batman and no doubt you'll all be going Aw! at this as he also said in this interview that he thinks that Christian Bale's Batman looks "...really intimidating...", and that there " a three year old in me saying "Oh god that's Batman! That's Batman and he's going to hit me! But I love Batman! Then I look in the mirror and I hit him back. Twice as hard!".

With this added info I am literally bursting at the seems to go and see this film when it comes out which if your still not aware of this then it is out on July 20th 2012.


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