
Wednesday 13 July 2011

Sherlock Holmes:A Game Of Shadows Trailer!

I have heard the great news from Empire Magazine online that there is finally a trailer for the new Sherlock Holmes:A Game Of Shadows. I have to say thank you to for uploading this this trailer from as I really wanted to put this up on to this blog and not just a link to the apple website.

I have to say that I think that this looks really good, and I think that Guy Ritchie might be on to another winner with this sequal to the first Sherlock film he did and I do have to say that a couple of months back I saw Robert Doweney Jnr. and Dave (sorry...jude) Law making bits of this trailer in a studio. I have to say that even watching that little bit of a scene that they were shooting in the studio got me wanting to see the trailer and even the film but I was very disappointed to learn that the trailer didn't even come out or I should say that there wasn't even a whiff of a trailer for months and months after this...very dull and frustrating to have to wait so long for this trailer to come out.

But now it's here and I am very excited about it from seeing this trailer. The action in this film does look great, and I have to add there are a lot of scenes in this trailer of Robert Downey Jnr. being naked...don't get me wrong that the reason why he is naked is very funny but I think that Guy has just used the reason why he is naked as a exuse to show off Downey's gym physique, like the fight in the bar in the first Sherlock film was an exuse to show off Downey's gym physique, and speaking of directors who use something as an exuse for showing off an actors new gym physique in the Transporting movies there is a ridonkulous amount of scenes that are just an exuse to take his top off.

Anyhew....This film will be out on December 18th so you'll have to wait until then to see Professor Moriarty or if you like me have seen the Resident Evil second film you'll no doubtedly recorgnise Jared Harris who plays the Professor as the scientist who created the T virus that turns everyone in Racoon City into zombies.

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