
Wednesday 29 June 2011

Underworld 4:New Dawn

I saw a few days ago something about there maybe being another Underworld in devlopment but foolishly I didn't bother to read all the facts so I have been hanging in limbo for some days now as I haven't had all the facts with me...but after spending many hours reading blog post after blog post to check facts and make sure they are really facts and not purely works of fiction I now have all the facts for this film.

Underworld 4:New Dawn will see Selen come back to the fold (and yes, before all you Underworld fans start to hyperventilate to see whether Kate Beckinsale will be back playing this role...I can confirm that she will, but other cast mambers are still a little bit hazzy) have had the good fortune to hear from Bloody Disgusting blog the initial plot synopsis for this film:

After being held in a coma like state for 15yrs, Selene wakes up to learn that she has a hybrid Vampire/Lycan (werewolf) 14yrs daughter,and she has to find Nissa so as to stop BioCom from creating supercharged Lycans that will destroy all of them.

This film has been schedueled to start shooting this March in Vancouver. Len Wiseman (Mr. Beckinsale) will produce this film but at the helm of this film will be the Swedish duo Mans Marlind and Bjorn Stein will direct and John Hlavin has written the first draft script of this film. But J. Michael Straczynsk will do any revisions to this script. I.E it sounds like to me that he'll do any rewrites.

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