
Tuesday 12 July 2011

Captain America

I know that there has been a lot of hype about this film and there is already a trailer out there but here is another one that I've found that is in High Definition. I've also found that like their is an official website for Batman:The Dark Knight Rises, there is an official website for Captain America:

If you want to visit this so as to see for yourself to see what this website, here is the link:

Also, thanks to I am Rogue the website for movie fans from Relativity Media they have found out that Alan Silvestri has written the score (if you don't know what the score's the music to the movie) and I've had a little listen to this and it's really good, very old fashioned but still you can imagine the action going on like big explosions and gunfights.

If you want to hear this, then you can listen to it below, thank you to WQXR for upploading this sample of the new Captain America score and thank goodness that this sample is on Youtube.

In case you aren't sure who the other cast members are apart from Chris Evans then here it is, thanks to IMDb:
  • Hugo Weaving who will play Johann Schmidt/Red Skull this is the arch enemy of Captain America, if you don't immediatly recognise the actor from the name then you'll no doubtedly have seen him in The Matrix as one of the Agents or you'll no doubtedy have seen him in V For Vendetta as V.
  • Natalie Dormer who will play Private Lorraine
  • Stanley Tucci will play Abraham Erskine you'll have no doubtedly seen him in The Devil Wears Prada most recently with Anne Hathaway who you will be seeing in the new Batman film as Catwomen.
  • Dominic this casting is a little bit weird to me to put Dominic Cooper in amongst actors such as Chris Evans as I don't think that he'll ever be able to live down the fact he was in Mama Mia...Anyhews he'll play Howard Stark
  • Tommy Lee Jones will play Colonel Chester Philips you'll be seeing more of this guy in the upcoming Men In Black III
  • Hayley Atwell will play Peggy Carter
  • Richard Armitage will play Heinz Kruger you'll probably recognise him from such things as Robin Hood and The Vicor of Dibley as the husband of the Vicor
  • Sebastian Stan will play James 'Bucky' Barnes if you don't recognise his name he has been in the The Covenant where he wanted all the supernatural powers of the covenant members powers
  • Tobey Jones will play Arnin Zola he has been in the David Suchet version of Murder on the Orient Express as the gangster that got murdered by everyone on the train.
  • Neal McDonough will play Dum Dum Dugan who you'll recognise from Desperate Housewives
  • JJ Field will play Montgomery Falseworth/Union Jack you'll probably recognise him from a Marple episodes where he was the murderer in the episode 'Miss Marple:Murder At The Pale Horse'.
  • Derek Luke will play Gabe Jones
  • Kenneth Choi will play Jim Morita
  • Anatole Taubman will play Roeder.
Joe Johnston will direct this film with Christopher Markus and Stephan McFeely writing the screenplay for this film which will be coming onto our shores on July 22nd. If your not familiar with the story I'll refresh it for you thanks to IMDb news:

Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) is told that he is unfit for military service he then enlists in a top secret military project that turns him into Captain America who is a superhero that is dedicated to defending America's ideals.

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