
Thursday 28 July 2011

The Raven: An Edger Allan Poe Film

I've never seen too many films about the famous works of Poe but this time there is a film The Raven. Check out the poster...this just looks like the film will be good if this poster is anything to go by:

In this film John Cusack plays the writer Poe who along with the help of Luke Evans will investigate a series of murders that seem to have been committed by a serial killer who is mimicking Poe's own writing. Also Alice Eve will star alongside Cusack and Evans and the director for this film is none other than James McTeigue who brought us the fabulous V For Vendetta, which I have to say is definitely up there in my list of favorite films to watch. Also the role that Alice Eve plays is Emily who is kidnapped and buried alive by this serial killer, and Poe is also in love with her. This film has just recently finished filming so it is safe to assume that this film is now in post production stage, meaning that it will be edited down for all us guys to see at the cinema.

At this point in time this is all that is known about this Cusack film but if any new info comes out I'll be sure to let you know.

Meanwhile on another Cusack project Deadline New York has reported that Scott Walker has wrote a script that will show the true events of Alaska's most notorious serial killer Robert Hansen, who over a 12 year period abducted and flew out to the Alaskan wilderness to be hunted and killed 24 women. Robert Hansen will be played by John Cusack and the Alaskan State Trooper who found Hansen's only surviving victim on the street and together with her he brings Hansen to justice, will be played by Nicholas Cage. This will be produced by Emmett Furla Films' Randal Emmett and George Furla, and Amber Entertainments' Jane Fleming and Mark Ordesky.

The executive producers for this will be Envision Entertainments' Stephan Martirosyan and Remington William Chase and Curtis Jackson. The money side of things is being handled by Emmet Furla Films and Voyage will handle international sales. And if in case your wondering Nicholas Cage has also just finished shooting Ghost Rider:Spirit Of Vengence which all journo's at the Comic Con event have been all told off by the director to not call this film a 'sequal'. Also this is just negotiations at the moment so sorry if I got anyone's hopes up to see this on film as it does sound to me like a very interesting story to make into a film. This film will be called 'The Frozen Ground', which if you ask me has a very ominous sounding title for a film but with this subject matter you don't really want anything else for a title...I mean that you don't want a comedy title for this kind of horror.

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