
Saturday 2 July 2011

A Dangerous Method

This is the trailor to the new David Cronenberg film A Dangerous Method which has been adapted from the stageplay 'Talking Culture' which was written by Christopher Hampton. This film follows the real life relationship between Sigmund Freud and Dr. Carl Jung. The story to this film is that Freud (Viggo Mortenson) has just started the idea of pycoanalysis and Jung (Michael Fassbender) was Freud's Austrian rival. It also shows the love triangle between what looks like from this trailor Jung, Jung's wife and Sabina (Keira Knightly).

This will be out in February 10th 2012.

Talking of Michael Fassbender, he will be in a new Steven Soderburg film Haywire...thanks to VERYAWARE they have reported this will be one of Soderberg's last 5 films before he has said he will retire...which I have to say is very sad news to hear as his films are very good and I can say that his and his films will be sorely missed once he retire.

This film has got in it Michael Fassbender, MMA fighter Gina Carano, Ewan McGregor, Channing Tatum, Michael Douglas and Antonio Banderas. Relativity Media has schedueled this movie to be released on January 20th 2012. The other films that Soderburg has announced he will release before he will retire are:
  • Contagion...which is set to be released in early September
  • Magic Mike
  • The Man From U.N.C.L.E
  • Liberance
If your not up to date with why Steven Soderburg has said he will retire after these films have been released, it is because in his personal life a women from Australia has come forward and claimed he paid for her medical expenses while she went through a pregnancy where he was the father to her daughter. She is also suing him for child support...and it has just come to light that he did a DNA test in which it was confirmed he was the father of her daughter.

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