
Thursday 17 November 2011

Doctor Who to become a film

Variety and MTV Splash have recently reported that David Yates who directed the last Harry Potter installment reports that:

"...David Yates is teaming up with the BBC to turn its iconic sci-fi TV series "Doctor Who" into a big screen franchise..."

Variety has also reported that David Yeates "...has been developing a "Doctor Who" movie with Jane Tranter..." (she is head of the LA based Worlwide Productions).

But hold your horses Doctor Who fans...they are reported to be looking at writers for this new probable film franchise and David Yates wants to spend two or three years making sure that both get this right for the film, but he has admitted that eventhough,- Steven Kloves who wrote the Harry Potter films and was part of his team-, "...captured the British sensibility perfectly, so we are looking at American writers too..."

I'm guessing David Yates had to say this in his interview with the Daily Variety so as not to offend any script writers from both sides of the ponds as I'm guessing if there was a script writer that they had in mind and he was from England and he had said something that was offensive to English people then I'm guessing that that writer wouldn't want to work with him therefore a lot of money would have to be thrown in their direction as well as a lot of grovelling.

However, that said Yates has said that:

"...Russel T. Davies and then Steven Moffat have done their own transformations, which were fantastic, but we have to visuakput aside and start from scratch..."

So, this will be very different to what we have all seen so far from previous Doctor Who episodes...but this is understandable that he wants to do something different with Doctor Who as if he did a Doctor Who film with all the visual effects that are used in the BBC episodes of Doctor Who then you'd probably sit there in the cinema disappointed that he didn't do something really cinematic and out there as its going to be on the big screen so this normally equalls to big budgets where big ideascan get free reign.

So we will have to wait two or three years for this final Doctor Who film. 

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