
Wednesday 28 December 2011

Civil Wars album review!

Well...I hope you have had a a Merry Christmas and hopefully will have a Happy New Year!

This Christmas I have to say that I was unusually feeling in the festive spirit as you know that as soon as Christmas strikes all TV channels, music channels and radio stations go absolutely mental for know all the Christmas specials come on the TV, you find yourself having to flick through the Music Channels just to get one song that isn't either Slade with 'It's Christmas', Wizard with 'Wish It Was Christmas Everyday' or Wham! with 'Last Christmas'.

Or you wake up to have your morning coffee with Bing Crosby and David Bowie with 'Little Drummer Boy'.

It enough to drive you mad and out of the festive spirit!

Anyhew...I have to say that this Christmas one of my favourite gifts this year was Civil Wars album 'Barton Holloway'. This is I have to say is one of the best and if I may say so it's in my opinion that this album is one of those that if you blink you will seriously miss this and as I cannot stop playing this album that is something you really really don't want to do.

I do have to say that after I heard Barton Hollow on Later...Live with Jools Holland,-which by the way I have to say I watch on Tuesadays and Fridays religiously, but on the episode that I saw them on of this show I was really suprised to see these as I only watched it because Kasabian (one of my favourite bands was on).

These really blew me away by their acoustic version of Barton Hollow and their raw sound of the guitar was really really good,-I mean their album does have very country and folky vibes to it but I absolutly love it-.

All the songs on the album really get stuck in my head...but in a really good way up until when I can't get to sleep so I try and remember what one of the songs were and I really can't remember so I have to wait to the day after to play this on my CD player so that I can remember the way one of the many fantastic songs goes like.

All of them are like track 8 'The Violet Hour' where it is beautifully melodic with just a piano and is just really an instrumental track,-normally I get really annoyed at just instrumental tracks as I can't really get on with them but this one I absolutly love and feel that it really doesn't need words-. And all of them you could picture them being used in either a Twilight film or a The Vampire Diaries episode as they all sound very gothic...I mean that all the music used in these types of things use really good music.

And I do have to admit that after I saw this Jools Holland episode on the Tuesday episode of The Vampire Diaries the week after Barton Hollow was being played.

I have to say that all of them are my favourites but the songs that stick out for me are:

Track 2-I've got this friend
Track 3-C'est La Morte
Track 5-Poison and Wine
Track 7-Barton Hollow
Track-9-The Girl With the Red Balloon
Track 10-Falling

I really think that this album really needs to be played on Radio 1 as I think this bands music needs to heard by the world!

If you want to get this album then it's available on Amazon, HMV and Itunes. So what are you waiting for....go on and get this before it's too late!

Friday 23 December 2011

Fast and Furious 6 & 7 are definitly on the cards!

Justin Lin and Chris Morgan (the screenwriter and director) have told The Hollywood Reporter that they would need a sixth and seventh film to tell their story.

So therefore the sixth and seventh films are being written simultanously...I would think that at this news that all massive fans of Fast and Furious are jumping around with excitment like I was when I first heard this news a couple of days ago.

Vin Diesel, the star of these filmsd with the exception of that Fast and Furious that all fans of Fast and Furious would probably like to forget Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift, and producer of these films has told The Hollywood Reporter that:

" With the success of this last one, and the inclusion of so many characters and the broading of scope, when we were sitting down what would fit into the real estate of number six, we didn't have enough space".

As with the last Fast 5 film there was the added Dwayne Johnson who had just as much as muscle as Vin but he did play the hard ass policeman who went from hunting down Torreto's crew to the stereotypical line at the end of the film of:

"...I'll ride with you Torreto..."

Not only this but there was the teaser of Michelle Rodriguez and Eva Mendes starring in the next films but with the added bonus of Vin Diesel's Facebook page saying that Fast & Furious 6 will start shooting next year in this I'm guessing puts an end to whether or not both of these new films will be shot either simultaniously or back-to-back.

Diesel also added in this interview:

"We have to pay off this story, we have to service all of these character relationships, and when we started mapping all that out it just went beyond 110 pages. The studio said "You can't fit all that story in one damn film!".

But the only thing that isn't known is whether or not these will be stand alone film or as is the growing trend at the minuite is to make these films into two parts.

As all fans of these films know including myself that all the cast members from the past movies came back to join up with Vin Diesel in this Fast 5 movie, and this reuion also included Paul Walker.

Walker was also quoted by The Hollywood Reporter as saying about these films that:

" It's not about the action and the cars, which initially appealed to me when I was 25 years old. Because if that's all it was, it would have fallen off a long time ago".

More Batman:The Dark Knight Rises news!

According to the Hollywood Reporter there are some problems with Batman's new villain Bane.

At the moment The Dark Knight Rises is in post production as all you Bat fans out there including me have by no doubt seen the new brand spanking trailer for this film that is out on July 20th 2012, but there is a major problem that both Christopher Nolan and Warner Bros. both have run into that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later.

Apparently in the extended prologue of the Dark Knight Rises that is shown in the special IMAX screenings of this that is before the film Mission Impossible:Ghost Potocol there is some issues with the sound of one of the newest villains in the new Batman:The Dark Knight Rises film,-Bane-.

As you would imagine having Tom Hardy who plays Bane in this movie wear a mask that covers all of his mouth as the back story to the character is he constantly is in pain due to an injury and there are two gas cannisters on his back that have two pipes running into the mask to give him pain relief as he cannot live without gas.

I got this intel from an earlier newspaper report with the costume designer for this film reporting this...but I just thought that gas if he was constantly breathing this in then you could say that this sends him a bit mental and this coupled with being high on pain really isn't a good combo...well not for a terrorist anyway!

Anyhew...According to The Hollywood Reporter:

"Some audience members are grumbling that they can't understand what Baine, the villain in the final installment of the Christopher Nolan-helmed trilogy is saying...".

Warner Bros. as you can imagine are very aware of this problem as they are distributing this film and the last Batman film grossed more than $1 billion and this could pose a problem as the more cinemas that buy this the more people will go to the cinemas and watch this and this all equates to lots and lots of money...therefore you can understand why Warner Bros.

"...don't want anything to tamper with Rises chances for success..."

Therefore as The Hollywood Reporter says:

"Sources also say some at Warners would like Nolan to change the sound mix..."

But The Hollywood Reporter says Christopher Nolan who has created more fantastic films other than this set of films such as Inception,-which I think I have just got what the whole thing was about, but if it is not what I think its about then I'm completly fucked and have no idea what it is all about but I'll give it a shot...I think it is about is the effect that dreams have on you and how your brain can make any situation in your dreams seem real and there are those who are deemed 'architects' that are more powerful with designing dreams and and they therefore know how to wake up from them i.e 'the kick' (in the film), and the consequences of dreaming all the time is that like them you'll need a toy or something to let you know what is a dream and what is real-.

Has told executives at Warner Bros. that he'll plan to:

"...only to alter the sound slightly, not to rework it completly..."

"Chris wants the audience to catch up and participate rather than push everything at them. He doesn't dumb things down", said a high-level exec at Warner Bros.

But The Reporter also quoted from an interview with Christopher Nolan on the 8th December at another press event that:

"It is OK for a moviegoer not to understand what was being said at times, as long as the overall idea was conveyed ".

Rihanna's 'You da one' video out now

Thanks to Twitter the video for 'You da one' has come out today, here it is for your perusing joy:

The song is catchy, I'll give it that but to be honest I don't really get what the point is of her wearing skimpy clothes rolling around on the floor in a white catsuit and well as at one point in the video puffing out a smoke ring...this may make me sound a bit of an old fart rather than a 21yr old but this to me has no real reason for being in a love song...but then again this is a Rihanna love song so I guess that this was never going to be the conventional soppy, lovey-dovey songs that you can sometimes hear on the radio.

I probably think that like most bands that this is just the first video and when or if this song gets played the hell out of on lots of radio shows which equals lots and lots of money then probably the record label will want to reshoot the video...or maybe just tinker with it a little as I think the black ands white shot of Rihanna dancing behind the scenes of an obvious stage show is a probably where most of the tinkering should take place.

I think maybe I've probably rubbished this new music video from Rihanna, but to be honest this video to me just feels like the rest of them...writhing around on the floor, but if you are a rihanna fan then this might get you a bit angry but I'd suggest that it doesn't really matter and this is just one person's opinion.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

The Hobbit:An Unexpected Journey trailer out now!

I am soooo excited to see this as I being a huge fan of all the other Peter Jackson Lord Of The Rings films have really wanted to see what part 1 of the new Hobbit Films will look like and where the story all began.

Thankfully now that I have seen this trailer I am not disappointed as this just looks as fantastic and epic as the other films these are:

Lord: The Fellowship Of The Ring, Lord Of The Rings:The Return Of The King and Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers. cast members

The location and the CGI that has been used in this film just is mindblowing and just adds to the fantasticality of all of the story...meaning that J.RR Tolkins' story of The  Hobbit and the battle for Middle-earth is just mindblowing and even though they are works of fiction you just can't beleive that these stories were all thought up in his mind...these stories are just pure genious!

Alright I realise that I have maybe just rambled on their but I absolutly love these films and how they have really brought to life on a massive scale the world of J.R.R Tolkins books....this for me is great as when I was at school I really really tried to read these books including the Hobbit but as they had a heafty size to them all I got was as far as the first couple of pages and I have to say from these I instantly fell in love with the books, but after these few pages I'd get frustrated as I'd get busy and have no time to kick back and relax and read these books...well to be honest this is the only way to read any kind of books!

Anyhew the trailer for this first part of the Hobbit:An Unexpected Journey is now out thankfully on the official page of Lord Of The Rings Facebook page, but it is also on Apple and its also now on Youtube, here is trailer for the trailer for your perusing pleasure:

Guillermo del Toro is also one of writers on this film so you can imagine from other films that he has done such as the amazingly spooky Pans Laberinth, that this is a dream match up as both him and Peter Jackson who as from these sets of films and King Kong (another Peter Jackson film), he never does things by halves and does things big scale so as to create the biggest and bestest visual impact possible...these qualities are what makes him and Guillermo del Toro two of the very few directors that if you were an actor or actress that would want to work with.

Peter Jackson also directed this film, bit as well as writing this film with Guillermo del Toro he also wrote this with Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens.

Like much of the cast for the new Expendables movie some of the cast have come back for this movie such as:o

Hugo Weaving
Ian McKellan
Elijah Wood
Andy Serkis as you may have already guessed will be back as Gollum
Orlando Bloom
Cate Blanchette
Ian Holm (if the name doesn't instantly pop out at you, I will fill in the blanks for you...he was in the Fellowship Of The Ring as the old Bilbo Baggins and he has also been in From Hell as the Royal Familys' doctor)
Christopher Lee

and there are some new faces to add to this list:

Richard Armitage (he was most recently in Captain America as the Nazi Spy who sits in on Chris Evans becoming Captain America, also you might have seen him in BBC One's Sppoks as Lucas).
Evangeline Lily (was most famously in Lost as Jack's love interest and in an odd bit of Hobbit trivia was dating Dominic Monoghan who was the rockstar Charlie in Lost but in the Fellowship Of The Ring he was Pip

I seriously can't wait for this to hit cinemas on December 14th 2012...still pinching myself that this will be available to watch next year as I thought for sure it would be out in 2013/14.

The story behind this is:

Young Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freedman) is approached out of the blue by Gandalph the Grey to join in in an epic journey to reclaim the lost Dwarf Kingdom Of Erebor which was long ago conquered by the dragon Smaug. Here he finds himself part of a company of 13 dwarves led by the legendary warrior Theorin Oakenshield. The journey to this lost Kingdom takes them east but to get their they must go through the trecherous terrain swarming with Orcs, Goblins, deadly Wargs, giant Spiders, Sorcerers and Shapeshifters.

Bilbo also here in the wastelands of the lonely Mountain in the goblin tunnels on the shores of an underground lake on his own he meets Gollum and discovers the ring that hhas ties to the fate of Middle earth in ways that Bilbo cannot even imagine.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Expendable 2 trailer hits out...and their all back for this one

Yes you heard right there is going to be a sequel to Expendables 2. And this time Arnold Schwarzenegger is going to be starring in this....well to be honest now that he's not being govnor of California anymore I'm betting he has a lot of free time on his hands lately.

But I just thought with how it came out in all the papers all the secret and illegitamate children he had behind his wife's backlast year, I'm thinking that this film was urgently needed as he is no doubtedly financially supporting these kids aswell as having to keep these mothers silent and sweet all these years.

Anyhew...this film as well as all the other aging movie stars from the first film that used to be in films where they could have bulging muscles and kick some ass like:

Jet Li
Jason Statham
Dolph Ludgren
Terry Crews
Randy Couture
Jean Claude Van Damme
Bruce Willis
Arnold Schwarzenegger

with the inclusion of two of The Expendables new cast members:

Liam Hemsworth
Yu Nan

These two new cast members will no doubt be kicking some ass as you can see from the skull picture on the Apple website where the trailer is:

That there are lots of gunfights, lots of bullets, lots of blood, and definitly lots of blood spilled. So really this film looks like it has it all for the boys to like this movie therefore I can tell you right now that no girlfriends will be going to watch this film down at the local cinema with their boyfriend as they clearly won't like this...but if on the other hand you are like me and have seen Bruce Willis in any of the Die Hard films and are a fan of them...or if you are a fan of the Transporter films then you might like this.

But I just thought that neither of thoses films mentioned are probably going to be like this one as this to me still looks like a bunch of aging action stars trying to make one last film and go out with a bang before they are actually forced to stop making films.

So...the story to this is that all of Sylvester Stallones' (Barney Ross) gang are back together this is Lee Christmas (Jason Statham),-if you ask me I think this is the most hilarious name to give an action hero played by Jason Statham)-, Yin Yang (Jet Li), Gunner Jensen (Dolph Ludgren), Toll Road (Randy Couture) and Hale Caeser (Terry Crews) with two new recruits to this band of mercinaries, Billy the Kid (Liam Hemsworth) and Mggie (Yu Nan).

All of this team of mercinaries are brought back together by Bruce Willis's character Mr. Church who wants them to undertake a 'simple job' for him, but as you can guess this job goes wrong and it therefore becomes a personal job....and thus you have the all guns blazing full of blood and bullets storyline...don't you just love these original strorylines!

This film does however have one curveball to it...Chuck Norris is also starring in this film. Now I don't know how handy he would be a fist fight or when there is a gunfight but I don't think I could take him seriously in this film now that I know he was in Dogeball: A True Underdog Story.

Sylvester Stallone has written this film as with the last film he starred, directed and wrote the screenplay for the film along with Dave Calaham.

This though he is doing all on his own.

I hope that you can see though that this is just the first trailer as they say and hopefully there will be a second one out very soon that can either show you a little bit more of what the film will look like or as with some films they change the whole sherbang from the look of the film to the the story of the film.

So cross your fingers that this stays the same...and this will be out some time in August 2012.

Daniel Craig might be on for five more Bonds!

Thanks to Orange's website, Michael G. Wilson-one of the producers of the James Bond series of  films-, has given an interview with American Magazine The People saying that he would:

" Daniel to surpass Roger's record and do eight pictures..."

So if Michael G. Wilson gets his way then we the audience could be seeing more of Daniel Craig as James Bond...but I do have to say though that as I am such a big fan of 007 I have been know to try at least the Vodka Martini's shaken of course never stirred but if Daniel Craig sticks around for more James Bond Duty then hopefully this will give me more of an excuse to be drinking these!

Anyhew...Michael G. Wilson wasn't finished giving this golden nougat of information about the James Bond films as he also was singing his praise for Daniel Craig, saying that:

"Daniel's been a terrific Bond, a superb actor and a terrific man. The fans love him and I don't think there's a better actor to play the part".

He also said of Daniel Craig that:

" Daniel's been an absolute pleasure to be around because he takes the role so seriously . There's really no one more passionate about making these films work than him-he's a filmmaker's dream".

This sounds great to me that when your on a film set you actually have an actor or actress who is so passionate about the always is nice to hear that you don't have a bunch of actors that just think that their going to do a film to get an award out of it or to get more money in their back pocket.

But I wouldn't get excited about this news just yet as right now Daniel Craig and co are in the middle of shooting the latest 007 Skyfall movie and Michael G. Wilson has said that:

"It's certainly something we'll be discussing with him once we finish shooting Skyfall".

So at the moment all fans of James Bond should just cross your fingers and pray that Daniel Craig says yes to this prolonged outing as James Bond and lets hope to god that Daniel Craig doesn't go down the same route as George Lazenby...(all hard core fans of James Bond will know what I'm talking about, but if you don't know what I'm talking about then I'll fill in the dots for you...George Lazenby was James Bond but only ever did one film James Bond:On Her Majesty's Secret Service).

 Also other exciting Bond news is in this same interview Michael G.Wilson let slip what the tone of Skyfall will be, saying that:

"The director Sam Mendes and Daniel are taking it back to a 60's feel-more Sean. I think that's what the fans wanted. There's a magical Goldfinger feel surrounding it all. It's all very exciting..."

This does sound really exciting to me as I love all the Sean Connery James Bond films especially Goldfinger as it was the first time you got to see who was going to be this character who was suppose to be MI6's best secret agent,...and I do have to say from Goldfinger there is that classic line of:

"...Do you expect me to talk Goldfinger..."
"No Mr. Bond I expect you to die".

And if I'm honest Sean Connery as James Bond was more believable as a ladies man who was swarve and sophisticated but at the same time was handy with a Walther PPK than Roger Moore and Timothy Dalton. coincide with James Bond: Skyfall being released on October 26th 2012 there will be an extravagant event that will feature all the past James Bond's, these are:

Sean Connery
George Lazenby
Roger Moore
Timothy Dalton
Pierce Brosnan and not forgetting
Daniel Craig

If I had to hazard a guess, I bet that this 'extravagant event' might be the 2012 50th anniversary of the James Bond films.

Other than this guess for what the 50th anniversary event will entail all that has definitely been said about these celebrations are going to be big.

It's finally here!....The Dark Knight Rises trailer!

Litterally I am up on the roof of my ceiling right now with how excited I am...maybe a little bit more excited about this piece of Batman news than I am about Christmas at the moment.

I saw this new trailer on Orange's website and now that it's here I cannot wait for next year when it comes out...and so that all you Batman fans out there can see this for yourselves here is the trailer that is now along with other exciting new film trailers below:

I think now that I have seen this I will find it very hard to get back to my humdrum boring working day...but to be honest now that it is coming up to Christmas who on earth is properly putting in the hours to work at their work offices...I think this week has been officially taken over by the mad panic of Christmas, Hooray!

And now this trailer is out I think I am alright in saying that this has added to the overdosing of Christmas excitement that I have been feeling all this week.

I do have to say though that now I have seen this trailer, I do feel a little bit bad for Tom Hardy who plays Bane as it can't have been very easy working with that thing on your face all day everyday of shooting this movie,and even though the mask was there to give the effect of scaring the audiences I still think that,-this is just my opinion on this so don't judge me,- you can't here what the bloody hell he is saying very clearly...but hay-ho let's just run with this as Christopher Nolan has obviously had a clear vision in what he wanted to do for his last outing of the Batman set of films.

But I do have to say this making Bane have gas canisters and a mask on him along with a walking stick has probably been done so as to fill in the blanks of why Bane is a terrorist. But this was done in James Bond:Casino Royale with Le Chiffre...but a bad guy is still a bad guy in a movie to me.

And in case you still haven't got it into your head yet when this movie comes out it's July 20th thankfully that's not long to wait now, thank god I feel like I've been waiting a century for this last Christopher Nolan Bat-film to come out...but then again it probably feels that way because of all the long overdue updates about the film.

For more and probably the near to last updates from this last Batman film is in the new issue of Empire Magazine...this new issue of Empire in case your like me and act like a kid on Christmas day when this Magazine comes has the new look Spiderman on the keep your eyes peeled for this!

Hopefully this adds to your Christmas excitement!

Monday 12 December 2011

Just when you thought that you'd got up to date on all your gadgets along comes another one

Just the other day I was reading this on Empire Magazine's website...and the name I have given this blog post was my first thought when I was reading this.

UV or Ultraviolet is the way of the future apparently. According to Wikipedia this system is a system that allows you to download movies via downloading to download these films to one place and then if they want they can see this film that they have either downloaded or streamed on either their computer, smart phone apps, set top boxes and eventually games consoles and TV's themselves.

Also with the UV service you can integrate this with other services and websites so you don't need to bookmark this in order to come back to it.

All you need to do is download or stream your film collection to one virtual library and then you can see these on anything you want.

All in all the studios, Samsung and broadcasters like BBC have come together to help people like you and me who love their films and probably not like me have a very very big film library that is spread over three seperate libraries (these are all DVD libraries though), and when you download any film you have to create a download library then put it in their and then if you want you have to watch it on the I'm thinking that this may be a really groundbreaking thing.

But with Ultraviolet all you need is do have one virtual library to download or stream your films to and hey presto your all set to watch these films anywhere you want.

To get this you can buy a UV branded DVD and inside this there is code that you need in order to access a digital copy of the film within your library.

This piece of high end tech that is intended to future proof all film downloads and streaming has already been showcased in America in October and we here in Britain will get this on Boxing Day...oh this will be exciting this is the same day as Mission Impossible so this could be an idea to be the first download that makes it into British homes all over...but as I am a big fan of all the Mission Impossible films this probably isn't such a good idea as if there are still some glitches in the technology then this could be a disaster and it could ultimately ruin your viewing pleasure of Mission Impossible:Ghost Protocol.

The first film that will be out that we'll be roled out as kind of a guinea pig for this new technology is the new Final Destination 5 film...god will this series of films ever die with dignity!

Warner Bros. Senior VP and MD, Chris Law said in the official statement from the studio that:

"By making Final Destination 5 and all future Warner Bros. theatrical new releases titles UV  enabled, we are offering consumers a simple and more compelling way to purchase, manage, access and share their movie collections digitally. This is just the first step, I'm confident we'll be seeing more and more compatible contents and services launching in the coming months"

But don't throw out your DVD's and Bluerays just yet!

Zack Efron's possible saving grace!

After New Year's Eve which eventhough it has topped the US Box Office it to me still looks like a "pass me the sick bucket please!" film that has a lot of actors and actresses in that have either not done anything for a while movie wise or in the case of Leah Michelle...needs to get out of the Glee TV series before people start to think why on earth is she still playing a child eventhough she has done lots of magazine shoots and other things, so therefore she is thinking about moving on from the TV series.

But I can tell you why she must be still in the Glee TV series still...lots and lots of money.

So, this film although on the face of things looks absolutly shit and other films that I've seen with a very long list of actors and actresses in like 'Valentines Day' have bombed even though there has been a lot of hype with there obviously being a list longer than my arm of actors and actresses cast in them.

There is a new Nicolas Sparks book that will be adapted to film with the High School Musical actor in....this as you can imagine is a drama but still goes down the same route as all the other Nicholas Sparks books like: "The Notebook" and "Dear John", if you haven't guessed what this route is it is romance and also these two adapted films were really popular and if I'm not mistaken both of the films got a lot of press off the back of them and I know for sure that I have to say that I am a fan of The Notebook...but this film though still has a Dear John vibe towards it as the story for the film is:

Zac Efron plays Logan Thibault a U.S marine Sergent who comes home from his third tour of Iraq with the one thing he credits as his "lucky charm" (this being a picture of a women).

So when he comes home he goes in search of this women that he doesn't know, but he later finds out her name and where she lives and he therefore ends up on her doorstep and takes a job at her family run even I'm reading this synopsis of the film on's website and this to me sounds at the moment like it's not a very romantic story line and more like a really creepy one where Zac Efron's character could be percieved more as a stalker than someone who feels compelled to find out who she is so he can say thank you to her for being his "good luck charm"...but I do have to admit that this does sound a little bit weird.

Taylor Schil1ing plays Beth (the "good luck charm"), and despite all the complications in her life still manages to fall in love with him.

If you want to see the trailer for this at your viewing pleasure then go to this link below:

The film is directed by award winning R rated writer and director Scott Hicks...if your like me and do not speak the language of R rated then it means restricted films/films that are rated 18 and that all you movie goers by now know the drill of you have to be that age or above to see the film or you need to take a parent or an adult with you to see the movie.

Other films that Scott Hicks has done are "Shine" and "No Reservations", and this is written by Will Fetters.

In case your wondering this film is out on April 20th 2012.

So we'll have to see if this film lives up to this hype as I have just thought that the reason Zac Efron is in this is because he is probably banking on all the hype and publicity of the film so that he can get lots and lots of money or if he's lucky because this is a Nicholas Sparks adapted film it might even make it to a few award nominations. this space then

Friday 9 December 2011

The Iron Lady Trailer

Here this is below thanks to I know that of late this website has had some bad press but give this another chance.

This film stars an array of stars such as the most obvious one being Meryl Streep as the Iron Lady herself, Jim Broadbent,- who you'll have seen in Bridget Jones Diary II as Bridget's downtrodden father-, who will play Margaret's husband in the later years, but playing Dennis when he is younger is Harry Lloyd ,-who if the name doesn't immediatly jump out at you then he was in a couple of episodes of BBC one's Robin Hood series and played Will Scarlet in still not ringing any bells me neither but he was also in Holby City and played Damon Hughes-.

Ian Glen will play Alfred Roberts, if your not a fan of Resident Evil like myself than you wn't know that he was the doctor who worked for the umbrella corporation that bought Mila Jocovich's character Alice back to life after the bomb hit that wiped out Racoon City in the second Resident Evil, he's also been in Tomb Raider as Alex Price who wanted the triangle of everlasting light to take over the world.

Anthony Head who you will no doubtedly remember from either Buffy the Vampire Slayer as Giles or from Little Britain as the Prime Minister who was the object of desire for Sebastien (this was played by David Walliams), he will play Geoffrey Howe.

Richard E. Grant who was in another one of my favourite films...well I say favourite as it always manages to make me cry, this being Jack and Sarah. In this film though however, he will play Michael Hessletine.

Olivia Coleman from Rev and most notably from Hot Fuzz Doris Thatcher who liked her sexual innuendos, she will play Carol.

There will be however some archive footage of Ronald Reagan in this film as he can not be in this film to play himself sadly...but that would be good wouldn't it all be it very creepy because he's suppose to be dead if he could rise from the grave just this once to play himself in the movie.

Protheroe from V for Vendetta, Roger Allam will be in this film playing Gordon Reece along with Teresa Mulhoney who was in X:Men First Class who played a mother in the Auschwitz scenes at the begining of the film...but all her other acting credits are very small parts in films so if you are still not knowing who she is don't worry, she will play a staff member at Downing Street.

Nicholas Farrel will be in this, he was if I can remember rightly he was in the Poirot which I have to say is one of my favourites, the ABC murders...he played in this the boyfriend of Betty (the sceond murder victim who gets strangled on a beach), in this film she will play a Conservative

Alexander Roach is also in this as the young Margaret Thatcher, Nick Dunning will play James Prior, Susan Brown will play June and Julia Wadham will play Francis Pym.

This film gives an incite into the former PM Margaret Thatcher, what went on during her leadership of England, as well as it giving an incite into how she gained the respect of her peers by breaking through barriers of gender and what she was like as a person, and it ultimatly shows the price she paid for having the power of ruling England.

This film is directed by Phyllida Lloyd and Abi Morgan wrote the screen play for this.

The film is out here in the UK on 6th January 2012.

I, Frankenstein

Just in from PR Newswire United Business Media Aaron Eckhart is going to be playing the lead in this film that will start shooting in January in Australia.

Lionsgate have done this film with Hopscotch Feature and Lakeshore Entertainment. Lionsgate will handle the distribution of this film in the United States, Lakeshore Entertainemt will handle the international sales of the film and E1 and Hospscotch will handle the distribution of this film in Australia.

Aaron Eckhart will play Adam Frankenstein who by some genetic quirk in his creation has survived all through the years to modern day, and making his way through a dark and gothic present day he finds himself involved in an age old war between two immortal clans...these will no doubt be the vampires and werewolves!

But I needen't feel like 'oh god! there's another film about vampires and werewolves'...(I find myself rolling my eyes as I read this statement). Because these never dying creatures have for all intents and purposes made all involved in the cinema business a lot of money thanks to films such as Resident Evil, Blade, Twilight and another set of films that are close to my heart Underworld.'s not really suprising when you hear that this film is based on a comic book or for those who like to be technically right 'graphic novel', that was created by Kevin Grevioux who co created the Underworld set of films.

And this will be directed by Stuart Beattie, if this name doesn't immediatly pop out at you don't worry because I will fill in the blanks for you.

Staurt Beattie has also directed the little hit of 'When the War Began' this film starred Caitlin Stasey, if your like me and do tend to watch Neighbours then you might have noticed that this starred Rachel from this very TV series...this film was also so this press release says was:

"Australia's biggest breakout hit"

Lionsgate's CO and COO said about the hook up with Aaron Eckhart:

" We are thrilled to again be collaborating with Lakeshore Entertainment, and Aaron Eckhart, one of today's most versatile and talented actors. This story is all about what it means to be human, and there could be no more achingly performance than the one Aaron gave in our own RABBIT HOLE. We are so excited to see what he will bring to this role."

Troy Lum of Hopscotch has said that this may become a new franchise film like the Underworld franchise of watch this space for possibly more films with Frankenstein in if this forst one once it gets off the ground and becomes a big hit as we all know that big hits of films equate to lots and lots of people going to cinemas to watch this film and lots of people going to see this adds up to lots and lots of money...and who knows even a G5 if the film does that well.

Sorry about the Tropic Thunder referred pun but I just couldn't resist.

Producing this film is: Tom Rosenberg, Gary Lucchesi, Andrew Mason and Richard Wright all of these guys are from Lakeshore Entertainment.

Troy Lum and Kevin Grevioux will be the executive producers on this project.

Although some of this film will be filmed on location shoots as you can imagine there is no doubtedly some shots or scenes of the movie that will be shot in the studio and this time will be looked after by Michael Paseornek Lionsgate's President of Motion Picture Development and Production.

Just before I forget this film will be in cinemas in the US on February 22nd 2013.

The Cabin in the woods!

I have seen the weirdly odd poster for this film on Empire Magazine's website yesterday, but thanks to Lionsgate's website...which I know all you movie fans out there will be dying to go on this website even if you haven't gone on this before...but I have now just seen the trailer for this not your average spooky tale of a cabin in the woods.

Here you can see that Lionsgate and Joss Whedon who produced this and co wrote the script with Drew Goddard who directed this film have tried very obviously to shake up the age old stereotypical horror scenario of a group of kids going down to the woods today and getting a very nasty surprise.

Tucker and Dale vs. Evil which is one of my newst favourite comedy horrors as it clearly has the same comedy thought process as my other all time favourite comedy horror Shaun Of The Dead...this I was very sad to see had a lot of hype written up about it as this write up of being like Shaun of The Dead must have seemed like it was setting the film up for a very big with the film Shaun of the Dead it brought it lots and lots of money and was dubbed the comedy of the year so everyone involved must have thought with a strap line like that they'd be bathing themselves in gold...but as you've already guessed the last time I bought a DVD from my local Yoevil, Dorset, England HMV I saw this DVD sitting on the shelf along with the new Will Ferrell movie 'Everything Must Go' and thank fully....'The Human Centipede II'.

I just thought after lots and lots of effort from everyone involved in the last film mentioned to get this a certificate so that it could be seen all over in every single country this must seem like a major disappointment. But I do have to admit that Splice the first human centipede film didn't get very good reviews when this was out at the cinema, I can remember a film critic saying that when he went to the cinema they had set this up to be 'the scariest film you'll ever see, you'll even be sick with how scary this is', therefore on every seat there was a sick bag, and that all it made him think of was why on earth had this film been made.

Anyhew...I know that I have just gone off topic for just a second but the story behind this is that from the trailer is that this movie does start off in the way that sooo many other films start with a group of college kids and Chris Hemsworth,-who if you ask me looks like the casting from The Vampire Diaries (casting a lot older actor to play a teenager)-, going off into the woods and getting drunk in a cabin in the middle of nowhere in the woods and weird creppy goings on start to happen and in the course of these creepy goings on people get killed...but all the way through you never fully see who or what is doing these things.

The film will be out in cinemas April 13th and if you want to have a little gander and the official website for this film then follow this link:

Monday 5 December 2011

oh no! Who thought it was alright to redo Starship Troopers!

In shock and horror I read this on Empire Magazine's website...according to Vulture Neal Moritz who is a great producer of Sony Pictures movies has decided that the time has come for a dusting off  of the 1997 Starship Troopers scifi film.

If you haven't heard of this film then thank god! You have done well to never ever see this!

I unfortunatly have had the somewhat unpleasant time of seeing this film, I stupidly now that I look back on how I saw this thought as I was very ill one day that this could be interesting as I like all that is described as wrong I was!

But this film definitly was interesting just not in the way that you hope from a film that you take time out of your day to watch.

Anyhew...if your in the dark about this I desperatly urge you to stay in the dark about this as it is for all intents and purposes an aweful film.

So why, oh why did someone need to remake this I hear you say....well I don't know the answer to this but all I can say is that Neal Moritz is very nuts for doing this.

Anyhew...Neal Moritz has hired the writers of X:Men:First Class and Thor Zack Stentz and Edward Miller, to try and write a script to pull this piece of watchable fluff-I say this is watchable fluff because if your really drunk or hung over these are the best circumstances to watch this as you will instantly forget your watching this or that you have watched this-.

But this was no doubt however no real stretch for Neal Moritz as he has already produced the remake of Total Recall with Colin Farrel in,-which is another Paul Verhoevan film that is getting remade along with Robocop-.

In case you haven't heard about that there were rumours going around that Jose Padilha (who is directing this) wants Michael Fassbender as this, and there will be a novice who has been given the responsibility of writing this script...Josh Zetumer.

I know this is late but Kasabian rewired video

I saw the behind the scenes to this new music video of Kasabians and I have to say both videos are a must see as the behind the scenes is really funny...well it had me in stitches and I think there is an award in here for the longest burning cigarette smoked by one person (this is most probably more than one but it looks like it is one continous one.)

Oh! and before I forget Vlad the Impaler is back...but not in the actual video.

Here is the official video for Kasabian's 'Rewired'...the video for the behind the scenes is on the facebook page for Kasabian:

But if you haven't seen this then here is the link above for your perusing pleasure. I hope you find this as laugh out loud as I do!

John Carter trailer hits!

The other day I was doing my usual perusing of Empire Magazine's website to see what new film news was just over the cinematic horizon...couldn't resist!

And there it was John Carter trailer had managed to find it's way onto the world wide web...this looks amazing to me and very reminiscent of George Lucas's Star Wars Episode I:The Phantom Menance as you will no doubtedly see from the trailer below:

All the CGI is absolutly looks like this could be the new Star Wars as it looks just that fantastic and no doubt that to create this amazing looking other world Barsoom and it's weird looking inhabitants...I only say weird as for years we have been looking for life out there in space, these could be the jolly little green men from outer space that everyone talks about...(this is a joke so if you read this thinking I have lost the plot you are very wrong indeed).

Anyhew...this must have had a very large budget in mind for all the CGI to be used in the film to create this world and it no doubt took a very long time to make everything work in the film and to get the end result such as this.

As Wikipedia has just informed me John Carter was if you are like me and not sure whether he was a comic book character before this big budget all out action packed film from Disney came along...then I will help fill in the blanks, John Carter was a character that first featured in Edger Rice Burrough's series of books called the 'Barsoom' series...and the first book in which this character was in was a book called "A Princess of Mars".

This though has thankfully been done big budget style and has all the things that come with this...CGI, with a little bit of a stereotypical story of guy gets involved in a battle between good and evil and then while he is involved in the fight he finds a girl to fall in love un-original!

But the story for this is a dispirited US Civil War veteran finds himself suddenly transported to Barsoom (another planet), once there he finds friends like the Barsoom inhabitant Tars Tarkas (this will be voiced by Willem Defoe), and enemies Matei Shang (this will be played by Mark Strong, you'll no doubtedly recognise him from Sherlock Holmes as he played Lord Blackwood).

Here there is a power struggle going on between these two and as stated previously this he gets involved and fights with the inhabitants of Barsoom.

This should be a success for the box office as the director of this film is Andrew Stanton...who you might remember was the director for the other successful Disney film WALL-E and Finding Nemo.

Well...we will just have to see if this comes true and finally knocks the new Twilight Saga:Breaking Dawn Part I off the top spot of the box office as this at the moment is sitting pretty at the top of the box...another pun that I just couldn't resist!

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Oris Swiss Watches

When I was perusing the Top Gear website the other day, I saw these amazing watches Oris watches Swiss designed watches since 1904:

Their Limited Edition Bob Dylan collection was done in tribute for the living legend who has more than influenced the music industry with his music. This Collection is if you see is very modern in its style but like the Emporium Armani watch has the very art deco style face, but still very modern styled numbers that are on the face:

This modern but sophisticated design has been carried on throughout one of their collections called Culture. The other watches in their collections are Diving watches, and MotorSport.

This for me has after a very difficult month or so of twoing and throwing of what Chrsitmas gifts to get people this year has kicked up a few ideas thankfully, because if I'm honest I was really starting to worry with what I was going to get for Christmas gifts.

This worry turned into panic today when I was out shopping in Dorchester today and all I could see in every single shop were either big groups of families, small groups of families, men, boyfriends, ladies, girlfriends etc going up to shop assistants asking for help with buying Christmas gifts!

I absolutly love these watches but for me their a little bit out of my price range.

Nobu Restaurant

Nobu Restaurant, Berkley Sqaure is asbsolutly fantastic:

This of course is next to the other celebrity haunt of the May Fair Hotel where there is the restaurant of the wrold reknowed chef Silvena Rowe who is if you don't immediatly recognise her name is always on the Saturday TV cooking show James Martins':Saturday Kitchen.

This is also opposite where Kings Of Leon had their annual massive gig in the park event...Hyde Park! I still can't believe as one of the biggest fans of Kings Of Leon me and my sisters got tickets to this gig even after I'd just come out of hospital! HARD CORE!

Anyhew... this hotel is if you ever get the chance to go is beautiful and you can tell that everything has been done with the view to making sure that you have an awesome time from the moment you walk in the door with the how helpful the doormen are as well as the staff on reception to when you either walk into the bar to have a drink after work where I have to say the first time I was in here I saw Harry and Sam Friars in the bar...or go into the Quince restaurant where we (me and the girls) saw Chelsea footballer John Obe Mikel.

Very Glam!

Anyway...Nobu is a wonderful place to go if ever you want to taste the out of this world Sushi, Sake, Pork Belly or wine (this wine is just as good as the food if not know what I'm saying...wink wink!).

And if you want to see the press van with the big satalite dish on top that parks up outside one of these venues and feel like your mixing with the many celebrities that go to one of these venues then why never know you might even see some!

The Icebar in London

I just thought that I needed to write a post about this fantastic bar that is part of the Ice Hotel in Sweden...if your a Bond fanatic like me you'll already know that there were rumours at the time of 'Die Another Day' that parts of the filming at the Ice Hotel was actually built specifically for the film.

Anyhew...this Below Zero Bar was just one of the venues that I had for my 21st Birthday. All the ice in here was shipped it says from Northern Sweden....and it is at temmperatures of -7 degrees C...brrrr!

If you want to see the website here is the link below:

This is what it looks like outside in would never guess that is was a winter wonderland inside or that as it is sooo cold inside you get given blue fur trimmed insulated ponchos that are thrown on you by two members of staff with gloves attached...these you need to wear so you can drink your drink as these are in ice cubes:


If you pay a visit to this bar you really should choose the Mojito on the premixed cocktail list...just be careful of the London Calling cocktail as it may be a little bit too sweet for all of you who have a sweet tooth...but if you like pomegranite then you should try this.

Oh, I forgot to mention that as this bar is so cold as soon as you get in there is an automatic clock that is started as soon as you enter...this clock counts down to 40mins as this is all the time you are allowed...and as you can imagine all the walls are ice....just thinking about this makes me think that you could be forgiven for thinking that you were inside the Batman and Robin villian Dr. Ice (again, if you are not a fanatic like me there will probably be rolls of dust blowing through as you'll have no idea what this is...well I'll fill in the blanks. In Batman and Robin where George Clooney is Batman and Chris O'Donnel is Robin and you have Bane, Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy and Arnold Schwarzenegger as a doctor of genetics that was working on a cure for his wife who gets diagnosed with a obscure genetic wasting disease McGreggers Sydrome, but as he'd doing that an electrical surge at his lab causes him to fall into a vat of water that was at below 0 but he survived as his body needs diamonds or cystals to put into a special suit that keeps him alive).

So if your ever in need of a place or venue to hire or go for a bit of fun then I'd advise this venue...or the other venue I used for a birthday treat...Nobu Restaurant in Berkley Street, London. only live once don't you!

Monday 28 November 2011

GI Joe 2: A Stuntman has died

According to Deadline Hollywood and an official statement from Paramount has said that on the New Orleans set for this film GI Joe:Retribution "an unusual accident" has occurred.

This accident has led to death of one of the hired crew hands Mike Huber.

TMZ reported that Mike Huber was working on rearing sown the set using a high powered scissor lift, and the machine tipped over leading to him being tipped over and sustaining fatal injuries.

Paramount has said that:

"The safety of our cast and crew is our top priority and the studio is fully cooperating with all investigating agencies as they examine the circumstances surrounding this unusual accident".

I think at the end of this report by Deadline that with saying how on the set of Paramounts' Transformers 3 in October 2010, that a stunt car accident went horribly wrong and nearly killed a locally hired extra, that safety may not be that Paramount of both cast and crew on their film sets...sorry about the pun but I just couldn't resist!

But there could also be some spooky goings on as it was also reported by Deadline that a stuntman was killed on the set of the sequel to Expendables 2...Oogy boogy boogy!

Star Trek film is a go go!

I know Many a trekky fan out there has had many a sleepless night, feeling very anxious to hear of news if any on the sequel to the last Star Trek film with Chris Pine, Keith Urban, Zach Quinto, Zoe Saldana...oh and Simon Pegg!

I have to say that when this was on the TV the other night my curiosity got the better of me and I sat and watched part of this as I do have to admit that it was a bit naf...but watchable naff I'd say.

Anyhew...Deadline Hollywood says that David Ellisons' Skydance is anticipated to co-finance this new project along with Paramount. So now it is very safe to say that JJ Abrams who was reportedly giving Paramount the run around with whether or not he'd commit to directing this follow up...but now he finally has committed to doing this and there is now a date that has been penciled in a release date for this looooong awaited movie.

This being...well in America Memorial Day Weekend, May 17th 2013. For this to happen Deadline also reports that Sony has moved one of it's upcoming projects around this being Roland Emerich's 'Singularity', which was going to be released on this date but lost out on this toussle and is now set to release this movie on November 1st 2013.

There is no title yet for this but JJ Abrams will co-write this film along with Damon Lindelof, Alex Kurtzman and Robert Orci. And you'll be pleased to hear Trekky fans that all cast members are returning: Chris Pine, Zoe Saldana and Zach Quinto.

All the writers of the film are going to produce this along with JJ Abrams Bad Robot production partner Bryan Burke.

But thinking about it Abrams was still working on Super 8 at the time so no wonder he wasn't committing to anything as well as this they did originally want to release the new Star Trek film on June 29th 2012...there was fat chance this was going to get made...but dare I say this but this release date has been given to GI Joe:Retribution...Why! Say it isn't so!

Creed with Arms Wide open!

I haven't heard this song in ages and I was out shopping at the weekend at my local Debenhams and having a coffee in the Restaurant area and low and behold Creed with arms wide open came on! ... this to me this made me think that Debenhams was coming into the 21st Century and a little bit rock if I might say so, no, judged too quickly on this as straight after this song there was the song that was used in their new adverts...this song has been doing my nut in as everytime I hear it I think it's
We are Scientists but then I think that the song also sounds like Two Door Cinema Club and thankfully Youtube has helped me in this dilemma of who sings this.

It is Two Door Cinema Club and it's called 'This Is The Life'. Crisis averted thankfully!

Saturday 26 November 2011

Cannon advert song

After listening to this new Cannon advert and getting really frustrated at not knowing who or what the band was that sung this thanks to Youtube I've finally found this....the record is called young blood by the naked and famous

Thank god I have found this track as I was literally going crazy everytime I saw this advert as I kept thinking that it was The History of Apple Pie but I was luckily proved wrong and now I can listen all I want to this track as I really like this I've just got to find out another song that is used in another advert so fingers crossed that I can find this one.

I think this now calls for a last trip to my local HMV store and finding the album quick sharpish as I'd love to find out what the rest of their songs are like as this song sounds so good.

So watch this space...there will surely be a album review for this coming just as soon as I can get my hands on this album, but I've just thought that there are other ways to get this album and others that I would love to hear so I might have to use these as unfortunatly for me my local HMV is all the way in Poole, Dorset and I live in the opposite direction to this! Arg! What is a girl to do?

Friday 25 November 2011

Bond news! (update)

Here are the Just Jared photos taken from behind the scenes on Skyfall:

Thank god for the medium of Twitter as I would not be able to give you up to date news straight from the press conference that meant I could give you guys who read this blog highly sesnsitive news like this, but now there has been another update, this picture above of martini's has been taken from one of the sets of the film and now there is the other update of Helen McCrory is to play a member of Parlianment called Clair Dowar...don;t say I don't keep you bond fans updated!
These pictures were from the London set of the new Sam Mendes directed film, and they just show Daniel Craig walking through Trafalgar Square and if I have to say these have Mr. Bond looking rather dapper with what I can only assume is a Tom Ford suit.

Those I Am Rogue doesn't think that this reveals very much as it really doesn't it could suggest as Daniel Craig is looking more shaken than clean shaven that Mr. Bond has had to fly somewhere around the world probably to Turkey or to the other locations where Skyfall will be filming, that Bond's investigation into Quantum has taken a turn.

Sorry for the pun but I just couldn't  resist.

Also according to Empire Magazine there will be a Q...this will be Ben Whishaw. If you don't immediantly recognise this actors name then I will help fill in the gaps for you. You will probably recgnise him from the latest BBC Two drama The Hours or from the film Perfume:The Story Of a Serial Killer.

This to me sounds like a really good idea as Ben Wishaw has played in the past very nerdy characters or this character could be played really different as there has been a younger actor that has been cast for this role then I guess that this will be 21st Century up...given Q a very fresh faced look.

This will have all the regular faces in this ie Dame Judi Dench as M and Daniel Craig as James Bond, but there are the new faces of Naomi Harris, Berenice Mahlohe, Javier Bardem and in case you haven't been following the press conference on Twitter like me you'll know that Ola Rapace, Helen McCroy, Albert Finney, Ralph Fiennes will also star.

And also according to Twitter the synopsis for the film is that Bond's loyalty to M is tested as her past comes back to haunt her MI6 comes under attack, and Bond must destroy the threat no matter what the cost.

I can't wait for this to go to cinemas...but it was an absoloutly exciting to listen to the highlights of the press conference of this new James Bond film that will be out in cinemas on October 26th 2013.

Bat news update!

After a few days away in the big city I thought that I was really behind on any news with up and coming movies but turns out that all the news on any new movies was not as exciting as this and some very exciting set photos from the new Skyfall film.

There have been reports from I Am Rogue that this latest Batman will be set eight years after the last film with Bruce Wayne/Batman looking a little bit older and a little worst for wear as Christopher Nolan has said in an interview with Empire Magazine that he has given Batman:

"With our choice of villain and with our choice of story we're testing Batman both physically as well as mentally..."

I Am Rogue reported that Lindy Hemming the costume designer on all of the Batman films explained the design behind Bane's muzzle like mask saying that

"He was injured early in his story. He is suffering from pain and needs gas to survive. He can't survive the pain without the mask. The pipes from the mask go back along his jawline and feed into the thing at his back, where there are two canisters".

This goes some way into explaining what the thing on Tom Hardy's face was, as when I first saw the costume for Bane I was really bewildered as to why there was a muzzle on him. But now this has been said I can see why there was a muzzle idea put into the mix of what costume for Bane to wear in this movie, but this gives the character more of a back story than just what I was thinking the first time I saw this costume which was "he's only wearing this because he's the villian of the film and the muzzle looks ominous and scary as hell!".

But from what Tom Hardy says in how he describes Bane it paints the picture that can only be attributed to Christopher as if you thought that this costume of Bane was scary and that from the pictures of Tom Hardy looking considerably bigger and more like he looked in Bronson that this new villain was going to be a real handful for the caped crusader...sorry for this but I thought as this phrase hadn't been used for a long time that I might as well as dust it off and use it just this once.

"He's brutal, brutal. His expedient delivery of brutality. And you know he is a big dude who's incredibly clinical, in the fact that he has a result- based and oriented fight style. The result is clear. It's "Fuck off and die." Quicker. Quicker. Everything is thought out way before. He's hit you, he's already hit somebody else. It's not about fighting. It's just about carnage with Bane. He's a smashing machine".

You can pretty much guess from this description that Christopher Nolan has brought this character rip roaring into the 21st Century and with some added grittiness to him..well if your going to update a character that is going to be Batman's arch enemy why not do it like this.

But just to keep in our minds that although Tom Hardy plays this villain with as Christopher Nolan says in this interview

"He's found a way to play a character who is enormous and powerful with a sort of calm to it, but is able to be incredible fast at times. Unpredictable. He just has a raw threat to him that's extraordinary."

Tom Hardy is still pretty much a big fan of Batman and no doubt you'll all be going Aw! at this as he also said in this interview that he thinks that Christian Bale's Batman looks "...really intimidating...", and that there " a three year old in me saying "Oh god that's Batman! That's Batman and he's going to hit me! But I love Batman! Then I look in the mirror and I hit him back. Twice as hard!".

With this added info I am literally bursting at the seems to go and see this film when it comes out which if your still not aware of this then it is out on July 20th 2012.


Friday 18 November 2011

Lynx End of the World song

Its being driving me crazy every time I see the new Lynx End Of The World advert as I really like this song but it always has the same effect gets stuck in my head and I always want to know who sings this song but I was just getting sidetracked from work trying to find out who sings the song via

So...thanks to Youtube and LynxNewZealand this song is called 'No Man Walks Alone' and it has been specifically recorded for Lynx.

If like me this song also gets stuck in your head then here is the Youtube link to hear this:


Thursday 17 November 2011

Where's wally is having a film made!

Epire Magazine has said that in 2009 Illumination Entertainment bought the rights to make this much beloved character of the children's books Where's Wally? come to the silver screen but now MGM has now bought these rights to make Where's Wally into a feature film.

MGM's Jonathon Glickman (President of MGM's Motion Picture Group) secured these rights to make Where's Wally into a family live action adventure film...this sounds very different to the books that I grew up with, but I'll go with it as this may sound completely different to the books but I guess for it to be on the big screen there has to be something other than the big crowds of people and you have to guess where Wally is, as this would be very boring and wouldn't make for a very exciting screen movie. an official statement MGM have said that:

"We are thrilled to be bringing the search for Waldo (this is what the Americans Wally) to the big screen . Along with our partners at Classic Media, we look forward to making a worldwide adventure that will appeal to Where's Waldo? fans of all ages"....

"Waldo is the most searched for character in the world" ( said Eric Ellenbogen co-CEO of Classic Media)

"With thanks to MGM, fans everywhere will find Waldo in movie theaters with his motion picture debut"

Martin Handford who created this world famous character that was first published in 1987, his business partner  Mike Gornall along with Eric Ellenbogen will be executive producers.

And MGM's Cssidy Lange will oversee this future project as a producer.

I'm half excited by this news...half find this news really funny but really really hope that this comes to fruition. 

Woody Woodpecker is coming to the big screen

According to the Hollywood Reporter Illumination Entertainment (Universal Pictures animation house) wants to make him a film star...and they've been talking to the writers of the legendary Blades Of Glory John Altschuler and Dave Krinsky.

This will be a feature film that these writers are working on...but knowing how hilarious Blades Of Glory is this feature film that is in the pipeline for todays kids will be the funnest thing ever and knowing that I am a big kid myself and knowing that Blades Of Glory are on this I really want to go see this when it comes out.

This new film will hopefully modernise Woody and for Universal launch a new franchise.

So watch this space for more info as this is all that is doing the rounds on the film news websites.

Doctor Who to become a film

Variety and MTV Splash have recently reported that David Yates who directed the last Harry Potter installment reports that:

"...David Yates is teaming up with the BBC to turn its iconic sci-fi TV series "Doctor Who" into a big screen franchise..."

Variety has also reported that David Yeates "...has been developing a "Doctor Who" movie with Jane Tranter..." (she is head of the LA based Worlwide Productions).

But hold your horses Doctor Who fans...they are reported to be looking at writers for this new probable film franchise and David Yates wants to spend two or three years making sure that both get this right for the film, but he has admitted that eventhough,- Steven Kloves who wrote the Harry Potter films and was part of his team-, "...captured the British sensibility perfectly, so we are looking at American writers too..."

I'm guessing David Yates had to say this in his interview with the Daily Variety so as not to offend any script writers from both sides of the ponds as I'm guessing if there was a script writer that they had in mind and he was from England and he had said something that was offensive to English people then I'm guessing that that writer wouldn't want to work with him therefore a lot of money would have to be thrown in their direction as well as a lot of grovelling.

However, that said Yates has said that:

"...Russel T. Davies and then Steven Moffat have done their own transformations, which were fantastic, but we have to visuakput aside and start from scratch..."

So, this will be very different to what we have all seen so far from previous Doctor Who episodes...but this is understandable that he wants to do something different with Doctor Who as if he did a Doctor Who film with all the visual effects that are used in the BBC episodes of Doctor Who then you'd probably sit there in the cinema disappointed that he didn't do something really cinematic and out there as its going to be on the big screen so this normally equalls to big budgets where big ideascan get free reign.

So we will have to wait two or three years for this final Doctor Who film.