
Thursday 28 July 2011

This month's new issue for Empire is finally out!!!!!!!!!!

Thank goodness this issue is finally out, I mean that I am a little bit obessesed with all forms of the entertainment industry this being anything to do with film and music but I have been watching their website everyday for more movie related news that is new and up to date...and finally now this is out I have my wish of new movie news granted.

This issue sees my point of the comic books taking over the cinema screen to life as this issue shows you the latest images of the new Amazing Spiderman with all it's new cast members and plot (but to be honest how new can you get on a story that everybody in the whole entire world knows?), the new images of The Dark Knight Rises which are very few and far between because as you all know by now that Christopher Nolan likes to play with his cards very close to his chest about this film and because of this any information that does make it's way out into the movie news websites is treated-probably just from me- as if it is gold dust. Also there will be a few shiny new cast members on this last of Nolan's Batman films.

Speaking of some of these new cast members I was reading on Empire Magazine's website yesterday that Tom Hardy is rumoured to maybe being cast in a new Al Capone film that Warner Bros. want David Yates to direct will be also rumoured to be made into a trilogy that will chart the rise of Al Capone, the reign of Capone, and then his downfall. This film Circiro as Vulture reports if Warner Bros. want this project to go ahead with Tom Hardy as he has attached himself to the project they would have to rearrange a few things such as bumping up the start date for the shooting of this first film to before Hardy has to start filming the don't hold your breath could be whenever don't know Mad Max Fury Road film.

As well as this there is also the highlight of seeing the new Judge Dredd pics, like this one:
Karl Urban and Judge Dredd

Now, I just have to get this off my chest but I don't really understand the film and why this film has in the past well in some American TV sitcoms as well as English ones such as Miranda that I was watching the other night and they mentioned this film as being an important film to watch, and in Scrubs Judge Dredd is mentioned as the favourite film of JD and Elliot. Why? I just don't get this.

Karl Urban will play the new Judge and if you ask me from this picture his helmet looks like a cross between the helmet that Michael Fassbender wore in X:Men First Class and a helmet that you wear for riding a motorcycle...mash them together and what do you get? Judge Dredd. Lionsgate will back this film and acting aside Karl Urban who may or may not recognize from The Chronicles of Riddick and as then assasin in Bourne Supremacy, will be Olivia Thirby who was in Juno as if I remeber correctly from watching the film she was Juno's best friend who goes to Juno's baby scan with the horrible nurse, she will play the new judge recruit Anderson, Lena Headey, Domhall Gleeson who if I remeber rightly is the son of the actor who played Mad Eye Moody in Harry Potter and he was also in this last Harry Potter, and Langley Kirkwood. We'll be seeing the Judge early next year.

Also you'll see in this issue the first look concept artwork for the new Avengers film which will now consist of if your not like me and have had the attitude of you can't wait for the Avengers to come to the cinema screen, of The Hulk, Iron Man, HawkEye, Black Widow, Captain America, Thor and the members of the S.H.I.E.L.D these being Nick Fury, Agent Phil Coulson and Maria Hill.

Here are these artworks:


As you already know that The Hulk will be played by Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson will play Black Widow, Robert Downey Jnr. will play Iron Man, Chris Evans will play Captain America, Chris Hemsworth will play Thor, Jeremy Renner will play HawkEye. Along with these actors and actresses Samuel L Jackson will play Nick Fury (this was revealed by the man himself on Alan Carr Chatty Man last year), Cobie Smulders you will no doubtedly recognnise as Robin from How I Met Your Mother will play Maria Hill and Clark Gregg will play Agent Phil Coulson, you will recognise him from being in that film with Scarlet Johanson and Eric from That '70s Show as the boss who wants to get rid of Scarlet Johanson's dad (don't judge me but the name of this film escapes me at this point in time).

These are the issues highlights so this does really show that the comic books are coming in their droves to be the passing theme for films these past couple of months as the last theme was dare I say it Twilight themed films. I guess this shows that it is onto the next passing theme.

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