
Monday 6 June 2011

Breaking Dawn official trailer out now!

It has finally come out...the trailer that everyone including me has been waiting for. Well I say I have been waiting for it as I have previously posted on this blog information on the new editions to the cast and that this film will be done in two halves which if you like me have read the whole book will see that this is very logical as it's sooooo huge as well as having several books in one.

However, if you have read the book you probably already know about the many super cars that will be in the film. I just thought that if you haven't read the book then this will be a bit of a revelation to you and a bit of a spoiler for you but oh well!

Anyhew...the cars that will be in the film are as follows:

  • A bullet and rocket proof BMW  car for Bella before the wedding and a Ferrari for after the wedding
  • Jacob gets an Aston Martin (to ease the pain of loosing out to Edward)
I just thought that it will be very disappointing if these cars aren't in the film as they're really cool cars and it'll be a shame not to see them up on the silver screen as they are in my mind drop dead gorgeous cars that need to be in the movie

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