
Wednesday 13 July 2011

Jon Fratteli's solo project

I know that you will already heard on the radio Jon Fratelli 'Santo Domingo' but I've just heard the other tracks on his Facebook page and I did love The Fratelli's old album 'Costello Music' and I like 'Santa Domingo' but I do have to say with some regret that and I know this will sound really harsh but...I have to say this so I'll say it as it's honest and you can go to the Facebook Page and see for yourself

Here is the link below:

I was listening to the first song and I didn't really like it but it did remind me of something I thought I'd heard before, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was that the song sounded like...anyway I trooped onto the second song and I had to say again was the same feeling of something that has been done before and I thought that I should give it ago and listen to the other tracks so that I can make a fair decision on the preview of the album and it's not just me judging too quickly, so I listened to the third track despite feeling 'Do I have to...' so the fourth track made me feel this still but the last track was one I'd heard before and I do have to say I think this track is Jon Fratelli's saving grace as I really like this track.

I have to say that I am really dieflated that this new album of his 'Pycho Jukebox' isn't like The Fratelli's old album because I half expected there to be some big guitar sounds in some of the tracks but it just sounds like if I wanted that then I'm better off listening to 'Costello Music'.

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