
Saturday 2 July 2011

Thor 2 news

This news I have to say has been coming for a while I have to say as I had heard when the first Thor came out that there was going to be a foolow up...and now folks it's official. Chris Hemsworth will be coming back for this...but you'll also see him in the upcoming Snow White and The Huntsman which in my opinion totally rewrites the whole Snow White story as I seem to remeber when I was growing up the stroy was Snow White and the 7 Dwarves...I don't think there was a huntsman in that but I could be mistaken as it was a long time ago when I read the story.

I digress...anyway according to Deadline Disney and Marvel who distributed the first film have now got a date for Thor 2 to be released...this will be July 26th 2013. However, Kenneth Branagh won't be dorecting this second film, although he will have some '...producing capacity..' says Deadline. Empire Magazine online reports that the co-writer of Thor has been thinking up stories for Thor 2...but there hasn't been yet an official wif of what the story for this film will be so we'll have to watch this space.

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