
Thursday 28 July 2011

Justin Timberlake in In Time

This film certainly looks very different to the films that Justin Timberlake has been recently such as The Social Network, Friends with Benefits and Bad Teacher...mainly because this is a sci-fi film.

These are two new images from the film that are fresh off the block thanks to Empire Magazine's website:

The expected release date for this film is 28th November this year but you'll have to keep everything from your fingers to your toes crossed for this to happen if pushing back the release date for Star Teck is anything to go by. The story for the film is the film is set in an alternative future where everyone is always young but you stay 'young' as long as you pay to stay alive, hence the rich who can afford to pay stay young forever but those who don't have money die 'young'. However, Justins' character inherits a lot of money is forced to go on the run from the 'time keepers' who want more and more money from people who want to stay 'young'.

The director of this film is Andrew Niccol, and Justin will be supported by Amanda Seyfried, Cillian Murphy, Olivia Wilde, Matt Bomor, Alex Pettyfer, Johnny Galecki and Vincent Kartheiser.

I'll have to keep you posted as and when I hear anything new regarding this film as this is the only info that has been officially released about this until then folks I bid you a good evening and good night!

You Sunk My Battleship....the trailer is finally here!

This film has obviously had a lot said about it in it's build up as of course Liam Neeson revealed on last season's Graham Norton show that he would be in this film along with Rihanna. And there's the reason why this film has had so much talked about it...but from the trailer which is out now she is nowhere to be seen only the fact that obviously halfway through making this film about the Navy the directors got bored with this idea and just thought that it would be a good idea to make the film look like the Navy meets Transformers which is a silly idea...but wait a minuite this film is about the legendary board game the film can afford to be made to look silly.

This stars along with the big names of Neeson and Rihanna are Taylor Kitsch, Alexander Skarsgard who you'll no doubtedly recognise from True Blood as Eric and Brooklyn Decker who is married to Andy Roddick the awesome American tennis player.

The Raven: An Edger Allan Poe Film

I've never seen too many films about the famous works of Poe but this time there is a film The Raven. Check out the poster...this just looks like the film will be good if this poster is anything to go by:

In this film John Cusack plays the writer Poe who along with the help of Luke Evans will investigate a series of murders that seem to have been committed by a serial killer who is mimicking Poe's own writing. Also Alice Eve will star alongside Cusack and Evans and the director for this film is none other than James McTeigue who brought us the fabulous V For Vendetta, which I have to say is definitely up there in my list of favorite films to watch. Also the role that Alice Eve plays is Emily who is kidnapped and buried alive by this serial killer, and Poe is also in love with her. This film has just recently finished filming so it is safe to assume that this film is now in post production stage, meaning that it will be edited down for all us guys to see at the cinema.

At this point in time this is all that is known about this Cusack film but if any new info comes out I'll be sure to let you know.

Meanwhile on another Cusack project Deadline New York has reported that Scott Walker has wrote a script that will show the true events of Alaska's most notorious serial killer Robert Hansen, who over a 12 year period abducted and flew out to the Alaskan wilderness to be hunted and killed 24 women. Robert Hansen will be played by John Cusack and the Alaskan State Trooper who found Hansen's only surviving victim on the street and together with her he brings Hansen to justice, will be played by Nicholas Cage. This will be produced by Emmett Furla Films' Randal Emmett and George Furla, and Amber Entertainments' Jane Fleming and Mark Ordesky.

The executive producers for this will be Envision Entertainments' Stephan Martirosyan and Remington William Chase and Curtis Jackson. The money side of things is being handled by Emmet Furla Films and Voyage will handle international sales. And if in case your wondering Nicholas Cage has also just finished shooting Ghost Rider:Spirit Of Vengence which all journo's at the Comic Con event have been all told off by the director to not call this film a 'sequal'. Also this is just negotiations at the moment so sorry if I got anyone's hopes up to see this on film as it does sound to me like a very interesting story to make into a film. This film will be called 'The Frozen Ground', which if you ask me has a very ominous sounding title for a film but with this subject matter you don't really want anything else for a title...I mean that you don't want a comedy title for this kind of horror.

This month's new issue for Empire is finally out!!!!!!!!!!

Thank goodness this issue is finally out, I mean that I am a little bit obessesed with all forms of the entertainment industry this being anything to do with film and music but I have been watching their website everyday for more movie related news that is new and up to date...and finally now this is out I have my wish of new movie news granted.

This issue sees my point of the comic books taking over the cinema screen to life as this issue shows you the latest images of the new Amazing Spiderman with all it's new cast members and plot (but to be honest how new can you get on a story that everybody in the whole entire world knows?), the new images of The Dark Knight Rises which are very few and far between because as you all know by now that Christopher Nolan likes to play with his cards very close to his chest about this film and because of this any information that does make it's way out into the movie news websites is treated-probably just from me- as if it is gold dust. Also there will be a few shiny new cast members on this last of Nolan's Batman films.

Speaking of some of these new cast members I was reading on Empire Magazine's website yesterday that Tom Hardy is rumoured to maybe being cast in a new Al Capone film that Warner Bros. want David Yates to direct will be also rumoured to be made into a trilogy that will chart the rise of Al Capone, the reign of Capone, and then his downfall. This film Circiro as Vulture reports if Warner Bros. want this project to go ahead with Tom Hardy as he has attached himself to the project they would have to rearrange a few things such as bumping up the start date for the shooting of this first film to before Hardy has to start filming the don't hold your breath could be whenever don't know Mad Max Fury Road film.

As well as this there is also the highlight of seeing the new Judge Dredd pics, like this one:
Karl Urban and Judge Dredd

Now, I just have to get this off my chest but I don't really understand the film and why this film has in the past well in some American TV sitcoms as well as English ones such as Miranda that I was watching the other night and they mentioned this film as being an important film to watch, and in Scrubs Judge Dredd is mentioned as the favourite film of JD and Elliot. Why? I just don't get this.

Karl Urban will play the new Judge and if you ask me from this picture his helmet looks like a cross between the helmet that Michael Fassbender wore in X:Men First Class and a helmet that you wear for riding a motorcycle...mash them together and what do you get? Judge Dredd. Lionsgate will back this film and acting aside Karl Urban who may or may not recognize from The Chronicles of Riddick and as then assasin in Bourne Supremacy, will be Olivia Thirby who was in Juno as if I remeber correctly from watching the film she was Juno's best friend who goes to Juno's baby scan with the horrible nurse, she will play the new judge recruit Anderson, Lena Headey, Domhall Gleeson who if I remeber rightly is the son of the actor who played Mad Eye Moody in Harry Potter and he was also in this last Harry Potter, and Langley Kirkwood. We'll be seeing the Judge early next year.

Also you'll see in this issue the first look concept artwork for the new Avengers film which will now consist of if your not like me and have had the attitude of you can't wait for the Avengers to come to the cinema screen, of The Hulk, Iron Man, HawkEye, Black Widow, Captain America, Thor and the members of the S.H.I.E.L.D these being Nick Fury, Agent Phil Coulson and Maria Hill.

Here are these artworks:


As you already know that The Hulk will be played by Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson will play Black Widow, Robert Downey Jnr. will play Iron Man, Chris Evans will play Captain America, Chris Hemsworth will play Thor, Jeremy Renner will play HawkEye. Along with these actors and actresses Samuel L Jackson will play Nick Fury (this was revealed by the man himself on Alan Carr Chatty Man last year), Cobie Smulders you will no doubtedly recognnise as Robin from How I Met Your Mother will play Maria Hill and Clark Gregg will play Agent Phil Coulson, you will recognise him from being in that film with Scarlet Johanson and Eric from That '70s Show as the boss who wants to get rid of Scarlet Johanson's dad (don't judge me but the name of this film escapes me at this point in time).

These are the issues highlights so this does really show that the comic books are coming in their droves to be the passing theme for films these past couple of months as the last theme was dare I say it Twilight themed films. I guess this shows that it is onto the next passing theme.

New Audrey Tautou rom-com

I heard thanks to Facebook that there was a new French film coming out on August 12th to nationwide cinemas and that it would be starring Audrey Tautou. Beautiful Lies...I've seen the trailer for it and have read the plot of the film.

But even before I set my eyes to this trailer I with a little help from my imagination could guess that this film could be really funny with how it is about how Audrey Tautou's character Emilie is a hairdresser in the south of france and has been recieving a host of anonymous love letters but with her mother just having had her heart broken by her husband who has left her, she gets an idea to forward these letters onto her mother played by Nathalie Baye...which as you can imagine brings with it confusion, dilemmas and complications when this secret admirer of Emilie's is finally revealed, this admirer is played by Sami Bouajila.

Here is the trailer if you want to watch this.

I think that the film is very sweet as the idea for it is very sweet and it is a good intentions plan but the jokes are quite funny these being the bluntness at which Emilie wants her mother to cheer up and find somebody. But I do have to say that I know it's from the director of Priceless-Pierre Salvadori-, which in my mind wasn't very good which might have just been me that found that film not very good but this one looks a little bit more promising. It was also written by Pierre and Benoit Graffin and it will be produced by Phillipe Martin and the studio behind the film is Trinity Film. 

So have a little look and see what you think.

Monday 25 July 2011

Snow White and the HHuntsman vs Tarsem Singh's untitled Snow film

There has been a lot and a little information that has been known about both these Snow White films but now the competition for getting news on both projects out before the other Snow White film has begun.

Empire Magazine have just got up the first images for Sanders Snow White and the Huntsman:

Snow White And The Hunstman - Kristen Stewart

Snow White And The Hunstman - Chris Hemsworth

Snow White And The Hunstman - Charlize Theron

Snow White And The Hunstman - Sam Claflin

These look quite good in my opinion, I just thought that the costume that Charlize Theron is pictured wearing reminds me of the kind of costumes that were in Tim Burton's Alice in all this costume and her long nails are a little bit over the top and you know straight away that she's the evil queen. I must admit that for a film that is only going to start shooting in the UK next week that it is a bit odd if you ask me to go to a journalist event such as Comic Con without any footage but has got these pictures and hasn't got any footage from the actual fim but instead has got clips from other films so as to give off the concept of what this film will be.

As well as the director of this Snow White adaption being at the Comic Con press conference for the film there was also the cast Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron, Chris Hemsworth and Sam Clafflin, and Joe Roth the producer of this was also at the panel.

On the other Snow film that as yet is untitled but has a working title of The Brothers Grimm Snow White has only got images up of Lilly Collins as Snow White:

The parent company of I Am Rogue Relativity Media released these first look images of the untitled Snow White film that will be produced by Relativity Media but will be directed by Tarsem Singh. There has been a March 16th 2012 release date for this film pencilled in but if the sequal for Star Treck is anything to go by this release date could all change.

There was by Relativity Media on June 15th a press release that the shooting for Tarsem Singh's comedy action Snow White had starting shooting on Monday June 20th, this will also Armie Hammer, (you might recognise him from Gossip Girl or from Reaper) Lilley Collins (she was in The Blind Side but she does have a claim to fame as the daughter of Phil Collins...I just can't resist '...I Can feel it in the air tonight...'

So...which ever Snow adaption your going to see when they do finally come out good luck with making the decision.

Spiderman trailer is finally out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm over the moon to have had a first look at this even though I do have to admit that the trailer that Empire Magazine have up on their website isn't very good as it goes very pixalatted...sorry guys!

Here this is:

This looks incredibly good and this will be coming to our screens on July 3rd for now the trailer of this will have to do as I can't wait to see this having seen all of the other films as well as the cartoon children's TV series. I do have a bone to pick with Empire Magazine online as there was a story attached to this that the film journo's that went to Comic Con in San Diego got the chance to see the first look at pictures as well as raw footage of Rhys Ifans alter ego The Lizard...sounds quite ominous but with this kind of a name your not going to be that scared by it, but by all accounts from Empire's people the footage shows Rhys' alter ego to be quite terrifying.

However, the way that Empire film news have reported this makes you think that there is an actual image of this when actually there isn' bloddy unbelievable is that!

Hot DVD releases coming soon....

I was thiinking last night while I was watching The Lovely Bones on Channel 4 which I don't mind saying is a fantastic Peter Jackson film eventhough it is about a scary subject matter. I haven't seen this film before until last night but I have to say that this film and the actress who played Susie Salmon were just as fantastic as his Lord Of The Rings films...but this film was less big budget as those sets of films were but all the actors and actresses who were involved Saoirose Ronan, Marky Mark Wahlberg, Rachel Weisz and Rose McIver were all fantastic but I especially loved the part of the film that showed Susies' inbetween stage of the afterlife as it felt like that Peter Jackson made this part a bit like a dream sequence, i.e the inbetween could be whatever you wanted, and you could be wherever you wanted to be.

Anyway, I digress but if you haven't seen this I would advise you either buy or rent this film as now I've seen this I think that this is definitly a film that you have to see. I was watching this film I was thinking when are some of the hottest films that have been at the cinemaor are now at the cinema going to come onto DVD so I can go out and buy these so as to add them to my ever bulging DVD collection.

These hot DVD's are:
  • Fast and Furious 5 is coming to DVD on 5/9/2011
  • Thor is coming to DVD on 26/09/2011
  • Limitless is coming to DVD on 01/08/2011
  • Sucker Punch is coming to DVD on 08/08/2011
  • Hop will be coming to DVD on 29/08/2011
  • Source Code is coming to DVD on 15/08/2011
  • Scream 4 is coming to DVD on 22/08/2011
  • Water for Elephants is coming to DVD on 05/08/2011
  • Red Riding is coming to DVD on 22/08/2011
  • Priest is coming to DVD on 05/09/2011
  • Insidious is coming to DVD on 12/09/2011
  • Submarine is coming to DVD on 01/08/2011
  • Hanna is coming to DVD on 29/08/2011
  • Winnie the Pooh is coming to DVD on 22/08/2011
  • Beastly is coming to DVD  on 29/08/2011
  • Arthur is out on DVD on 19/09/2011
  • Bad Teacher is out on DVD on 17/10/2011
  • Roommate is out on DVD on 12/09/2011
Another DVD release that I've just found out is Green Lantern, thanks to Green Lantern Corps Message Board the film will be coming to DVD and Blu-ray on 25/10/2011

Saturday 23 July 2011

There is going to be another Jurrasic Park IV

Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you to the journalist who asked Steven Spielberg at the San Diego Comic Con movie event directly if there will be another Jurassic Park film? Thankfully after there was a rumour lurking around the movie world and thankfully
all ours prayers have been answered by Steven Spielberg announcing that there will indeed be another Jurassic Park IV in the foreseeable future and that there is a writer already attached to this. But that is all that Spielberg would divulge at the press conference for The New Adventures Of Tin Tin.

Empire Magazine reported this fantastic news on their website thankfully and already think that the writer that is attached to this project may be the writer on I Am Legend Mark Protosevich. But as not very much is known about the details of this movie for now...nobody knows if this is actually true or not or if he will write the script but what is already known about this is that Mark did indeed throw some ideas around with Spielberg to see if there was a chance to make another Jurassic film.

But thankfully there will be another Jurassic...god this sounds good to say! It might sound a bit geeky to be happy at this news but I don't mind saying this as I am a huge fan of the Jurasic films.

Not Another Beauty and The Beast film!

I heard this rumour a couple of days ago while I was perusing Empire Magazine website, as I usually do...and there was a strange story...well not that strange...but there is going to be another adaption of the...'tale as old as time'...(sorry no pun intended) story that is Beauty and the Beast.

This time though the producer Denise Di Nova will adapt the story with Guillermo del Toro overseeing the project as a producer. This should be interesting to see with him producing as he has made some pretty interesting and very, in my opinion very far out films such as Pan's Labyrinth. However, not only this but Emma Watson is set to star in this and no doubt she'll be playing Belle.

But I can't help thinking how are you going to make this new telling of this fairy tale new, fresh and interesting as from what I already gather the last retelling of this story didn't go down so well with the critics, and I can probably guess why this happened...because the original telling of the story (the cartoon version) was so good and I think that this has made it hard for any filmmaker to retell it as it made it in my opinion made the story timeless and everyone has memories of the dress that Belle wore when she was dancing with the Beast and the singing cups and saucers as well as the rose in the glass belljar...just writing these details down makes me want to see this movie.

Therefore you can't really make another Beauty and the Beast film after things like these were in the original as everyone has fond memories of it and everything else just doesn't compare or even come close to having things in them like these details of the original...but I digress...and from what I can tell you of the Beastly version it wasn't good with the critics because they'd tried to do a Twilight style film meets Not Another Teen Movie and that just looked crap on the screen....just comparing the two sounds bad couple this with the addition they made with casting the skeletally thin Ashley Olson...bad.

Sorry if this sounds harsh.!

Friday 22 July 2011

I just had to blog this shit!

I found this on I Am Rogue yesterday...and ever since I found this piece of information out I've been feeling like a kid on Christmas eve...very excited and a bit hyper.

Yesterday there were pictures on I Am Rogue showing that the Batmobil  sorry  the Tubler is back in the new Batman:The Dark Knight Rises film as well as the Batpod...but don't you think like me that the Batpod would be better and it would be a much cooler name for it if it were called the Batbike...I realise that this name is a bit corny to call one of Batman's gadgets that he has.

And according to I Am Rogue there are a rumours, -no pun intended- flying around that this time Batman will pilot planes and helicopters but as you very well know by now that Christopher Nolan very rightedly has been playing everything to do with Batman very close to his chest.

This is the image that quite obviously shows the Tumbler and the Batpod on the Pittsburgh set where filming is taking place right now...I have to say a very big thank you to 'Ron' and 'Validus Monstrum' who were the amateur photographers who took this very good behind-the-scenes pictures.

Here it is...I can't tell you how thankful I am to these photographers as not a lot is known about the new Batman film which if your like me have the date in which this film will come out emblazoned onto your brain, July 20th 2012.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

You'll never guess which Sheffield actor has got a job

Yes, you guessed it...Sean Bean who has just been recently seen in Game Of Thrones is now going for a much less complicated film role and one that you might think is a little bit more laid back kind of a role for him as this one I'm sure (well, I can always be wrong on this so don't quote me on this) but Sean Bean has just signed up to star in Tarsem Sigh's adaption of Snow White...he'll be the father of Snow White.

He'll star alongside Julia Roberts as the evil stepmother and Lilly Collins who will be Snow White. This has already started shooting in Montreal says The Hollywood Reporter. This Brother's Grimm adaption has both Julia Roberts and Lilly Cole vieing for the affections of the same man Armie Hammer.

This though will come out before the Kristen Stewart's adaption. So we'll have to see how this competition of the two adaptions plays out.

Looks like we wont be seeing a new Ron Howard spectacular film any time soon

This is a sad piece of news that I heard from Empire Magazine yesterday as I'm a big fan of Ron Howard films since I first saw his 'A Beautiful Mind'. But that film was an amazing piece of work as it focused on the idea that this mathmatics genius was a little bit could say that it played on the idea that all the best genius's in history were a little bit mad.

Anyhew....this time Ron has wanted to do the most ambitious project you could say because of the scale of this project but very creatively different as not only did Ron Howard want to do a trilogy of film adaptions of Stephan King's 7 novel series Dark Tower as well as two limited TV series's. But eventhough this would have been in my mind very interesting to see Universal Pictures have only put up the money for one film,which has left all those involved such as Javier Bardem who is going to star as Roland Deschain, Brain Grazer and Akiva Goldsman who has wrote the script for this adaption in limbo as all those involved are now looking for a new backer of this project.

It has also put Mark Verheiden who was going to cowrite the TV part of these adaptions with Goldsman. If you like me haven't managed to muster the strength to pick up a Stephan King novel don't worry because to be honest I sometimes see his books and because of some of the size of some of his books my heart sinks... thinking that I'll never be able to get through that book.

Dark Tower is about the last living member of a knightly order of gunslingers, and Javier's character Deschain becomes humanities only hope to save civilization so he takes to the road to find the Dark Tower, and along the way he meets all different kinds of characters some good some evil and all in a world that has a old Western feel to it.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Conan trailer

Sorry guys for not posting about Conan the Barbarian sooner but now here is a post with hopefully the trailer for it:

This new version looks a lot better than I'd imagined as I thought that it was just going to be the same old Conan the Barbarian story that was in the Arnold Schwarzenegger film with a new Conan that they'd found in a guy who the director found while out surfing...this being Jason Momoa. But now that I've seen the trailer it looks really good...and it is going to be great in 3D.

In case your not sure of what the story is then here's the lowdown. The story for the film is about Conan the Cimmerian and all his adventures across the continent of Hyboria who is on a quest of avenge the murder of his father as well as his village being slaughtered.

This will be out on August 26th and will be in 3D.  Along with Jason Momoa, Rachel Nichols, Ron Perlman and Rose McGowan will be in this film. Marcus Nispel will direct the film and the screenwriters for this film are: Thomas Dean Donnelly, Justin Openheimer and Sean Hood.

Thank goodness for Facebook!

Thank goodness for Facebook spreading the word on the new teaser trailer for Christopher Nolan's last outing as the man who brought audiences Bruce Wayne but in a very different light to what everybody around the world has known of the Bruce Wayne/Batman story. I still can't beleieve that this film isn't out untill July 20th 2012...that for me and any other Batman fan or fan of Christopher Nolan's is too long to wait. I have to say though when I first saw this teaser I couldn't believe Comissioner Gordon was in hospital and seeming to have a calm as you like chat with Bruce Wayne. I just thought if Bruce is hiding his Batmwan alter ego then this probably isn't the best way to keep it hidden as I can't imagine Gary Oldman's character isn't suspicious when Bruce Wayne pops in the hospital he's in to have a chat.

I also found this picture of Tom Hardy's Bain.

This is the only real sighting...well this and the back of Bain is all we the audience ever get to see from the looks of this teaser trailer. I think this has just wetted my appetite ready for when the real deal trailer comes out. I think now that it's getting nearer that I can't contain myself with excitement and a little sadness as this will be the last time that Christopher Nolan and quite possibly all these amazing group of actors and actresses will be in an amazing film like I'm sure all you Bat fans are already aware that after Christopher Nolan has finished his take on the Batman films there will be another director who will come in and recreate the whole Batman films...but to be honest I don't know how that director will ever follow on from these amazing reworks of the Wayne/Batman story.

I guess whoever gets it has to have an imagination twice as big and as epic as Christopher Nolan just so those sets of films don't fall short of a disappointment.

Thursday 14 July 2011

Johnny Depp News!

If you like me love Johnny Depp...then you'll only be too excited to hear this news.

Deadline have reported that Johnny Depp's production company Infinitum Nihil and along with Disney have bought the rights to make 'The Night Stalker', and not only this but after pitching the idea of Depp playing Kolchak the reporter from this series who investigated how a killer was draining the blood of girls on the Las Vegas Strip. Then as fans of this cult classic TV series will know, this character then went onto have his own TV series...but as I was born much later after this I am a little in the dark about this TV series and have had the good fortune of hearing about the legendary other TV series that Johnny Depp will be doing which is 'The Lone Ranger'.

Also before I forget, Johnny Depp will already play the lead role in 'The Lone Ranger' but he has pitched to Rich Ross and Sean Bailey (both at Disney) to see if he can also play the title role for this film. Also he will do another film with Disney a drama that will be based on the book 'The Midnight Ride' by Paul Revere about how he went to warn the Colonial militia about the impending British invasion.

Also along with Johnny Depp pitching the idea to play the lead in his production house and Disney's production house remake of the '70's television show 'The Night Stalker'. His Infinitum Nihil partner will be the producer of this as well as David Kennedy being the executive producer.

In the Paul Revere film the writers of Batman Forever Janet and Lee Batchler will write the screenplay for this film. The story for this film of Depp's will show the silversmith and how he took a risky 24 hour 'midnight ride' from Lexington to Charlestown and thus becoming a seminal figure in the American Revolutionary war. Margaret French-Isaac's and Jon Brown who already work at Infinitum will be the executive producers on this project.

Also, Depp's Infinitum has a production deal with GK Films, and I think it's fair to say that Depp and Dombrowski have been very busy of late with the film 'The Rum Diary' (release date October 28th this will be released by FilmDistrict), 'Hugo Cabret' which has been written and directed by Martin Scorsese (release date November 23rd and will be released by Paramount Pictures), as well as 'Dark Shadows' which has had a lot of buzz surrounding it from the moment that it came out that Tim Burton was going to direct this gothic style TV series into a film, this of course will star Johnny Depp.

Oh...if you have heard and no doubt you have heard that Johnny Depp will do a Pirates Of The Caribbean 5...according to Deadline Hollywood that an insider in The Wrap has denied that this will happen so we can all breath a sigh of relief now...or can we? I guess we just have to watch this space

Elissa Franceshi album review

I recieved yesterday my limited edition signed copy of Elissa Franceshi's album 'Into The Light'...and I absolutly love it. If you are a fan of You Me At Six and you recognise the surname Franceshi that's because Josh the lead singer of You Me At Six is the cousin of Elissa.

I played it for the first time straight after I recieved it in the post...I have to admit that as soon as I saw what looked lika a small jiffy bag in my post box, a huge smile broke across my face as I was thinking earlier that day of seeing if I could track my order as I'd ordered this album through I have to say straight away I played her really beautiful track 'Rocks and Tears'. I'd heard a clip of this song on a couple of months before and I loved it.

The other tracks on the album were just as incredible...I mean after the first listen of all the album I loved the album and think that this is the best album that I ever purchased this month....I especially love her songs 'Salt ft. Josh Franceshi', 'Rocks and Tears', 'Rainbow on Fire',  and 'Flirt'. I usually buy albums just after I've heard one song from the artist, but this time I'm glad I heard both 'Rainbow on Fire' and 'Rocks and Tears', but I think if I'd just heard 'Rocks and Tears' I would have gone out straight away and bought the album because I think it is just that amazing.

I know this sounds like I'm really going on about Elissa Franceshi's album but it is a review after all and I even have listened to some of the other tracks she has done that aren't on the album but are on her MySpace page, these are just as amazing and I can really see why Paramore have already on their previous tours covered a few of her tracks and I can bet you that some artists are now going to be lining up around the block to cover the songs on this album.

If you have any spare time in your day today or any day I urge you to listen to a few of these tracks on Youtube so as you can hear for yourself how great her voice is, and how with just a piano or a guitar accompanying her voice the song it turned from a good song that will be in your head for the rest of the day to a great song that you want to hear over and over again and that you won't mind having them stuck in your head for the rest of the day.

Or if like me you hear one song and don't mind buying albums, then I strongly urge you to buy this album....or more importantly go to Elissa's MySpace page now and listen to her cover of Robert Pattinson's 'Let Me Sign'. I have heard it and I have to say that it is really good, more haunting than the original version and I don't want to offend any 'Twihards' that may or may not read this blog but I prefer this version even if it is a shorter version.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Jon Fratteli's solo project

I know that you will already heard on the radio Jon Fratelli 'Santo Domingo' but I've just heard the other tracks on his Facebook page and I did love The Fratelli's old album 'Costello Music' and I like 'Santa Domingo' but I do have to say with some regret that and I know this will sound really harsh but...I have to say this so I'll say it as it's honest and you can go to the Facebook Page and see for yourself

Here is the link below:

I was listening to the first song and I didn't really like it but it did remind me of something I thought I'd heard before, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was that the song sounded like...anyway I trooped onto the second song and I had to say again was the same feeling of something that has been done before and I thought that I should give it ago and listen to the other tracks so that I can make a fair decision on the preview of the album and it's not just me judging too quickly, so I listened to the third track despite feeling 'Do I have to...' so the fourth track made me feel this still but the last track was one I'd heard before and I do have to say I think this track is Jon Fratelli's saving grace as I really like this track.

I have to say that I am really dieflated that this new album of his 'Pycho Jukebox' isn't like The Fratelli's old album because I half expected there to be some big guitar sounds in some of the tracks but it just sounds like if I wanted that then I'm better off listening to 'Costello Music'.

Sherlock Holmes:A Game Of Shadows Trailer!

I have heard the great news from Empire Magazine online that there is finally a trailer for the new Sherlock Holmes:A Game Of Shadows. I have to say thank you to for uploading this this trailer from as I really wanted to put this up on to this blog and not just a link to the apple website.

I have to say that I think that this looks really good, and I think that Guy Ritchie might be on to another winner with this sequal to the first Sherlock film he did and I do have to say that a couple of months back I saw Robert Doweney Jnr. and Dave (sorry...jude) Law making bits of this trailer in a studio. I have to say that even watching that little bit of a scene that they were shooting in the studio got me wanting to see the trailer and even the film but I was very disappointed to learn that the trailer didn't even come out or I should say that there wasn't even a whiff of a trailer for months and months after this...very dull and frustrating to have to wait so long for this trailer to come out.

But now it's here and I am very excited about it from seeing this trailer. The action in this film does look great, and I have to add there are a lot of scenes in this trailer of Robert Downey Jnr. being naked...don't get me wrong that the reason why he is naked is very funny but I think that Guy has just used the reason why he is naked as a exuse to show off Downey's gym physique, like the fight in the bar in the first Sherlock film was an exuse to show off Downey's gym physique, and speaking of directors who use something as an exuse for showing off an actors new gym physique in the Transporting movies there is a ridonkulous amount of scenes that are just an exuse to take his top off.

Anyhew....This film will be out on December 18th so you'll have to wait until then to see Professor Moriarty or if you like me have seen the Resident Evil second film you'll no doubtedly recorgnise Jared Harris who plays the Professor as the scientist who created the T virus that turns everyone in Racoon City into zombies.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Joke or will it become a rebooted comic book character....Ant-Man

I am Rogue has announced that Edger Wright and Joe Cornish will write the script for Marvel Studios character Ant-Man who Marvel Studios want to bring onto the cinema screen as well as it being rumoured that this has been one of the Marvel comic book characters that Marvel has wanted to make into a film.

This though has had to be put on the back burner as of these two directors not being able to get their original story for the film off the ground as their have been delays in the pre-production process due to scheduling, this has then led Edger Wright and Joe Cornish's idea to make Ant- Man appear as a member in The Avengers to be taken out. Still though there still remains a chance that the most comically named Ant Man will have his own big screen performance as of the other success's of Marvel Studios other films and the success's of Edger Wright and Joe Cornish's other films such as Attack The Block and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.

Joe Cornish has admitted to I am Rogue in an interview they did with him as press for his Attack The Block fillm he confirmed that him and Edger Wright are still writing the script for this up and coming Ant-Man film, he said that they were just '...drafting and drafting...' and with Edger Wright having a lot on his plate Joe Cornish just told I am Rogue that Edger would still get the chance to direct this film. So, having seen Edger Wright's funniest films such as 'Shaun Of The Dead' and the hilarious 'Hot Fuzz' films this film will no doubtedly will have some fun put into it and not just the American-esque sheen on this film and may be more English like these other two films of their's.

If like me you really aren't sure whether Ant-Man was a real Marvel character or something that was made up at the pub by two blokes that were making up superheroes that you could have made films about, then here is the truth to bring some clarity to the situation.

In 1962 Ant-Man was created by Marvel founders Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Dr. Henry 'Hank' Pym was a biophysist and nanotechnology expert discovered a substance that would allow him to shrink his size. Armed with a ant controlling helmet he became the pint-size puzzling solver Ant-Man and along with his Wasp wife/ Janet Van Pym eventually founder The Avengers

Just found new Scott Speedman film!

Thanks to the I am Rogue Network I have found a new thriller film starring none other than Scott Speedman who you'll no doubtedly have seen in the Underworld films as the hybrid Werewolf/Vampire that goes out with Celine.

This film also has in it Jay Baruchel who was in Tropic Thunder as Kevin Sandesky who only does Tropic Thunder movie to get laid. But he'll be in this with Emily I think this could be a step up for him into other genre films from comedy acting...but I think even if I were to go see this film that looks really good I'll never get out of my head the bit in Tropic Thunder where he thinks he can push his intestines back into his body after he gets stabbed in a Apocolypes Now parody scene.

This film can be seen on July 29th and is all about Spencer (Scott Speedman) and Louise (Emily Hampshire) bond over their shared fascination over a recent spate of murders that have been terrorizing these two neigbours community. But then Victor moves into this same apartment block and soon enough all three of them start to get on like a house on fire. However, they soon start to realise the more time they spend together the more they see that each of them has a secret. But as more murders occur and make people fear going outside and stay in their homes, and this means that these three neighbours stay in their apartment building it turns out that this building is no safe haven but is more dangerous than they could ever imagine than going outside.

Here is the trailer for this movie, hope you are as intrigued as me as to see this film.

Captain America

I know that there has been a lot of hype about this film and there is already a trailer out there but here is another one that I've found that is in High Definition. I've also found that like their is an official website for Batman:The Dark Knight Rises, there is an official website for Captain America:

If you want to visit this so as to see for yourself to see what this website, here is the link:

Also, thanks to I am Rogue the website for movie fans from Relativity Media they have found out that Alan Silvestri has written the score (if you don't know what the score's the music to the movie) and I've had a little listen to this and it's really good, very old fashioned but still you can imagine the action going on like big explosions and gunfights.

If you want to hear this, then you can listen to it below, thank you to WQXR for upploading this sample of the new Captain America score and thank goodness that this sample is on Youtube.

In case you aren't sure who the other cast members are apart from Chris Evans then here it is, thanks to IMDb:
  • Hugo Weaving who will play Johann Schmidt/Red Skull this is the arch enemy of Captain America, if you don't immediatly recognise the actor from the name then you'll no doubtedly have seen him in The Matrix as one of the Agents or you'll no doubtedy have seen him in V For Vendetta as V.
  • Natalie Dormer who will play Private Lorraine
  • Stanley Tucci will play Abraham Erskine you'll have no doubtedly seen him in The Devil Wears Prada most recently with Anne Hathaway who you will be seeing in the new Batman film as Catwomen.
  • Dominic this casting is a little bit weird to me to put Dominic Cooper in amongst actors such as Chris Evans as I don't think that he'll ever be able to live down the fact he was in Mama Mia...Anyhews he'll play Howard Stark
  • Tommy Lee Jones will play Colonel Chester Philips you'll be seeing more of this guy in the upcoming Men In Black III
  • Hayley Atwell will play Peggy Carter
  • Richard Armitage will play Heinz Kruger you'll probably recognise him from such things as Robin Hood and The Vicor of Dibley as the husband of the Vicor
  • Sebastian Stan will play James 'Bucky' Barnes if you don't recognise his name he has been in the The Covenant where he wanted all the supernatural powers of the covenant members powers
  • Tobey Jones will play Arnin Zola he has been in the David Suchet version of Murder on the Orient Express as the gangster that got murdered by everyone on the train.
  • Neal McDonough will play Dum Dum Dugan who you'll recognise from Desperate Housewives
  • JJ Field will play Montgomery Falseworth/Union Jack you'll probably recognise him from a Marple episodes where he was the murderer in the episode 'Miss Marple:Murder At The Pale Horse'.
  • Derek Luke will play Gabe Jones
  • Kenneth Choi will play Jim Morita
  • Anatole Taubman will play Roeder.
Joe Johnston will direct this film with Christopher Markus and Stephan McFeely writing the screenplay for this film which will be coming onto our shores on July 22nd. If your not familiar with the story I'll refresh it for you thanks to IMDb news:

Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) is told that he is unfit for military service he then enlists in a top secret military project that turns him into Captain America who is a superhero that is dedicated to defending America's ideals.

Monday 11 July 2011

Pinewood Studios have a new owner

For a while now a lot of possible investors such as Mohammid Al Fayed, Peel Holdings and the UK jeweller Warren James have been trying to aquire a majority share in the legendary Pinewood Studios, where all who are James Bond fans or movie buffs know that Pinewood-Shepperton Studios is the home of Bond.

But now...Peel Holdings have now got a majority share in these Studios as they had originally offered 190p per share in its takeover offer but the owners of Pinewood-Shepperton Studios counted this offer which was better as they already own a 29% stake in the Studios...however this only happened when Mohammed Al Fayed put in an offer of a possible 210p per share, but after Peel Holdings were unwilling to share their already shares to Harrods Mohammed Al Fayed backed out.

So now Peel Holdings have now won the bidding race as they now have got more shares from 13,766,500 shares to 33,574,818...meaning that Peel Holdings have a 71.1% shares in Pinewood-Shepperton Studios. This has meant that the already property billionaire John Whittaker isn't permitted to delist Pinewood-Shepperton Studios from the London Stock Exchange and make the Studios become private.

But Warren James has now got itself a 15% stake in the company, and although this may sound like a small percentage of stock since this report done by Variety Magazine online the percentage of stock has been increased by Warren James...but this increase can't be that big though as James is not big enough to block the deal it will help the decision on whether Pinewood-Shepperton Studios it becomes a private comapany or not.

Thank Goodness for Facebook

I have to admit I am one of the many thousands of fans of The Inbetweeners and I for a number of months have been a fan of the shows Facebook page where their trailor has been on for a number of weeks but now I've seen on Empire Magazine online that they have got the official and full length trailer now for all to see. So here it is:

I've seen this and I'm very glad to say that Neal is doing his robot even if he is dressed like something out of the WHAM Club Tropicana video. But I can't beleieve that Carly and Simon get together as the last time Simon thought they were going out was when he was studying Geography A Level that he wasn't even studying.

I am such a big fan of The Inbetweeners and I literally can't wait for this film that comes out in August 19th. I guess I'll just have to watch this trailer over and over again until the actual film comes out.

Superman:Man Of Steel news

Thanks to Empire Magazine online and IMDb I can say with some confidence that Harry Lennix has now been confirmed to be in the new Superman:Man Of Steel film. He'll play General Swanwick but it hasn't been confirmed yet if this character will be a goody or a baddy.

Other confirmed actors and actresses that are confirmed to be in this film are Henry Cavill who I already know is playing Clark Kent/ Superman in the new film, Amy Adams (she'll play Lois Lane), Russel Crowe (he'll play Jor-El Superman's real father), Diane Lane (she'll play Martha Kent), Kevin Costner (he'll play Jonathan Kent Superman's step father), Michael Shannon (he'll play Zod), Julia Ormond (she'll play Lara Lor-Van).

Zack Snyder will direct, David S. Goyer will write the screenplay for the film as well as develope the story for this film, and Christopher Nolan will produce this film...I guess this is the main reason why it has been so damn hard to find a trailor that I can upload onto this blog so all people who are foaming at the mouth for any information on the new Superman film or Christopher Nolan's other most hotly anticipated film Batman:The Dark Knight Rises.

The said shooting locations for this film are: Chicago, Illinoise
Napaville, Illinoise
Plano, Illinoise
Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada

And the release date for this film will be December 2012.

The Most Exciting News I've Ever Heard!

I've just heard thanks to Variety Magazine online, I have heard that 20th Centuary Fox wants to bring a second Hitman to the cinema screen. I had to say that I really loved the first film even if it wasn't a box office smash hit. To this day I have this in my DVD collection.

20th Centuary Fox has already hired Kyle Ward to write the screenplay for this new film that will have elements in its' story that will be taken from the upcoming Eidos game 'Hitman 5' that's was released in late 2010. In case your not familiar with Kyle Ward's name, he got this gig from 'Kane and Lynch'...his last film in which he wrote the screenplay for.

Adrian Askarieh will produce along with Chuck Gordan and Daniel Alter will be the executive producer.

I do have to say I have seen what the storyline for this film will be and I do have to say it does seem to me a little bit comical as Agent 47 is at this point at a low point. And he must build himself back up mentally and physically to put himself back at the top of the list of top assasins.

Unfortunatly the only other information that I can get out of any online magazine or forum that has anything to do with this film says that David Benmayer will direct this new film and that although this film was set to be released in 2010 with it still being in preproduction it is more like to be released in late 2012.

The History Of Apple Pie

Yesterday I was surfing the web, trying to find any new music news and on the homepage of's website and they were singing the praises of a new band that they were debating whether or not the name of this band was either the silliest name for a band or whether it was the coolest name that a band could name themselves.

This band is called 'The History Of Apple Pie'. I heard their new song 'Your so cool'. I have to say that this name is in my opinion a random and a name that no one would ever think of calling their band. I just thought that the names that the band could give their fans like the fans of Justin Bieber are called the 'Beliebers'...these could call their fans 'The Apples' (it's cute but funny).

Here is their video for 'Your so cool' me they sound very like the The XX and the guitar bit at the start of the song makes me think that it's the introduction to 'The XX' 's song 'Islands'. But eventhough the video is a bit weird with their being a giant icecream, I have to say that it maybe a bit of the band sounding like The XX being to blame but I was bored after the first five minuites to the song, and it may be a little bit cruel but I have to say that I thought that they sounded like the first time I heard The XX on my favourite TV show to watch for hearing new artists as well as my favourite ones....'Jools Holland....Later Live', they were dressed up in black and gave off the air of EMO'S.

I hope you enjoy this.

Friday 8 July 2011

(Continued) Werewolves and vampires...where will it end!

As I mentioned in an earlier post there is going to be two versions of Bram Stoker's most famouse piece if literature 'Dracular'...and well this other version of the film will have all those who love this world renowned story screaming, saying 'WHAT IN GODS NAME HAVE YOU DONE!' at this blog.

It's going to be animated and in 3D with Adam Sandler voicing Dracular...I know at first when I read this I raised my eyebrows at the news too but give a guy a chance even if he has been in some really bad films such as The Wedding Singer, Just Go With It, Bedtime Stories, Little Nicky, The Waterboy to name a few but he did star in the hilariously funny Happy Gilmore.

Anyhew... this is a very different take on Bram Stoker's Dracular as not only is it animated but Sony will cast Dracular as an overprotective father who sets up a hotel for other monsters such as himself to chill lax without the fear of humans, he will do this as he has warned Mavis that there are terrible dangers beyond his property's boundaries and everything at the hotel is going great until...can guess what it is yet? A human check's in and falls for Mavis.

Other people who are on this project with Sandler are:
  • David Spade he'll voice Quasimodo
  • Kevin James he'll voice Frankenstein's monster
  • Steve Buscemi and Molly Shannon will voice two werewolves
  • Andy Samberg will voice Jonathan (the human who checks in)
And can you guess what this film will be called...Hotel Transylvania. Hum...reminds me of a little known song by 'The Eagles' called Hotel California, I hope it doesn't turn out like that lyric in that song '....You can check out any time of year but you can never leave'.

Also Warner Bros. is getting in on this Vampire Werewolves cash cow with buying the rights to Image Comics miniseries Undying Love. I can't imagine what this is all about can you?

However, this thankfully is a little bit different...thank goodness as Tom Coker and Daniel Freedman series uses traditional vampire stories but with a mix of Chinese monster legends but puts a little bit of action in their that takes place on the streets of Hong Kong.

The story sees an ex soldier fall in love with a young women but there's just one snag, she is a vampire and the ex soldier has to plough his way through Hong Kong's underworld to find whoever made her a vampire and kill him so that they both get to end up together.

But part of Warner Bros. deal with Coker and Freedman is that they get to have the chance to be the first ones to do a script for this seeing as their is no one else who Warner Bros. have asked to write the script for this. However, Empire Magazine seem to be saying that with Warner Bros. just buying the rights to Blood Wars there might be a chance that this film as well as the Blood Wars film could all be as the late great Oliver Reed said in Gladiator '...smoke and dust...'

Vampires and Werewolf films...where will it all end!

Thanks to Empire Magazine online word has reached me that John Landis's cult classic An American Werewolf is to be remade...yes this is truth as Dimension Films have bought the rights to this movie and now there is a writer attached to the project...this is Fernely Phillips and if the name doesn't immediatly make you recognise him or any of the films he's already written then I'll tell you that the mouthwateringly good horror film The Number 23 which Jim Carey was in a couple of years ago was a film he wrote.

And Sean and Bryan Furst are going to produce they've produced another little known vampire film before Daybreakers this film should be good as my favourite version of Kate Bush's Running Up The Hill was in that film as it was covered by one of my favourite bands Placebo.

Talking of Vampires and Werewolves there will be yet another WolfMan film but unlike the film with Emily Blunt and Benicio Del Torro Universal who did this original film is starting the whole WolfMan thing again but this time is putting it under their in house Family and Entertainment section so unlike this version of the Wolf Man this other version will be less horror flick and more geared toward the family friendly crowd.

Universal have already got a director for this in Roger Corman who has already directed Hitcher 2, Roadkill 2 and Bats.

Also, Brim Stoker's Dracular has been the subject of many films but I hear from Variety that the legendary writng double act Tony and Ridley Scott are going to produce through their Scott Free banner a new look Stoker film.

However, this film has got Matthew Goode in negotiations to play the estranged uncle to Mia Wasikowska (she played Alice in Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland)...which is a strange choice if you ask me as the types of films such as Leap Year and Watchman...anyway Wentworth Miller has written a script for this new Stoker version but he's done this under a sudernym so says Variety Magazine...this is Ted Foulk (oh dear...sorry Wentworth I think if Variety Magazine have found this out the sudernym isn't that great and isn't doing him any favours of keeping him anonymous!)

Fox Searchlight have aparrently made this project a high priority as none other than Chan-wook Park is going to be directing this therefore Fox Searchlight want this project done fast as he is Park is quickly becomming a rising star thanks to his other high profile films such as 'OldBoy' and Thirst.

Goode though is just at the negotiations stage of getting this role, other actors that are also in the frame for this role are busy as a bee at the moment James Franco, Collin Firth (but these declined) as well as Michael Fassbender and Joel Edgerton.

Thursday 7 July 2011

Finally get ready to go Footloose and fancy free!

Finally I have seen the trailer to this film which has made me excited beyond belief as I don't know about you but this is a little bit of a guilty pleasure for me and you know what I don't think I feel ashamed to admit this.

This looks really good and I have to say it looks much more interesting than the Step Up Films or the British equivilant Street Dance 3D. This uses the same storyline as the original which is fine by me as I don't mind saying that the Footloose film was classic and needed no change to happen to it.

But this time Ren McCormack (who was played by the tale as old as time Kevin Bacon, I say this as I saw Kevin Bacon doing an interview for the new X:Men film and he still looks as like he did when he was younger and doesn't seem to have aged at all) is from Boston and goes to live in the small southern town of Bomont where suprise suprise he experiences a big culture shock in that you can't dance or listen to loud music thanks to Dennis Quaid's Reverend Shaw Moore implementing several ordinances after the tragic death of five teenagers who were killed in traffic accident after they were driving home after a night out. And Ren challenges this ban and in turn falls for Ariel the ministers daughter. Ariel will be played this time around by Julianne Hough and the new look Ren will be played by Kenny Wormald.

Also for those who have seen Greencard which is a much loved film of mine that if you haven't seen it you need to as it is good but watchable if you want to watch something better than what's on your TV most nights...Andie MacDowell will be in this. The release date for this is October 14th 2011.

The writer/director of this film is Craig Brewer.

New Jaon Statham film

Thanks to for letting me know that Jason Statham has a new Transporter film coming out soon...OH WAIT, IT'S NOT A TRANSPORTER FILM?!

No, sorry to get any Transporter fans hopes up, but the new Jason Statham film is called 'Killer Elite' and although by the trailer it looks like a new transporter film but sadly it's not but it is based on a true story. Here is the trailer if you don't believe that it looks, smells and sounds like a new transporter film but with the added Robert De Niro part to the film:

This film is based originally on the novel 'The Feather Men' by Sir Ranulph Fiennes, at the time this book came out Ranulph claimed that the events that took place were real and that they were about members of the SAS being assasinated by a hit squad called 'The Clinic'. The 'Feather Men' are actually a group of vigilanties that took on 'The Clinic' to protect these members of their regiment.

But back to the film, the story has Jason as an ex special ops agent who is 'lured' out of retirement to save his mentor, but to do this he needs to kill three assasins that are lead by Clive Owen (he's the one in the trailer with a fake looking moustache).

The studios who have backed this financially are:
  • Palomar Picture
  • Ambience Entertainment
  • Omnilab Media
Along with Stathan and Owen these other actors and actresses will star:
  • Yvonne Strahovski she will play Anne- you'll have probably not seen her before but she has been in Chuck as the girl who Chuck's sister thinks is dating him
  • Dominic Purcell will play Davies- you'll probably not recognise who this actor is from the name but you will have no doubt seen him in Prison Break and for all fans of  the Blade films like me you'll have seen him in the last Blade film as Drake.
  • Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje will play The Agent, Bourne fans will no doubtedly recognise him as Wambosie from the first Bourne film
  • Grant Bowler he will play Captain James Cregg, you will have seen him most recently in Ugly Betty as Connor the guy who stole all of Mode's money.
  • Matthew Nable who will play Pennock-he was in a film called S.I.S: Special Investigation Secion
  • Jamie McDowell will play Diane
  • Chris Anderson will play Finn
The film will be distributed by Open Road Fims and the writer/director of the film will be Gary McKendry, he also wrote the film with Matt Sherring, but the film will be produced by Steve Chasman and Sigurjon Sighvatsson and this will come out on September 23rd 2011.

Got to love Wikipedia for all the information that they give before I forget thanks to them as well as the Rogue Network for informing me about this upcoming film.

Monday 4 July 2011

The Amazing-Spiderman news!

This news is very exciting for me as I have heard a lot about this film such as Tobey McGuire not coming back for it and that Andrew Garfield is to be the new Peter Parker...this to me is really exciting as I saw Andrew Garfield in the AMAZING series Red Riding that was on Channel 4 and if you get a chance to either splurge on a DVD series the next time your out and about at HMV or online....which I think you really should go into your nearest HMV and help them to stay on the highstreet as I don't know about you but if I had the chance to build a house inside one of these I would, and with so many shops on the highstreet closing recently I think this one should stay as there won't be a highstreet for any of us to visit if this I think we should do are bit to keep HMV stores open and not let them go online.

Anyhew, I digress I have just read thanks to the miracle that is Wikipedia the news that Colombia Pictures have yesterday unvieled the official title for the new Spiderman film, this will be The Amazing Spiderman and Colombia Pictures have done what looks like a three way split on who puts up the money for this film. Colombia Pictures have put up some of the money with Marvel Studios and Laura Ziskin Productions, but Colombia are going to be distributing this film that was suppose to come out this year but after Sam Raimi jumped ship saying that he couldn't meet the release date that the studio wanted without sacrifising artstic integrity.

So, Sony said that Spidy will be rebooted and that Marc Webb was to be the new director at the helm of theis new look Spidy franchise. So now the release date has been put back to July 3rd 2012 and it'll be in 3D...which is going to be something new to this tale that is for me as old as time now. LOL!

The producers of this film are Avi Arad, Todd Black, Grant Curtis, Laura Ziskin, and Matt Tolmach. The ScreenPlay and story for this film has been done by James Vanderbilt, but the other producers for this film are: Alvin Sargent and and Steve Kloves.

The Cast Members for this are:
  • Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker/Spidy
  • Emma Stone as Gwen Stacey who plays the Sidy's love interest...she was also in Easy A most recently
  • Martin Sheen...who for me needs no introduction as he's the father of the most crazy person on the planet at the moment Charlie Sheen but he's also been in lots of films one of which was Apocolypes Now...he'll play Ben Parker (Peter Parker's grandfather)
  • Sally Field will play May Parker (Peter's grandmother) but you'll probably have seen her in Brother's and Sisters as Norah Walker
  • Rhys Ifans will play Dr. Curt Connors/ The Lizzard...this to me sounds a very American name for a Welsh guy to play especially Rhys Ifans as to me it seems really unlikely that he'll be able to pull this off without slipping into Welsh...anyway this is a scientist who tests lizzard serum on himself and sees that it has regenerated his arm but it also turns him into a lizzard humanoid (person) monster.
  • Denis Leary as Captain George Stacey a.k.a the father of Spiderman's love interest who is as you'll have already guessed is a captain in the New York Police Department...he was in the Pierce Brosnan starring 'Thomas Crown Affair' with Renee Rouso and he played the policeman who was going to arrest Pierce after he found out that it was him who stole the painting that was stolen. 
  • Chris Zylka who will play Eugene 'Flash' Thompson who is Parker's nemesis at high school and constantly bullies Spidy, but with a name like Eugene how on earth can you be a bully...if like me you don't know who this guy is then you'll have no idea that he is in the American TV series 10 Things I Hate About You
  • Irrfan Khan will play Van Atter this will be one of the villians that Spiderman has to face in the movie.
  • Campbell Scott will give us the audience a rare sighting of Peter Parker's'll have seen him in recently The Social Network with Jesse Eisenberg.
  • Annie Parisse will play Van Atter's'll have seen her in Law & Order as one of the District Attorneys (she was in the earlier episodes)
  • Julianne Nicholson will also give us the audience a rare insight into the Mother of Peter'll have seen her most recently in Law & Order acting alongside Chris Noth (big from Sex & The City)
These are the immediate cast members of the film. This film is currently at the editing stage. This is all I could fimd unfortunatly that can be called an official could say this is a teaser trailer. So I hope you enjoy this teaser:

Sunday 3 July 2011

Snow White and the Huntsman update

I know there has been a lot of rumours going around the rumour mill lately about this film but I am so glad that I can clear up a few things to lead all you who are excited or just want to see what this will look like on the big screen through this rumour mill and into clarity.

There are going to be more than one adaption of this well renowned Brother's Grimm tale, this one which will be distributed by Universal Pictures and will be directed by Rupert Sanders, but the other adaption of this tale will be directed by Tarsem Singh and has Lilly Collins as Snow White as well as Julia Roberts as the evil Queen, Arnie Hammer as the prince. This other version also started shooting on Monday in Montreal, also the release date for Tarsem's version will be March 16th 2012 according to Entertainment Weekly.

However this first version has a release date of June 1st 2012, and Snow will be played by Kristen Stewart with Chris Hemsworth from Thor playing the Huntsman,-this is was either going to be a host of people but after lots of deciding Chris won this it was between Chris Hemsworth, Viggo Mortinson, Hugh Jackman or Joel Edgerton-. Joe Roth will produce this film and along with Kristen Stewart Charlize Theron, Sam Claflin, Ian McShane (for all of you who used to watch reruns of this he was most famous for playing LoveJoy), and Constantine played by non other than Bob Hoskins (he was most recently in the second version Jamie T music video for Sheila), in this film he'll play a blind dwarf.

The story for this film will be based on the orginal Brother's Grimm tale where Snow White falls for Prince Charmont whom she is seperated from from teenager and has to live under the hard rules of the evil queen and the only friends she has are the animals that come to visit her, and after Ravenna (the evil queen) realises that Snow is going to be 'the fairest of them all' Snow is driven away from the kingdom and Eric (Hemsworth) is the 'bounty hunter' who is sent to kill her but he isn't a bounty hunter in the full sense...he drinks heavily and is haunted by the death of his wife Sara who was killed by the White Wolf and since this moment he has been trying to hunt down the White Wolf so as to kill it...but after he learns that the White Wolf works for the evil queen he plans with Snow to escape to the Dark Forest to get his revenge.

Dominic Cooper in The Devil's Double

The Devil's Double film stars Dominic Cooper...playing according to Empire Magazine '...unbelievably two main characters...'. But I can't believe that Empire Magazine said this in their online magazine post about this film as playing two characters is to me the most original idea that filmmakers and play writers have ever I remember when I went to an all girl high school all the plays that were put on at the school had some of girls playing two roles in the play and this was never different as Empire Magazine were suggesting in their article.

But I do have to say that from this trailer Dominic Cooper's accent slips a lot so why cast him as an Iraqi soldier/Saddam Hussein's son? If it were me casting this film I would at least cast someone who I knew had an accent that wasn't going to slip constantly into British. But I do understand that there aren't a lot of Iraqi actors out there that's probably why they cast Dominic Cooper but I may be sounding a bit cruel when I say this but I don't think having Dominic Cooper as the main character in the film works as there is one point in this trailer when Dominic's reluctant body double soldier says that Uday Hussein is mad...but to me how he plays Hussein's son to me looks like he is a out of control Chelsea football player who has lots of money and throws it away on expensive cars, gambling, drink and women... not naming any names but the word Ashley Cole springs to mind.

Anyhew...I feel myself ranting. Ludivine Sagnier, Philip Quast and Amber Rose Revah star in this film that is based on a true story about Dr. Latif Yahia al-Salihi and how he was forced to be the body double/fiday of the elder son of Saddam Hussein (Uday Hussein). It's directed by Lee Tamahori, and the script has been written by Michael Thomas. Lionsgate are going to distribute the film but they've also put the money up for this film to be made.

Paul Breuls, Michael John Fedum, Catherine Vandeleene have produced the film. I have just been on the official website for the movie and it says that the film is out at select cinemas on July 19th but on other websites that I've stumbled across so as to get extra info to tell all about this film say that the release date is August 12th 2011. So not really sure what to make of this but I think if the official website to the film says July 19th then I'll believe this.

Saturday 2 July 2011

A Dangerous Method

This is the trailor to the new David Cronenberg film A Dangerous Method which has been adapted from the stageplay 'Talking Culture' which was written by Christopher Hampton. This film follows the real life relationship between Sigmund Freud and Dr. Carl Jung. The story to this film is that Freud (Viggo Mortenson) has just started the idea of pycoanalysis and Jung (Michael Fassbender) was Freud's Austrian rival. It also shows the love triangle between what looks like from this trailor Jung, Jung's wife and Sabina (Keira Knightly).

This will be out in February 10th 2012.

Talking of Michael Fassbender, he will be in a new Steven Soderburg film Haywire...thanks to VERYAWARE they have reported this will be one of Soderberg's last 5 films before he has said he will retire...which I have to say is very sad news to hear as his films are very good and I can say that his and his films will be sorely missed once he retire.

This film has got in it Michael Fassbender, MMA fighter Gina Carano, Ewan McGregor, Channing Tatum, Michael Douglas and Antonio Banderas. Relativity Media has schedueled this movie to be released on January 20th 2012. The other films that Soderburg has announced he will release before he will retire are:
  • Contagion...which is set to be released in early September
  • Magic Mike
  • The Man From U.N.C.L.E
  • Liberance
If your not up to date with why Steven Soderburg has said he will retire after these films have been released, it is because in his personal life a women from Australia has come forward and claimed he paid for her medical expenses while she went through a pregnancy where he was the father to her daughter. She is also suing him for child support...and it has just come to light that he did a DNA test in which it was confirmed he was the father of her daughter.

Won't they just let Final Destination die with dignity!

Yes folks...I have to say with a heavy heart that there will be a Final Destination 5. And this time as you can imagine there is no let up of the story ever changing from the old story of fate catching up with a group of teenagers after one of them has had a premonition about them all dying and in horrible ways they all die...oh dear it appears that I may have given the story away...but I do have to say I'm not terribly ashamed as the last Final Destination I saw made me never want to go to the gym again, go to a tanning salon and it almost stopped me from going through the drive through of McDonalds.

The only difference with this film is that instead of there being a disaster on a rollercoaster the disaster happens on a suspension bridge collapsing and the film is in 3D. And I have just read on Empire Magazine's website that Tony Todd has been reported as saying that if this film is successful then there will be at least two more...NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't this film franchise die with dignity as the initial idea for these sets of films were good in the begining but now if your not even going to bother changing the storyline then it really isn't a new interesting film in my book, it's just the same film but disgiused as something else...which I think tricks audiences into thinking their seeing something totally different but all they'll be left with after they leave the cinema will be disappointment as they'll be saying to each other will be 'Haven't I seen this film before?'

Anyhew...I'm rambling....this film in case you want to see it comes to our shores in August 26th and Steven Quale will direct this.

If you can stomach this trailor then well done you...but I have just seen it to check if it's the real deal trailor as there is a lot videos on Youtube masquerading as the official trailor to the film but this one says it's the real deal...these new ways of dying though will I think create a new wave of people being terrified to go anywhere in case these things happen to them.

Thor 2 news

This news I have to say has been coming for a while I have to say as I had heard when the first Thor came out that there was going to be a foolow up...and now folks it's official. Chris Hemsworth will be coming back for this...but you'll also see him in the upcoming Snow White and The Huntsman which in my opinion totally rewrites the whole Snow White story as I seem to remeber when I was growing up the stroy was Snow White and the 7 Dwarves...I don't think there was a huntsman in that but I could be mistaken as it was a long time ago when I read the story.

I digress...anyway according to Deadline Disney and Marvel who distributed the first film have now got a date for Thor 2 to be released...this will be July 26th 2013. However, Kenneth Branagh won't be dorecting this second film, although he will have some '...producing capacity..' says Deadline. Empire Magazine online reports that the co-writer of Thor has been thinking up stories for Thor 2...but there hasn't been yet an official wif of what the story for this film will be so we'll have to watch this space.

Tinker, Tailor,Soldier Spy trailor online!

I first posted about this new version of this world renowned story, and even then I was chomping at the bit to get my hands on a trailor or a teaser trailor to see what it looked like as I had heard greeat things from the past version of this story. But I also heard that Tom Hardy was going to be in it so I knew from that news that this film had to be good as all things that I've seen with him in so far have been really good.

So finally here it is the official trailor:

Sweden's Tomas Alfredson will direct this soon to be what looks like an a classic old school classic spy thriller...which is what I think we the public need at the moment as it feels like comic book films are taking over at the cinema these days with:
  • Green Lantern
  • Captain America
  • X:Men First Class
  • Spiderman with Andrew Garfield in from Channel 4's Red Riding...this I have heard will be a prequel and will go back to the start of the Peter Parker/Spiderman first reaction to this was 'Oh no, we already know the story why go backwards'.
  • Superman Man of Steel with Henry Cavil from Channel 2's 'The Tudors'...this is coming soon.
In case your not sure who this director is he did the film 'Let The Right One In':

Bridget O'Connor and Peter Straughan have wrote the script and Working Title will distribute the film and luckily for us Brits we have it screened on our shores before the you can catch this on the 16th September.