
Wednesday 2 November 2011

David Cronenberg may do Eastern Promise 2!

I know that this may be old news to many but I have to say a big thank you to David Cronenberg and Film4 for  doing this film and for Film4 for showing this on their channel...but I have just found the time while I've been on my travels to put this down in a post.

Empire Magazine reported on the 4th October 2011 that in their interview with him saying that it is 'possible' that he would do a sequel to Eastern Promises, he said that '...Steve wrote it , and he's now writing a second draft, and Focus are interested, so we'll see...'

IMDb had to be right about something at last even if not all the film facts on the website are always true...and I have to say that even though I use this website for some movie based facts every now and again...just thought that IMDb you could say is the film equivalent of Wikipedia (as some pages of stuff that's on there have so called facts on them that can never ever in a million years be true...just wish though that some of the facts on the pages for Justin Bieber were true!)

And I do have to say an example of this not always saying the truth comes in how a women sued IMDb as the website said she was a certain age when actually she was much younger than was reported.

So anyway...the point is that this piece of old news is to me very good news as I think although this might not be a film that's everyone's cup of tea but this film has to be in my list of all time favourite films...other films have to be in this category are:

  • All Johnny Depp films etc 

If your interested there are two really great Cronenberg films coming out later on this year...the forat one for this being A Dangerous Method and another Robert Pattinson film Cosmopolis.

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