
Thursday 17 November 2011

Tarsem Singh's Mirror, Mirror trailer comes in

After perusing my favourite website Empire Magazine for any news on upcoming films I was very suprised to see that Tarsem Singh's Mirror, Mirror (his take on Snow White and the seven dwarves tale) trailer has come out today and I have to say that I think the heat in on competition wise as this is coming out for official release 16th March 2012...this is only a few months behind the other Snow White and the Huntsman gets released on June 1st 2012.

For your perusing pleasure here is the trailer below:

This film if you ask me again looks like its stuck to the traditional fairytale of "...who is the fairest of them all..." and in this respect it is very different to the other film as Snow White and the Huntsman has clearly got all the big visual effects that they clearly use to good effect as in all the action scenes in that film look clearly beefed up by these CGI effects...but with this it clearly has the feel of a play...I mean it has all the big costumes...the big set displays...the non elaboratness of the forest.

I this I guess this is inkeeping with sticking to the traditional storyline of Snow White and not trying to make it too modern and updated.

But I do have to say that eventhough that Snow White is suppose to be a bit young but Lilly Collins does look like a child but it works for the type of comedy that they have put into the film with making her an absolute pampered princes that can't do anything but it is a bit like "That was a bit obvious!" with making the dwarves use kikes like "Snow Really".

But Armie Hammer who plays the "Prince Charming" other name "Prince Andrew Alcott" who both Snow and the evil Queen wants to win over...I do have to say that the joke about puppy love is again quite an obvious joke.

But Julia Roberts does look like she is still pulling out a great performance that shows the joky side of the evil queen especially with the big exaggerated corsets she wears as well as the costumes that she all in all I think from this there will be ups, downs but all in all Tarsem Singh has defintly thrown the gauntlet down to the other Snow White film.

But I think I'll be definitly going to see both of these Snow Whites as they both look like their going to be brilliant!

So we'll have to see when it comes out next year to see if this stands up to expectations.

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