
Saturday 18 June 2011

I just had to put this on the blog!!!!!!!!!!!

There is a whisper of a rumour going round the land of Hollywood at the moment. This is the fantastic rumour that there will be another Jurassic Park film. Yes, I know this has done the rounds as Joe Johnston the director of Captain America was boasting last year how he had heard there was to be another film in the Jurassic series.

But now....The Hollywood Reporter has heard talk that Spielberg is back thinking of starting up the brilliant films that were Jurassic Park and has been brainstorming ideas on this subject with Mark Protosevich (the screenwriter, he has been talking with Protosevich as to brainstorm ideas for a possible story.

So any Jurrasic fans out there like me will just be soooooooooooooooooo! excited by this news, thinking about this if there was a wif of a rumour that Indiana Jones was coming back to the silver screen this would be the cherry on top of a very very exciting movie news sandwich! LOL

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