
Saturday 11 June 2011

Lots of new music

Sorry guys if you have been reading this blog and waiting for new news on any new bands but it has just been crazy in that department as I have found lots of new stuff for you to listen to but haven't had time to put them up on the blog...well now I've found the time to upload these.

Thanks to ID Magazine online I have found a London based singer/songwriter 'Emmy the Great' and I really think that her song 'Iris' is really worth a listen to as it sounds great and they have also put up on their Twitter page the interview which they did with her. I liked this interview that they did as it really made me want to listen to her music as the way she described her music sounded to me so intriging as there to my mind has never been any other artist writing music like she is doing.

This is the link that you need to see this interview with 'Emmy the Great'. I really did like this interview but I was getting annoyed by some girls in the background being very loud so it was hard to hear her interview.

Also I have heard Elissa Franceshi the cousin of Josh from You Me At Six. Her album 'Into the Light' which is out July 1st new single 'Rainbow on Fire'. I love this song and have to say congratulations to You Me At Six who won an award at the Kerrang! Awards on the 9th June. I also have to congratulate 30 Seconds To Mars for winning 'Best International Band' and 'Best Single 'Hurricane' ' (I think that this video should have had an award as it is like a mini movie).  Also I have to say that that is true for all of their great music video. Thanks to @CiMarsLover for uploading on his blog the new Hugo Boss advert Jared Leto has done. Also there new video for 'Hurricane; is on their official website and I have seen it, but I have to admit that my viewing pleasure of this was spoilt a bit by my parents coming dangerously close to my laptop while I was watching this (I have to admit that the version I chose to watch and probably the best version of this video has to be the uncensored version of this...but it was like a mini action movie).

This is worth having a little gander as the song is fantastic but if you are an Echelon (a fan of 30 Seconds To Mars) like me you will have already have seen this. Here you can choose what view you want to see this new video, and if there is any tracks from the new album you want to listen to you can go to:

This is @CiMarsLover 's myspacepage where you'll find some of the new tracks from 'This Is War'.

Also there is a London based Eli&Fur DJ group that I have found that I love there tracks that they have up on their website.

Here is these tracks, here is the link to their facebook page where you can listen to their tracks but also find out where they are next playing.!/eliandfurdjs?sk=app_178091127385

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