
Saturday 23 July 2011

Not Another Beauty and The Beast film!

I heard this rumour a couple of days ago while I was perusing Empire Magazine website, as I usually do...and there was a strange story...well not that strange...but there is going to be another adaption of the...'tale as old as time'...(sorry no pun intended) story that is Beauty and the Beast.

This time though the producer Denise Di Nova will adapt the story with Guillermo del Toro overseeing the project as a producer. This should be interesting to see with him producing as he has made some pretty interesting and very, in my opinion very far out films such as Pan's Labyrinth. However, not only this but Emma Watson is set to star in this and no doubt she'll be playing Belle.

But I can't help thinking how are you going to make this new telling of this fairy tale new, fresh and interesting as from what I already gather the last retelling of this story didn't go down so well with the critics, and I can probably guess why this happened...because the original telling of the story (the cartoon version) was so good and I think that this has made it hard for any filmmaker to retell it as it made it in my opinion made the story timeless and everyone has memories of the dress that Belle wore when she was dancing with the Beast and the singing cups and saucers as well as the rose in the glass belljar...just writing these details down makes me want to see this movie.

Therefore you can't really make another Beauty and the Beast film after things like these were in the original as everyone has fond memories of it and everything else just doesn't compare or even come close to having things in them like these details of the original...but I digress...and from what I can tell you of the Beastly version it wasn't good with the critics because they'd tried to do a Twilight style film meets Not Another Teen Movie and that just looked crap on the screen....just comparing the two sounds bad couple this with the addition they made with casting the skeletally thin Ashley Olson...bad.

Sorry if this sounds harsh.!

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