
Tuesday 7 June 2011

Mary Harron 'American Pyscho' director does another film

Mary Harron is set to direct Universal Studios film 'Wicked Lovely' , this will be produced by Vince Vaughn. Melissa Marr originally wrote these series of books. These books although they aren't anything remotely to do with vampires or werewolves but they do have everything to do with faeries. yes that's right fairies but just not as you and I know it.

This time around these aren't the type of fairies that you or I grew up with these are dangerous and Aislinn who this series of books centres around has seen these dangerous faeries all her life and to survive against these she has had to keep to a strict set of rules which have kept her safe. But now she has...wait for it this is where it does sound borderline Twilight got to choose between a  seductive faery king or a mortal that she loves. And now she has to against all that she was taught to confront this dangerous world in order to confront it.

Caroline Thompson of Edward Scissorhands fame will script the script, and as you already know Vince Vaughn will produce along with Victoria Vaughn and Peter Billingsley who are producing for Wild West Productions.

'Darkest Mercy' was the fifth and final book in this series of books which was published in February.

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