
Sunday 19 June 2011

Exclusive: The Thing news!

I have just found on Wikipedia and thanks to several movie blogs I have double checked my facts on this new movie that I have heard is being sort of redone.

The Thing will be released on October 14th this year and I am very excited about this as I have heard a lot about but not found any news until now. This film is based on the short story novel by John W. Campbell Jr. that was published using his pen name of Don A. Stuart in August 1938 called 'Who Goes There?'. Like the new X Men: First Class this film will be a 'prequal' or a film to fill in the blanks of where it all began.

As the film suggests this will be a science fiction film just like the book that the film is based on. Just to not get confused this was originally a science fiction short story novel then in 1982 John Carpenter turned this story into a film with the same name. So now it's being kind of jump started and put into the 21st Century but I don't think you can really say that this is a reboot as this will be a prequel to Carpenter film.

The story if you are unfamiliar with the story of 'Who Goes There?' in which both of these films are based then here it is:

A group of researchers isolated in Antarctica find buried deep in the ice find an alien spacecraft, they use a thermite charger to thaw out the spacecarft but end up destroying it when the magnesium hull of the craft gets ignited by the charge. However they do recover the alien pilot who has been frozen so using the charge they thaw him out, but duh duh duh...this brings chaos as the thawing revives it and they soon relise that this alien can a mimic any living organism's shape, memories and personality that it eats. Immediately it imitates the crews physicist Connant, but with only 90% of it's body matter left it tries to imitates a sled dog next and when it becomes this dog the crew kill it.

But this film takes place three days before the events of Carpenter's film, Paleontologist Kate Lloyd and her two assistants Davida Morris and Adam Goodman join a Norwegian scientific team that finds a spaceship buried in the ice of Antarctica, when they find this they also discover a creature that seems to have died in the crash yonks ago.

However, they try an experiment they try to free this creature from its frozen prison goes wrong Kate, Davida join Carter (the crew's pilot) to try and kill the creature before it digests them and imitates them  one by one, as it's the same in the book that this creature can perfectly mimic any living organism through digestion, but not only do they have to kill it for their sake's but they have to kill it before it gets out and reaches civilization.

Here is a trailer for this film, I think this is the actual theatrical trailer for it but I'm sorry if it isn't

The director for this film is Matthijs Van Heijningen Jnr. , and the producers are Marc Abrahams and Eric Newman. The cast is as follows:

  • Mary Elizabeth Winstead (Kate) you would have seen her recently as the girl in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.
  • Joel Edgerton (Carter) He will be acting alongside Tom Hardy in the mixed Martial Arts film Warrior. Also I know I do go back to this a lot but it was a good film to laugh at 'Kinky Boots'.
  • Ulrich Thomsen (Dr. Sander Halversen) you might recognise him from 'The World Is Not Enough' James Bond film where he gets burnt by the burning rocks at 'the devil's breath' and then killed by Robert Carlisle or you might have seen in Hitman as Mikhael Bellacoff.
  • Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (Derek Jameson) he was in Bourne Identity as Wambozie who was wanting to write a book with the help of the FBI to give out names of important people within that organization and he also claimed that someone had tried to kill him.
  • Eric Christian Olsen (Adam Goodman) was Chip in Cellular
  • Davetta Sherwood (Davida Morris) she is in 'The Young and The Restless'
  • Jonathan Walker (Colin) you will recognize him from Shooter as the guy at the end of the film who gets shot in the knee.
  • Kim Bubbs (Juliette) she was in a film called 'Maternal Obsession'
This is the immediate cast. I hope you like this.

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