
Wednesday 2 November 2011

Shock horror!...Justin Bieber facing lawsuit!

Thanks to RollingStone for looks like there may be a side to Justin Bieber that not even Selena Gomez has seen to him

According to RollingStone Mariah Yeater a 17yr old has accused Justin Bieber of being the father to her baby boy that was born three months ago. She claims that she slept with Beiber backstage at one of his gigs in LA, and this act resulted in her baby...and she is wanting financial support from him.

But Justin has himself called these claims from her '...sad that someone would fabricate, malicious, defamatory and demonstrably false claims...'- he said these what I think are incredibly big words for a baby to know and it sounds more like these were words taken from an already prepared statement in a statement to US WEEKLY.

But it has been said that his team of legal beavers will fight this lawsuit....I just thought although that I'm definitly sure he is old enough to father children...I don't think he should be allowed to father children as he does look like he is the new Ole Gunner Solskjar*...another baby faced assasin perhaps?

*I think this is how you spell his name if the spelling is incorrect then I'm sorry but you'll only get this if you are like me and either a diehard Manchester United fan or are just a Manchester United fan.


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