
Sunday 5 June 2011

Nicola Roberts...the ginger one from Girls Aloud

Thanks to Robbie Spencer senior fasion editor at Dazed&Confused magazine online for mentioning the new single of Nicola Roberts 'Beat Of My Drum'. I 'm not a big a fan of this song but I think that the main jist of the comments on Youtube about this video are bang on, as the clothes that Nicola wears in this video are not very good. Take for example the Bridget Jones loud patterned pants that she wears at the start with a cardigan isn't very flattering, then in the middle the stylist has turned her into what looks like Vicky Pollard by scrunching her hair up into a turd on the top of her head.

It's worth a listen anyway, so if you just want to have a listen like me to know what it sounds like then have a listen, but if you do like this song then the b-side to this is 'Porcelean Heart' which is out as a single on the 18th July but this single is out 5th June 2011. And her album 'Cinderella's Eyes' is out 3rd of October 2011 and you can pre-order this at:
  3. where you can get an exclusive signed copy

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