
Friday 17 June 2011

Listen up Batfans

Yesterday on Empire Magazine website there was the breaking news that there was maybe an old character returning to the scene of Christopher Nolan's caped crusader film (sadly though as you all know that this will be his last Batman film but also you know that after Nolan is done with this legendary film franchise it will get rebooted).

According to Hitfix movie blog Liam Nieson was seen on the set on Monday of Batman:The Dark Knight Rises shooting scenes as Ra's al Ghul. It's not clear though as all you batman fans or anybody who watched the film saw that Ra's was killed at the end of the first film when Bruce/Batman dislodged the train he was on with the stolen microwave emitter on from the tracks that ran all the way to Wayne Tower.

So...what is this. It hasn't been made clear whether this was a flashback or if Nolan has brought this character back from the dead to be in the current storyline.

This though is just another in a long lime of rumours surrounding this film as nobody knows for sure what is going to happen as Christopher Nolan is playing his cards very close to the chest, which by my thinking is what it should be all things to be inkeeping with the secrecy of Batman. In case your like me and haven't heard the other rumours surrounding the films, they are apparently Talia Ra's daughter will appear in the films and apparently Ra's son comes into this film to exact revenge on his father.

But... I think that this just might be a very clever trick by Christopher Nolan to leak something or anything about the film to the press or bloggers that are just waiting with bated breath for just a wif of news about The Dark Knight Rises, so as to take them off the scent of what he's really doing with the film. Or I would take this along with anyother rumour with a pinch of salt that's circulating about the film, and I would just do as I've been doing about this news...wait till news gets put onto Empire Magazine website because then you know that this news is official.

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