
Saturday 2 July 2011

Tinker, Tailor,Soldier Spy trailor online!

I first posted about this new version of this world renowned story, and even then I was chomping at the bit to get my hands on a trailor or a teaser trailor to see what it looked like as I had heard greeat things from the past version of this story. But I also heard that Tom Hardy was going to be in it so I knew from that news that this film had to be good as all things that I've seen with him in so far have been really good.

So finally here it is the official trailor:

Sweden's Tomas Alfredson will direct this soon to be what looks like an a classic old school classic spy thriller...which is what I think we the public need at the moment as it feels like comic book films are taking over at the cinema these days with:
  • Green Lantern
  • Captain America
  • X:Men First Class
  • Spiderman with Andrew Garfield in from Channel 4's Red Riding...this I have heard will be a prequel and will go back to the start of the Peter Parker/Spiderman first reaction to this was 'Oh no, we already know the story why go backwards'.
  • Superman Man of Steel with Henry Cavil from Channel 2's 'The Tudors'...this is coming soon.
In case your not sure who this director is he did the film 'Let The Right One In':

Bridget O'Connor and Peter Straughan have wrote the script and Working Title will distribute the film and luckily for us Brits we have it screened on our shores before the you can catch this on the 16th September.

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