
Tuesday 30 August 2011

Just found the music for the Ford Zetec ad

After many months of seeing on the TV the Ford Zetec advert and thinking that the song used in the advert is from a band I have heard before I've finally found the time to go hunting for the song that's used with the help of YouTube...god bless this invention! lol!

The song used is from a band called Fiction and the song is called 'Big Things'. I have to say though now that I've heard the song in full it doesn't sound as good as it does on the advert as it to me takes a bit of time to kick in to the song. I know this may sound a bit harsh but I thought it was probably going to have a bit of an intro to the song then kick in to the indie sounding track that it is.

Anyway if you want to give this track a go which I'd advise you do so that you can make up your own mind whether I'm being to critical about it or not.

And out of interest...if you like me have been having stuck in your head that song that is used in the new Waitrose summer salads range then I have also found this out which is another relief for me as I heard this for the first time a while back and the damn song was stuck in my head for a very long time afterwards, but thankfully after I had hunted down the band who sing this song it went so I was no longer walking round singing 'She's got you high and you don't even know yet...' which annoyed the hell out of me and others around me.

The band who sing this were called Mumm-ra and the song is called 'She's got you high'...but to my disappointment as soon as I found who sang this song I also found out that this band are no longer around as they have now split up.

Ed Sheeran's amazing new song!

A couple of weeks ago I because I have been on the mailing list of Ed Sheeran I have heard the collaboration that he has done with Wretch 32 'Hush Little Baby'...this I have to say is well worth having a little listen to as Ed's voice on this track is amazing.

And even though I didn't get to go to Reading festival I luckily have been watching the bbc 3 coverage of this and the other night I was watching this because one of my favourite bands was on Muse with their new pirotechniks which I have to say are incredible even though apparently they set the stage on fire that Muse were performing on at Leeds when they were trying them out first. (Matt and Dom from the band said this in an interview with Fearn and Reggie from Radio 1 before they went on stage).

And luckily in that same show Ed Sheeran was playing an acoustic version of his latest song 'You Need Me but I Don't Need You', this sounded really really good and if you have bbc iplayer this is definitly seeing back as I think that this version of the song is better than the original but I love both of these versions if I'm honest.

Here is Hush Little Baby for your musical seriously have to listen to this as it's great.

Monday 29 August 2011

Private Peaceful coming to a cinema near you

 At the moment Michael Morpurgo's other novel 'War Horse' is going to be coming to a cinema near you, but a couple of days ago Empire Magazine's website brought to my attention the next novel that's story is based during World War I 'Private Peaceful' will have it's fifteen minutes of fame up on the big screen.

Pat O'Connor will be directing and Simon Reade will be writing the script for this, and as the story is set between Devon and the Western Front of WWI the film will be shot at locations around East Anglia which will apparently be instead of any West Country locations...this to me seems a cop out as I know that the story of 'Private Peaceful' is bleak and its probably going to be shot there because of it being up north and not too far away from London, or that it's probably a lot cheaper to film in East Anglia or it's just easier for all involved including the cameramen and all the like to get to all the different locations, but I have to say it would have been nice if there were going to be at least some locations chosen in the West Country or even Dorset.

The filming for this book to film adaption will begin at the end of this month. Samuel Bottomly will play the lead character of this film Tommo Peaceful as a child, George McKay will play him as a teenager. Hero Fiennes Tiffin will play Charlie Tommo's older brother when he was younger and Jack O'Connell will play him when he is a teenager. In case your like me and your not familiar with these names George McKay was when he was younger one of the lost boys in the latest adaption of Peter Pan, and Samuel Bottomly was in Tyrannosaur.

Hero Fiennes Tiffin played the young Tom Riddle in the -I think it was the third Harry Potter but don't quote me on this as there is soooo many it's hard to remember which one is which as well as the name of them-, and Jack O'Connell who any Skins fans will recognise him as Cook.

So watch this space...

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Sherrilyn Kenyon:Retribution

Recently I've got myself back into the habit of reading books as I've been hankering for a good book to read for several months now and thanks to the internet Amazon had brought to my attention two really good books that I bought instantly...well after two days of first seeing these books online and then forgetting the names of the books so when I went into the book shop to buy them I couldn't tell who had wrote them or not...mind like a sieve! lol!

Anyway...after that debacle I finally found out who wrote both of these books that Amazon had suggested I read and the first book was by Sherrilyn Kenyon:Retribution (this is part of the Dark Hunter series of books), and I do have to admit that the build up to this book that Amazon gives the book is not the best build up as Amazon has this book down as a Twilight style book...but it's not a Twilight style book. Well it is and it isn't...some of the characters in the book are shapeshifters like in Twilight (really having to bite my tongue to not spoil any Twihard fans fun who haven't read the books).

But if you have you know what I'm talking about.

But it doesn't have vampires in like has demons, Daimons, greek gods and goddess's, Native American folklore mixed up in the book as well as action from scorpions, plagues and coyotes and a romance mixed into this action. All in all this book was for me really really exciting and a must read as I found myself more often than not wanting to read this instead of watching the tv...and for me that's saying something!

Also I was also finding more often than not reading several chapters instead of my normal reading limit of three chapters, just because I wanted to find out what happened definitly has my seal of approval and I urge you to go and read this.

The second book that I've started reading after Amazon's suggestion is The Poison Tree by Erin Kelly. This is so far an amazing book...very different to the first book as this is set in the present and doesn't have fictionalized ghouls, goblins and monsters. Instead it is a mystery that is Erin Kelly's first novel and from the first couple of chapters that I'm completely and utterly engrossed with I'd have to say that it is fantastic.

I started reading this book the other night after I'd finished the Sherrilyn Kenyon book and I found even though I wanted to just read the first page to see what the book was like before I knew it I'd read about 4-5 chapters.

So if you are feeling the urge to chill out and have a read of something you should definitely read these two as they will literally have you on the edge of your seat!

Finally a real trailer for Underworld

The other day I was paroozing Empire Magazine's website and to my surprise I saw that there was finally a trailer for the long awaited new Underworld film that I have literally been not able to wait for it's release date from the moment I heard that there was going to be another one and thankfully this one will have Kate Beckinsale in this but I'm still not sure if Scott Speedman will return, but it really doesn't help when there are a lot of conflicting reports out there saying he isn't then the next report says he is.

Here is the new trailer for the film...looks exciting to me. But I do have to admit although the story for this new Underworld film is said to be about Selene having been in a como state for 15 years and having to stop humans from creating super strength Werewolves she is also said to be trying to find her half vampire half werewolf daughter...this to me sounded odd the first time I heard this as Kate Beckinsale's character didn't know she had this daughter...and from this trailer it doesn't really look like she is runnig around trying to find this daughter she never knew existed.

It just looks like Selene has found out about humans hunting both Werewolves and Vampires and are now in fact hunting both of these and now their trying to make super werewolves...and she's now running around trying to stop this from happening.

But apart from this little hiccup the 3D element that Underworld:Awakening will be in does make this film seem to me like now there are 3D films coming out the directors Mans Marland and Bjorn Stein are going to have a play with this new technology that seems to be rearing its head on most film sets nowadays and try and freshen up this set of films, as I have to say that there was something new that had to keep these sets of films up to date and making people want to go see these as the first Underworld and the second one for me were really good but unfortunatly the Rise Of The Lycans bombed at cinemas.

Charles Dance, Steven Rea, India Eisley and Michael Ealy will join Kate Beckinsale on this Underworld movie which will hit our screens next year on the 20th January.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Kelly Clarkson 'Stronger' new album

Thanks partly to a headline that I read on CELEBUZZ and also to USA Today I have found out that Kelly Clarkson has now announced that she will be releasing a new album that will be out on October 25th, and she will release her first single from this album 'Mr. Know it All' that will be out on August 30th.

This is going to be the cover to the first single off this new album that she will release. This will be Kelly Clarkson's 5th album and fans of hers will be able to able to preorder the album from her redesigned website, or if you want to you can download this album on September 5th.

Finally there is a trailer for The Women In Black

I know that more than a couple of months ago I put on here the teaser trailer to the new Daniel Radcliffe film 'The Women In Black'. And now thanks to I Am Rogue there is what looks like a full length trailer out and here this is:

This looks great and very different from the Harry Potter set of films but I suppose if you want to shake off the Harry Potter character then this is certainly one way to do this. I have to say this full length trailer does give a little bit clearer picture into what the story is and how the scary in the film plays out.

The Women In Black is a novel that has been adapted many times over into many things such as: a stage play, a radio programme and even a television movie. The original novel by Susan Hill was first published in 1896 and has still managed to stay quite popular...and I have to admit that this story has got me quite intrigued as to what the whole stories about and who is the lady in black, but knowing me and how I get scared quite easily I probably shouldn't start reading this tale.

Unfortunatly only the release date for this film to be seen in American cinemas has come out...lucky devils! They'll be able to see this film on February 3rd 2012.

Diesel's new Captain America man's fragrance

Thanks to Dorchester, Dorset Plaza Cinema's website (my local cinema) I have found out that Diesel are bringing out a new fragrance for men in line with the new Captain America film.

This is of course is a limited edition 'ONLY THE BRAVE' fragrance as they've only bought this bottle out in line with the film if you like me don't already know this is being sold at Boots online and does have on it the signature shield displayed on the 'fist' (which the bottle's design is). I've just read the description of what this limited edition 'perfume for men' smells like and I have to say it makes the whole idea of 'ONLY THE BRAVE' go from something quite masculine to something that sounds quite ponsy, as it describes this scent as :
''As much attitude as a fragrance, Diesel's 'ONLY THE BRAVE' embodies, above all, self -affirmation. A fusion of plant and animal kingdoms, it blends leather, styrax, and labdanum. Lemon and violet express urban modernity, underscored by the strength and singularity of cedar and amber".

This to me makes it sound like if you used this as a guy that your going to be smelling half animal half plant, which if I was a guy or even buying this product for a guy I don't think I would want to smell or for the person I was buying this for to be smelling like half animal, half plant. Also I just thought that with the inclusion into this product of "Lemon and violet" as well as |"...cedar and amber...", you could even be walking around smelling like a zesty piece of wood with cedar, but I thought that amber was a golden looking piece of rock that girls like to have inlaid into pieces of jewellery... so I'm not sure how this rock smells apart from it probably smelling like a piece of rock.

I've just thought...which really shows up how I do sometimes and on occasion do have 'blonde moments' this moment I would say was one as I just realised that the outer box of this men's fragrance has the old style comic book illustrasions on it because it's blending the old Captain America comic book with the new as of making this a 21st Century "....3D fantasy object..." (this is their words).

Bryan Hitch who has designed the comic book strip outer packaging. Here is the link to the boots website if you want to have a look at this.

I just thought that this is a good idea for a gift if you know of any guys who are really into their comic books or are very big fans of 'Captain America'. I also thought that this is good gift to get for someone if your struggling to get someone a gift for their birthday or for any occasion or even if your struggling to get Christmas gifts this year as I nearly was last Christmas.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

The Dead Famouse

I heard this band thanks to the miracle of Twitter...and I have to admit that these guys song that I downloaded straight away after hearing 'Superstar' was really summery...and I just thought if I were to make yet another playlist on my ipod which I have a habit of doing when I feel the urge to make a playlist that include some if not all of my favourite songs from other albums that I either already have on my ipod or have downloaded.

If like so many of us here in glum old Blighty are feeling down and in the dolldrums no thanks to the miserable weather that we seem to be having lately, are in need of some songs which to not be too cheesy and quote 'Guns and Roses-Sweet Child Of Mine', '...take you away to that special place...' here are just a few that I can recommend to you including 'The Dead Famous-Superstar':

  • Intraverse-Any of their songs are great to listen to if your in the mood for going down to the beach for a bit of surfing or just to listen to in any situation their fantastic songs that you just have to listen to again and again. 
  • Promise Me Tomorrow- I'd recommend that you listen to 'You haven't seen the best of me yet' but again you'll want to listen to their whole album as it's a really great listen and will blow your tiny mind like Intraverse's songs.
  • The Remainers-Formal Fridays is their last album that they released and it's fantastic especially 'A Blessing In Disguise' this is my favourite song off this album and this if you don't know is an album that was helped on its way during the development stage by Maroon 5 band members and Phantom Planet, therefore you can gather that as Maroon 5's debut album 'Songs for Jane' was an unforgettable album and Phantom Planet's song 'California' was one that is kind of a summery song but I have to admit that I can't listen to that song without thinking of how it was the theme tune to 'The OC'. Anyhew...these songs are songs that you have to listen to over and over and they can tend to get stuck in your head...which having this album is not a bad thing.
  • The Musgraves...this is a band from the Midlands that in their description of their band on Twitter say that they are a ukelele band but after hearing one song from them after being a bit sceptical of this because it did seem to me at first that this was a bit of an thing that didn't really go together in my mind a band from the midlands and a ukelele band but I do have to admit that I was very much mistaken and I was right to think that I had judged too harshly too quickly. And after this I liked these and think that this band is ell worth a listen and I especially think you should have a listen to their ukelele cover of Adele's 'Someone Like You'.
  • I have also just found another new band that you should definitely check out....'Play For Keeps'. Now I've finally found the right MySpace page and listened to the right songs from the right album 'Goodbye Natural, Hello Manmade' and I have to say that I am really relieved that I've found this now as I did get  it confused with another band out there in the MySpace world called 'Playing For Keeps'. But now I have to say these are definitely a band that you should listen to if your out and and about, going for a few waves at the beach, going to go out for a few drinks or just if you want to have a little listen to any new music that's under the radar. 
This list is thankfully on my part a quick round up of new bands and music that I have heard on my travels and have been dying to update my blog posts with as I've been lagging behind lately with any music news, and have been overloading this blog with upcoming news about under the radar films...again if you've been frustratingly scratching your head as to why their is no news about under the radar music or bands I'm sorry.  

Promise Me Tomorrow

I'm not sure if I've posted about this band before....but I think it's about time that I wrote about this band on here. I heard this band thanks to Twitter as these sound like Kids In Glass Houses whose new album was out yesterday...I can't believe that after months of having their new album release date in my head that I completly forgot that it came out unbelievable!

Anyhew.... Here is their video for my favorite song of theirs 'You haven't seen the best of me' and after I heard this song I went straight away to and downloaded their album 'This Picture, A Memory'. I hope you have a little listen to this song and see what you think...I hope you love them as much as I do as they are really very good and I still can't believe that these unlike so many other of the bands that I have found whilst out on my travels are not being played anywhere on the radio...this is very frustrating as as soon as I heard of these and Intraverse I really wanted to hear them on the radio as I think that everyone should hear these two bands music as their flippin' fantastic...anyway I can feel myself rambling on about these bands.

See what you think and hopefully you will if you are into 'Kids In Glass Houses' kind of music or just think these guys are amazing then you'll no doubt want to and in my opinion should download this album as it's a fantastic album and like the other downloaded albums that I've got on this laptop of mine I can't stop listening to it. And just when I think that I haven't heard one of their songs in particular I'll have another listen to it and like it over and over again. And I hope you feel the same way about this band once you've heard this.

Monday 15 August 2011

Stevie B. Wolf

I have been focused a lot lately on film news which sadly has meant that any news on fresh new music that I've come across on my travels has been left out in the cold.

But now I feel that it's about time that I put aside some time and dedicate some posting time to music.

First I have to say that thanks to Facebook for suggesting I have a little listen to Stevie B. Wolf...and thank goodness that I did, his music I have instantly fallen in love with and I think that he may be the next Jack Johnson with his songs taking me away from the boring work day and transporting me to the tropical climes of Hawaii...thank goodness for that!

I especially love 'Christmas in July'. It has the best lyric in it that I've ever heard and I didn't think you could ever put this phrase into a song as for me when it comes to writing down songs and lyrics that I've created throughout the day this phrase doesn't immediately strike up a hip, fresh and catchy tune that you can write down. The phrase I'm talking about is 'Even St Nick wears shorts'. This reminds me now I think about it of my other favorite artist Jamie T as in all his songs on both of his incredible albums 'Panic Preventions' and 'Kings and Queens' (both of which I own) he uses phrases in his songs that you wouldn't necessarily think about putting in song.

After I heard one of his songs on his Facebook page I had to download this and thanks to I now have them...I think you should definitely listen to Stevie B. Wolf if your frustratingly crawling up the walls to hear new music, or wanting to have a listen to his music as this sounds interesting or you like Jack Johnson sounding music so want to see if this is really all it's cracked up to be....and I'm not afraid to say this but I think you'll be pretty surprised at how amazing his music sounds!

I definitely think this album is well worth you downloading...if you want to do this his album is called 'Almost Perfect' and you can download this from


Friday 12 August 2011

More Bourne Legacy news!

Like I have said before in a previous post on here the new Bourne Legacy film will have new faces in it as well as old ones such as Albert Finney and Joan Allen, but now its reported by Empire Magazine that Scott Glenn who appeared in The Bourne Ultimatum as Ezra Krammer is back. Other new faces that are going to be cropping up in this new 'spinoff' show-I've put this phrase in air quotes because I don't really like the term 'spinoff' as the other 'spinoff's' that I've seen really bring down the original series that it's a 'spinoff' of-, are Oscar Isaacs, Stacey Keach, Rachel Weisz and Edward Norton.

This is yet more of some fast and furious news about the film which if you can already guess will surely flying out onto the movie news pages closer to the date in which this if your like me and are a massive Jason Bourne fan thanks to the other Matt Damon films that have already been released and have for some time now been shown on the TV A  LOT!

Scott Glenn's next project is Lee Daniels' new thriller The Paperboy...this also stars Matthew McConaughey as a reporter who heads back home to Florida to investigate the death of a guy on death row (John Cusack), but as he does this he gets involved in something much more dangerous than he expected to find.

Apart from this little tit bit of info on this next project of Scott Glenn's there is nothing else out there on this unfortunatly.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Oh Oh! Kathyrin Bigelow is in for a big suprise!

According to Deadline Hollywood Kayrin Bigelow and Mark Boal are in big trouble. Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal have had on their radar for a while now been wanting to do a film about the Navy SEAL Squad Team 6 that hunted down and managed to kill Osama Bin Laden.

Sony Pictures aquired the rights for this film at auction before a script had even been turned in and after Maureen Dowd (a journalist at The New York Times) wrote in a column of hers that in order to make this movie it received cooperation and help about a classified mission. This has led to Congressman Peter King calling for an investigation into President Obama's Administration into it's alleged cooperation with Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal.

Deadline Hollywood also report that along with how this film was on the cards to be made for a while now there was a initial film about Osama Bin Laden that was going to be called 'Killing Bin Laden', but when the news came pout that Osama Bin Laden had been killed there was no doubt in my mind that there was at some point going to be a multitude of films coming out at some stage about this subject. Which I wasn't all too up in arms and overjoyed to think about as I could see in my mind that the way that this killing of Bin Laden would play out would be in a team America style film with lots of explosions, lots of mean looking muscly guys that swore when someone 'Disrespected My Authority!'. And I could just see how at some point there would have to be a deep meaningful back story to one or even more than one of the characters like they went to war and now all they want to do is get home to see their mother and two sisters and the dog named skip....just thought I'd put in the dog bit to lighten the mood.

The initial film though focused on The Navy SEALS going in and finishing off Bin Laden but this was evidently scrapped in favor of one that had as Deadline puts it '...a satisfying end...' Thankfully though with the scrip writter Mark Boal having contacts in the Middle East and the military that he used which also helped on their other project The Hurt Locker coupled with this and the research that had already been done it didn't take long for Mark Boal and Kathryn Bigelow to change the movie to have this satisfying end.

And as this announcement came that Bin Laden was dead it didn't take long for production houses to put into effect what I thought would happen with having to move fast on making Bin Laden's death into a film. So as to get this film off the ground as fast as possible Annapurna Studios signed on the dotted line to financially back the making of this film, and while the Cannes Film Festival was going on Sony Pictures auctioned off the rights to the film.

However, Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal have released a statement in reaction to this 'investigation'. Saying that:
"Our upcoming film project about the decade long pursuit of Bin Laden has been in the works for many years and integrates the collective efforts of three administrations, including those of Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama, as well as the cooperative strategies and implementation by the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency.Indeed, the dangerous work of finding the world’s most wanted man was carried out by individuals in the military and intelligence communities who put their lives at risk for the greater good without regard for political affiliation. This was an American triumph, both heroic, and non-partisan and there is no basis to suggest that our film will represent this enormous victory otherwise.” 

I don't think this statement really helps in the grand scheme of things when it comes to answering questions from powerful people in politics such as Members Of Congress. But thankfully The White House has stepped in and denied that "...the filmmakers got no preferential treatment...' and that the idea of these filmmakers getting notes on a classified mission would be as Deadline puts it "...ridiculous...".

This Kathryn Bigelow film though will get released right in the middle of President Obama's presidential election on October 12th 2012 it is far more likely why this complaint has come to light than any other reason why this would have come out.

Spiderman will have a sequel

I know this piece of Spiderman news is already out there in movie news universe but being a comic book fan I got a bit excited and a little bewildered at this news so I needed a few days to get my head around this news.

So, here is the breakdown although the new Spiderman film isn't out at cinemas yet according to the LA Times Executives at Colombia Pictures have already come out as saying that they've managed to 'lock-in' a date for the sequel to this new lease of life film of Spiderman where apparently Andrew Garfields' Peter Parker will be more of an outsider soul than the Peter Parker that Toby Mcguire played in the other Disney Marvel film adaption.

Whatever this new 'outsider soul' means this sounds like there will be a very different take on the new Spiderman/ Peter Parker. And with there being a new director at the helm such as Marc Webb there are going to be a few changes, and these can already be seen in how the film sheds a bit of light onto who were Peter Parker's parents rather than just showing Peter Parker already having to live with his aunt and uncle as his parents have already died.

I do understand that different directors have different ideas and different interpretations of stories and no doubt what you'll see from this film is Marc Webb's interpretation of the Spiderman story but I also guess that this will include some ways to freshen up the Spiderman story. I just thought as well that Marc Webb is an ironic director to have on this movie as of his surname....haha!

The release date for this sequel will be on May 2nd 2014. This though is a pretty big step to take with there not even being a first film out yet for us audiences to see yet I think, as if the film has all this hype and when it actually comes out and falls short of expectations then people may not want to see the next installment, but then again I've just thought that this could be a very clever move from Colombia Pictures as with putting it out there that there will be a sequel it might create enough hype and interest for even bigger numbers of audiences to go and bigger audience numbers that get generated translates into more money and that could mean that this sequel gets a bigger number in the film charts.

Meaning in the charts that you sometimes get in movie magazines that help dazed and confused movie going fans who have an idea of what they want to go to the cinema and see but then just as soon as they know that they want to see that film another really good film comes along which makes them not know what to decide, so these movie charts show the movie goers that if the other film that they wanted to see is at number 6 or even lower then they'll know that its just better to wait for that other film to go to DVD than go and be disappointed at the cinema with it.

So, I'm sorry if this still leaves you feeling more confused and dazed as to what to watch at the cinema because this I think just adds to your confusion and for me just knowing that there is going to be another Spiderman film that I really want to see just makes my heart sink as I know that I'll be in this very quandary by the time the first film comes out, and it'll only get worst when this sequel comes out.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

The Odd Life Of Timothy Green

I wrote about this film last night in my latest blog post yesterday and now thanks to I Am Rogue I have now seen that there is now a teaser trailer that is out their in the film news universe about this weird but what looks to be a firm family favourite.

Here is the trailer for this:

Although there is a script that has already been written by Peter Hedges as well as directing this film there as yet is no release date for the I think its safe to say that your guess for when this film gets released is as good as mine. This screenplay has been adapted from a story by Ahmet Zappa.

Jennifer Garner and Joel Edgerton star as the Greens who in the film have been trying to have a baby for years but have been unable to have this to try to come to terms with how they aren't ever going to have this child they write down a list of all the things that they'd hope that if they had a child what that child would be, then they put these away in a little box and bury these hopes in their back garden...until one night they wake up to find a child in their home all covered in mud.

This is one of Disney's very busy schedule and as I said in my last post of yesterday all we have to do now is wait for Pixar's 'Monster's University' which is their follow up of Monster's Inc. 

I just thought as well that this story and how it plays out sounds very familiar to a 21st Century version of Jack and The Bean Stork. 

Also I forgot to mention that Timothy Green is played by CJ Adams.  

The Return of The Smurf is planned

Sony Pictures are thrilled with the success of this Smurfs film says I Am Rogue that they are apparently planning a follow up to this which has been penciled in for August 2nd 2013. This sounds very exciting news to me as I was very excited when I first heard that there was going to be an actual Smurfs film and I was especially excited to hear that Neil Patrick Harris who plays Barney in How I Met Your Mother was in this.

However nothing other than this is known about this other than this penciled in release date and Jordan Kerner who produced the first film is set to return to this follow up. Also as Kerner will return that it is thought by I Am Rogue that the director Raja Gosnell might return as he has on his CV the Hanna- Barbara adapted Scooby Doo franchise of films to his name.

The initial cast that put their voices to the Smurf clan is also thought by I Am Rogue that they'll almost certainly return. These being: Anton Yelchin (you'll be seeing him in the upcoming Fright Night rework), Katy Perry, George Lopez, Alan Cumming ( no doubt you'll recognise him from X:Men as NightCrawler and you'll no doubtedly also recognise him from Spy Kids as the villian who befriended the younger brother), and Jonathon Winters ( he voiced Pappa Smurf in the first film).

Also Hank Azaria who played Gargamel is almost guaranteed to return as one of the human cast members but  the other members of the human cast such as Neil Patrick Harris and Jayma Mays are not known as yet if their going to be in this next one or not.

Tucker and Dale vs Evil

I have heard about this film and at first I thought that I'd not be very interested about seeing this film but thanks to I Am Rogue I have now seen the trailer and I have to say that this looks hilarious, that probably has something to do with how you've got as Tucker and Dale Alan Tudyk and Tyler Labine. Two very recognizable actors as you may recognise Alan Tudyk from Dodgeball as Pete the Pirate, and you may recognise Tyler Labine as Sam's best friend in Reaper.

This film is billed as a comedy horror and after seeing this trailer first hand I can understand why its billed as this, as the whole story around the film is a sure fire way to get a few laughs as Tucker and Dale are two best friends who are mistaken by a group of college kids for two psychopathic murderers once one of the group of kids gets seperated and both Tucker and Dale try to lend a hand.

This story though starts when Tucker and Dale take a holiday up to their mountain house that is falling down. And from this you can gather with this misunderstanding getting carried on that the jokes come thick and fast. I Am Rogue has described this as '...hilariously gory, good-spirited horror comedy, doing for killer rednecks what Shaun Of The Dead did for zombies...'

So with this in mind and with how Shaun Of The Dead is my favourite film and how I couldn't stop laughing when I saw this trailer I can safely say that this movie is one that you have to watch if you want to have a laugh. This film has already got good feedback as it debuted at Sundance Film Festival, it also won The Midnight Audience Awards at SXSW, and at Fantasia it won The Jury Prize for First Feature, also it won the Best Director at Fantaspoa, and at Sitges it won The Best Motion Picture Award.

Katrina Bowden also is in this film as the college girl that gets seperated from the group of other college students. Eli Craig is directing this, and you can expect to see this film in cinemas on September 20th 2011.

So please enjoy...I would also say that if you liked Shaun of The Dead then this film is definitly for you but if you didn't then I think I can safely say that you won't appreciate this film.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Gerard Butler's new film sounds promising

Gerard Butler has been of late in some dodgy films to name a few the worst film of the worst films I've seen in my life 'The Bounty' that he did with Jennifer Aniston as well as that other film that wasn't worth me seeing at the cinema '300'...but this next film that he is 'attached to' 'The Bricklayer' sounds like it could be really good but we'll just have to see what the reviews are like when they come in.

This film will be adapted by Hanna Weg. This story will be adapted from the best selling novel that was written by the former FBI agent Noah Boyd. Boyd though is the pseudonym that the actual former FBI agent Paul Lindsay. The story in the books is that Steve Vail who is now working as a bricklayer in Chicago after being in the FBI is tracked down by the FBI and asked by them to track down and help to stop a criminal gang. A female deputy director at the FBI who is assigned to work with Vail-this part hasn't been cast yet.

Millennium Films have acquired the rights for this film to go ahead and will be the first project for Mark Gill the new president of Millennium Films who became president back in June. He'll oversee this new project along with Boaz Davidson who is the companies head of development and creative affairs. John Thompson will also oversee this as head of production.

Producing the film will be Alan Siegel and Danielle Robinson. Executive producers on the project will be Hanna Weg and Erick Lindsay. Gerard Butler is set to be the star of the show with being cast as the main character.

Almost forgot to mention that the story for the big screen has been changed from what it appears to be in the books...this I can imagine has been done to liven the story up and make it a more Americanized film with explosions in, lots of action scenes and sequences, lots of fast cars, and no doubt that at some point in the film there will be a love interest that will lead to a sex scene of some sort. Anyhow, the story in the film will be that the main character will be a rogue former FBI agent that is called up by his former employers to help them battle a criminal gang that are demanding an escalating  series of multi-million dollar ransom payments.

We'll just have to wait and see if this along with other big action packed films that usually promise so much but usually fail to make it up to the mark does the same crash and burn or if it actually is good and a real one to watch at the cinema. It's fate really does hang in the balance.

Bumper schedule's ahead for Marvel Disney and Pixar

This also thanks to Variety Magazine, shows that if you are already struggling to make a decision on what to see at the cinema lately then this will still leave you very dazed and confused I'm sorry to say as Disney Pixar and Marvel are set to release other films that will make your head spin even more than it is doing at the moment.

This is because Disney has made sure that it is busy in 2014 and doesn't fall to the wayside and that it still has something at the cinema even if there are other production houses that have something coming out during that time that could compete for audience figures. Marvel will be first up with releasing it's first movie for 2014 on May 16th, and then two weeks later Pixar will release its first pic for 2014 which will hit cinemas on May 30th. Marvel will then release its second project in development on June 27th 2014.

Marvel though has several projects in the pipeline which might get prepped and primed for these release dates but as I always say all you have to do is look at the follow up to the Star Trek film and how that has had a date for when it gets started with filming and how it has had to be put I guess you'll just have to watch this space or cross your fingers and hope for the best. Other films from Marvel that are in the pipeline are the much rumoured 'Doctor Strange', the sequel to 'Captain America', the other much talked about 'Ant-Man', and 'Runways', but there is also talk that Marvel are lined up to do a project that would be a spin-off of the 'Avengers' and that this project would have something to do with 'S.H.I.E.L.D' agents.

Already though Disney and Marvel are going to be busy with releasing Iron Man 3 which is set to be released on May 3rd 2013, and the follow up to 'Thor' which fingers crossed will get released on July 26th 2013. Added to this is Pixar's releases of 'Monster's University' which will be released on June 21st which is the follow up to 'Monster's Inc.' which was released in 2001 and if you ask me was hilarious.

Also there is also the exciting bit of news that 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' director Henry Selick is set to do a 3D project for Disney which if all goes well will be released on October 4th 2013. But as well as this Disney are set to release 'The Odd Life Of Timothy Green' on August 15th (fingers crossed!lol)

This sounds interesting...Lincoln Lawyer as a drama series

Earlier this morning I saw on Variety Magazine's website that ABC entertainment who are going to be left with a pretty big whole to fill after the 8th series of Desperate Housewives has left its station for good are wanting Lionsgate to write a script that would adapt The Lincoln Lawyer film into a drama series for their network.

Michael Connelly the novelist and the screenwriter John Romano who adapted this story into the film will be executive producers along with Joel Gotler and Lakeshore Entertainment's Gary Luccasi and Tom Rosenberg. Lakeshore Entertainment will also co-produce this new network drama along with Lionsgate.

Originally Mathew McConaughey character in the Lincoln Lawyer film was a character that was included in 5 other novels that Connelly wrote so working on this there should be a lot more material for these groups of people who are going to be involved with working on making this film come to the TV screen to work with...maybe by the sounds of it there will be a lot more scenarios to put this character in and there will probably be a lot more to be seen from this character in the TV series.

This isn't the last time that we'll hear from other films that are going to have lives on the TV screen, as NBC are set to adapt The Firm into one of its TV dramas.

Monday 8 August 2011

It's sad I know but Desperate Housewives has to come to an end sometime

Thanks to Deadline Hollywood it was announced by ABC's president Paul Lee that the upcoming 8th series of Desperate Housewives is to be the last Desperate Housewives. This though is just merely ABC coming out and officially saying what everybody already knows.

Paul Lee said in this statement that ABC put out yesterday to what I can only imagine were swaves of hardcore Desperate Housewives fans that would have only been left mourning this sad news of the show ending after 6yrs on ABCs' channel as I was amazed to see in this article that this series along with Lost turned the channels fortunes around. This series will be available to watch from May 2012 on ABC.

Anyhew...Paul Lee said in this statement that he wanted to make sure that "...the show that put the network on the map had its victory lap and had a chance to build a great final arc...". The writer of this series which I have to admit I don't really sit down like many of the hardcore fans of the show and watch it but when I have managed to catch some reruns of past episodes or even present episodes of the show I get hooked in, and I do have to say that some of the story lines like what happened to Mary Alice who narrates the show was edge of the seat stuff, it did keep me gripped. 

Marc Cherry who created the series later joined in on this statement saying that he'd been thinking about ending this long running show but he wanted to go out in "...classiest way possible....", and that he wanted to go out "...while the network thought it was a viable series and while it still did well in the ratings...". That to my mind is a good thought process as other series's who have ended their long running stints on the box haven't gone out very well I don't think, like the end of Sex and the City everyone found out what Big's real name but apart from that it wasn't really that good.

Anyhow, all that ABC entertainment are saying on how this series will end is that "mystery of what’s going on in the final season harkens back to the first season," to "the roots of the Mary Alice mystery." 

Christina Perri

I just heard this amazing song on the radio last night and really annoyingly the DJ just played this song and didn't even bother to say who was the artist he just played instead he just played ed sheeran which I don't mind hearing because I love that song but it was in my head all night trying to figure out who sung it because it sounded like to me maybe it was a Paramore song...but suprisingly it isn't a Paramore song as I have just found out.

After some investigation via Youtube- thank goodness- I found out that this amazing song that you just have to listen to is by Christina Perri 'Jar Of Hearts'. Here is the official video should definitely check this song out as its soooooooooooooo good.

Forgive me for if what I am about to say next may make me sound a bit of a ponce but I think what I am about to say will show how much I already love this song. I really like her voice and how edgy it sounds and I just thought that it sounds to me anyway like a cross between Haley from Paramore and Evernescence. Also I really like how it's just her and a piano. With this cross comparison it just makes me want to hear it all over again.

I hope you get a chance to listen to this even if you don't really like her music which there are a lot of on Youtube...but if you ask me why bother listening to her music if you know you don't like it in the first place just so you can comment on the song by saying that it's a BS song...that sounds like BS to me and a total waste of your time and it shows that you either have a lot of time on your hands if there is literally nothing else you can do to fill your day with but listen to a song just to slag it off. Stop The Madness I Tell You!

Anyhew...please have a listen and I'd love to know what you think

Thursday 4 August 2011

New Images of Superman:Man Of Steel!

Yes this is very exciting bit of news on the new Superman film front but it also isn't very exciting as all that is out yet is this new pic of the main man himself Henry Cavill as Superman as well as the news that Lawrence Fishburne has been cast to play Perry White.

Here is this newly out image:

First Look At Henry Cavill As Superman

Thanks to Empire Magazine for putting this up on their website. Now this little bit of news has somehow managed to trickle out onto the internet, we should be able to see this what hopes to be an exciting comic book adaption onto the big screen in June 14th 2013-but things could change like so many stories in movies do such as the story for The Rise Of The Planet of The Apes, this had the original story that if you ask me wasn't too dissimilar to 'Deep Blue Sea' where scientists were trying to find the cure for Alzheimer's and use chimps to find this instead of the sharks that they use in 'Deep Blue Sea' and things go horribly wrong, but now the trailer makes the story for the film look like James Franco was finding the cure for this disease but company that he works for now look like the bad guys and he has to clear up the mess left behind-.

Anyhew, I digress. This new version of the Superman story that has been scripted by David Goyer and directed by Zack Synder looks a lot like Superman/Clark Kent is this time going to be a lot more grown up and grittier like the retelling of Bruce Wayne/Batman...but this might have a lot to do with how Christopher Nolan will be producing this film. This therefore may suggest if the story is going to be a little bit more 21st Century and grown up then this franchise might be a bit popular amongst movie fans like the Batman trilogy was which if this happens could make the studio breath a big sigh of relief as I found out that the Green Lantern film that was billed as a big summer smash didn't live up to expectations...but however I have heard that there is to be a second Green Lantern which is hoping to be better in every way. But as this is a post about Superman:Man Of Steel I don't think I'll include anything on Green Lantern as I feel that this news will only take away thunder from Superman so I'll have to put this news in another post.

Just in case you are like me and are in a blur of who or what will be in this new Superman film here is a run down of the other actors and actresses that will be starring alongside Henry Cavill:

  • Amy Adams who you'll no undoubtedly recognize from Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes movie as she played Irene Adler who was working for Professor Moriarty. In this film she will play Lois Lane
  • Diane Lane if you have seen any of these films such as Must Love Dogs and Under The Tuscan Sun you will undoubtedly recognize her, this time she will play Martha Kent who along with her husband Jonathan Kent are the adoptive parents of Clark Kent/Superman.
  • Kevin Costner will play Jonathan Kent and if you are reading this and thinking what films has he been in then you will have probably seen him in either The Bodyguard,Message In A Bottle or Robin Hood:Prince Of Thieves.
  • Michael Shannon will play General Zod who is also from Planet Kryptonian. If like me you don't know what films he's been in then most notably he was in 8 Mile as the guy that was going out with 'Rabbit's' mother and he has also been in a Law and Order:Special Victims Unit.
  • Lawrence Fishburne will play the editor of the Daily Planet Perry White. Most famously he was in The Matrix as captain of the Nebakaneza ship...but most recently you might have seen him in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. 
Still no word on whether Russel Crowe will be appearing in this film as Jor-El still a rumour I am afraid but if this did turn out to be true this would be an awesome bit of news as anything I've seen him in looks like it is instantly transformed from something that could be bad into something that you have to see as he is a really good actor and when you hear he is in that particular film you or this might just be me but you think 'oh ok I'll go see what that's about as I didn't think he was in that'.

Monday 1 August 2011

News Just in On The Bat

Thank god for CelebBuzz because not only have I seen the photos for what Bane will look like, but now thanks to this website I have also seen pictures for the fight scene that will take place between Batman and Baine

Christian Bale Fights on 'Dark Knight Rises' Set

These look amazing! This was filmed according to CELEBUZZ was filmed in the afternoon on the New York set for the film. Also apparently between takes CELEBUZZ have reported that Christian Bale and Christopher Nolan were seen chatting to each other behind the cameras while I can only imagine how excited passers by snapped pictures of this exciting scene from the movie.

Also according to CELEBUZZ Kristen Stewart has been papped touching down in London for her new Snow White and The Huntsman...not to be confused with Lilly Collins's Snow White film by Tarsem Singh which will be in direct competition with each other. Here are the pictures of her touching down at London Heathrow:

Kristen Stewart arrives in London

Also according to CELEBUZZ Kristen has been getting horseback lessons as well as yoga lessons, well I understand the horseback riding lessons as her role as Snow will be a more action packed role than in the original story as this time Snow White will be wielding a sword and fending off her step mother who as you  no doubtedly already know from the story line has employed Chris Hemsworth to go and kill Snow as she is notoriously beautiful...and (I can't resist saying this) and 'the fairest of them all'. But instead Hemsworth's character teaches Snow how to fend for herself (now here is where the sword wielding comes in).

But I don't know about the yoga...maybe because it is a better way to get yourself toned and ready to do all the action sequences in the movie that Stewart will be doing. Well all I can say is that I hope that Kristen can do the Superman yoga move as I tried doing this move when I last attempted to do yoga and it looked more like someone had cut the strings off of Superman rather than Superman is flying in the air.

Bourne Legacy exciting news!

I was reading the other day on Empire Magazine's website that Joan Allen who played Pamela Landy is in negotiations along with Albert Finney who was in Bourne Ultimatum as a doctor who filled Jason in on all the blanks but if like me you have seen A Good Year then you'll recognize Albert Finney from that as he played Uncle Henry who lived in the South of France.

Anyhew...both have been reported by Variety Magazine to come back to the Bourne fold. And it has also been reported that Edward Norton is in talks to play the villain of the movie. And you'll be sad to hear as well that Jeremy Renner will be filling the whole that has been left by Matt Damon as Jeremy Renner will now play the damaged CIA agent who trained in the same program as Bourne but is even more deadlier than Bourne was.

Oscar Isaac is a newcomer to the Bourne fold along with Rachel Weisz who has just finished shooting a new what looks to be a thriller called Dream House with Daniel Craig, this if you ask me looks like Shutter Island. Oscar Isaac will play another damaged assasin like Renner known only as Number 3. This charater sounds an aweful lot like Timothy Olyphant's character in Hitman which was 'only known as Number 47'.

This is the trailer for the new Dream House trailer in High Definition.

Tony Gilroy will direct the new Bourne film that he will all being well will start shooting this in September so as to have a August 17th 2012 release date.

This is too cool for words!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Today as I was perusing I Am Rogue's website I had the greatest pleasure of seeing the onset pictures that -thanks to Just Jared for this- of Tom Hardy all in full Bane costume on the Pittsburgh set of The Dark Knight Rises. These images I have to say are very exciting as in typical Christopher Nolan style there isn't a hope in hell's chance of letting any Bat secrets out of there cave...pardon the pun.

Here are just some of the images that were captured on the set of Batman:The Dark Knight Rises. I have to say though it must be bloody hard to read your lines or hear what Tom Hardy is saying through this very ominous mask that he is wearing.

'The Dark Knight Rises' Set Photos Reveal Bane In Costume

marion cotillard tom hardy dark knight rises set 01 photo image

Also thanks to SplashNewsOnline for taking other photos of the other cast members that are going to be on the Pittsburgh film set until August 21st and then the filming of the film will go to the hustle and bustle of New York where I can only imagine is where all the Gotham/Wayne Enterprise scenes are going to be shot and then onto LA...but this is just a theory of what sort of scenes could possibly be shot in New York as there has been no way of finding any Batman secrets out...until these babies made their way onto t'internet.

All that has been said about Marion Cotillard's character is through a press release that was issued by the studio saying that Cotillard will be play Miranda Tate who is one of the board members at Wayne Enterprise that wants to help Bruce who is still grieving for Rachel start off where his dad didn't finish with regards to his philanthropic work in Gotham.

With these shots though of Tom Hardy's Bane being pictured standing on the top of the Batmobil/ Tumbler if you want to get all 'this is the correct term for the car so use it!', has let the rumour mill door wide according to I Am Rogue there has been rumours that there is maybe more to Cotillard's character (this has got me thinking that maybe she could be Harley Quinn or I might have just been reading too much of last weeks Culture Magazine and their article on the new Batman stage show, which thank the lord has no stupid made up songs like in Legally Blonde...but it does have the deservedly cool F1 designed Batmobil). 

But as this is all that has been leaked so far which is very exciting news for any Batfan to see but I do have to say that it is a little bit disappointing that nothing else has come to light on this film but I'm hopeful that in the coming months in the lead up to the film or even before then (keeping my fingers crossed) that there will be more or even a full official trailer. 

I do however get why there is no news on the film other than this and to a certain degree it is very inkeeping with the whole Batman thing that things should be kept a secret but it is very frustrating for huge fans of the Batman story along with the Nolan films that there isn't more news on this...oh well I guess I'll just have to be patient then...until July 20th 2012 then.