
Thursday 31 March 2011

Hanna and Mad Max News

I've heard about this film for a couple of months as well as seeing a couple of still shots of the movie. I was delighted to hear that the actress who has the main role for this movie is Saoirse Ronan from last year's film that I can't at the moment remeber the name of, but I do remember that it had Colin Farrel in and that it was about a group of prison brakers who walked all the way in the desert and were rescued in India.

This film looks like it will be more action packed than wait for it.... 'Mel Gibson: Mad Max', yes you heard right the producers of film have decided to do another possibly a more updated version of this film. The first time I heard this was being done I couldn't stop laughing as I think that it would be too controversial and offensive if the directors for this movie got Mel Gibson to actually retake up his role as Mad Max as I think now in life he has become an extreme version of this character.

For more information on either of these movies go to empire magazine online if you haven't been able to make up your mind yet on what X-Men cover you want to get from your local news agents for this months issue.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Mads Langer

Just had a second listen at this guy. I thought the other day that when I first listen to him singing that I had judged him too quickly as I tend to do with artists or bands that I have a first listen to, for example I am ashamed to admit it now but I did this with the Script when they released 'We Cry'. I first thought that this song wasn't very catchy but then the next day I got home from school and turned on the TV to Q music television and I heard it again and I immediatly fell for the song.

I have to say that I have done it again with Mads Langer as at first I thought that the song 'Microscope' droned on a bit, but now I quite like it now that I've had another listen to the song. It's not just this song that I quite like either, and I think it's worth having a listen to his songs. I've put the songs that you should have a listen to:

Monday 28 March 2011

The Remainers

Just heard this band that's managed by one of the members of Maroon 5. 'The Remainer'. I love their single 'House'. I think they're really good and that you should listen to them if you get chance.

This may not be the best video to listen to their song so you might have to go over to their facebook page where on their track page they have both 'House' and 'I Got A Chance'. I hope you like it.

My favourite cars from the motor show

This is the new FF Ferrari 2011. Amazingly this new concept car from Ferrari is a four seater. This is amazing as Ferrari have never before done a four seater car, and to me this looks just as good as the two seaters. Also, to me this car still looks as sporty as Ferrari are knownn for being but with the practicality of two back seats. This is good news for me and my sisters as we all love the look of Ferrari's and would if we had that kind of money buy one. Oh well, you can always dream!

This is the Berton B99 Jaguar concept car that I suprisingly didn't know was a new Jaguar car, but eventhough I don't always like the look of Jaguar cars, this car looked to me quite cool and a bit like an Audi at the front. Also I thought that it looked a more modern looking Jaguar but still has the Jaguar shape. Looks like Jaguar might be moving into the 21st centuary, either that or it's under new ownership as a company.

This is the new Buggatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport. I have to say that this version of this car-with it being all in black-, I prefer it to it's previous version with there being Orange on the bottom half of the chassy. I have to be honest but the orange for me made the car a bit tacky. This all in black version looks way more cooler, and imagine if you had one and you were pulling up in the car park, all the people on the street would immediatly turn your head and think 'Oh god I wish I had one of those'. Now if I see the black and orange car pull up all I think is 'Oh that looks nice'.

This car is called 'Gumpert'. You can think that with that sort of name it might be a british car because I can't imagine a european car maker thinking 'what a great name for a car and nobody will have a similar name', but nobody will have a similar name as it's a ridiculous name. Thank god this car looks attractive as you don't want to ever buy a car that is name after a grumpy old grandad. Can you imagine driving this car over to your friends house and then having to say to them that what you are driving is a Grumpet. I think for the sake of every car salesman around the world the name of this car has to be changed to something a lot more appertising.

This is the Masserati GrandCabri. To me this car looks like an Aston Martin which is probably why I like the look of this car. It also has a soft top hood on it so it would look great in the summer. Also one disappointing feature of this car for me is the fact it doesn't look like a sports car but just looks like a normal car that you can buy now from any old car dealership, which makes me a bit sad as I thought that is why you buy a sports car as it looks sporty so you want to find really long stretches of road like they do on Top Gear and have the top down and just drive really fast.

This is the Pegani Huayra which to me looks a lot more sporty, but with is butterfly winged doors the car looks like a cooler version of the Back to the Futer Car when these doors are open. But this is really a car that you want to find an open stretch of road and just drive. It also looks like a cross between a Ferrari and a Lamborghini car which you could say makes it a hybrid of these cars, or you could say that these cars have been chopped up and welded together to make this sports car.

Geneva Motor Show 2011

5231FERRARIFerrari Spa
2057GUMPERTGUMPERT Sportwagenmanufaktur GmbH
2141SPYKERSpyker Cars
5231FERRARIFerrari Spa
2057GUMPERTGUMPERT Sportwagenmanufaktur GmbH
2141SPYKERSpyker Cars

All these concept cars that were on show were racing cars as the website catagorises these cars. If you want to have a look at the other types of cars that were on show at this car show, go to this website:

Three more upcoming films...

I was on my local Plaza Cinema in Dorchester, Dorset  and Cinemeworld Cinema in Weymouth website and I saw that these three films were on their upcoming films page. These three films are as follows: Arthur, Scream 4 and Beastly.

Arthur is the new Dudley Moore revamped movie which I can only imagine Russel Brand as Dudley Moore's character will possibly be even more funnier than Dudley Moore was. However, I don't know who will play Liza Manneli's role as the women Arthur falls for instead of the rich girl that he is suppose to marry. I almost forgot this movie has been talked about mostly by Russel Brand when I've seen him on chat shows talking about other things like his new marriage to Katy Perry or this other new film that he's in at the moment with Dame Helenv Mirren 'The Tempest'. The story for this film is as follows: Irresponsible charmer Arthur Bach (Russell Brand) has always relied on two things to get by: his limitless fortune and the good sense of his lifelong nanny, Hobson (Academy Award winner Helen Mirren), to keep him out of trouble. Now Arthur faces his biggest challenge - choosing between an arranged marriage that will ensure his lavish lifestyle or an uncertain future with the one thing money can’t buy, Naomi (Greta Gerwig), the only woman he has ever loved.

Scream 4 thank goodness has been writtewn and directed by Wes Craven, the original creator for this franchise of films so it's sure to be scary, just like his other fright fest films like 'Nightmare on Elm Street (the original not the updated version that was immediatly panned), and 'Freddie vs. Jason'. The story for this film is as follows: Sidney Prescott, now the author of a self-help book, returns home to Woodsboro on the last stop of her book tour. There she reconnects with Sheriff Dewey and Gale, who are now married, as well as her cousin Jill (played by Emma Roberts) and her Aunt Kate (Mary McDonnell). Unfortunately Sidney’s appearance also brings about the return of Ghostface, putting Sidney, Gale, and Dewey, along with Jill, her friends, and the whole town of Woodsboro in danger.

Beastly: The 'Beauty and the Beast' legend is retold in present day New York in this fantasy romance starring teen sensation Vanessa Hudgens.Kyle (Alex Pettyfer) is the king of his school, a handsome, popular and privileged young man who cares for nothing beyond appearances. That is until he makes the mistake of singling out an unconventional girl named Kendra (Mary Kate Olsen) for his cruel mockery. But it turns out that Kendra is a witch, and she has the power to ruin Kyle's life. He soon finds himself transformed into a grotesque monster, and can only ever break the spell by finding somebody who will love him despite his looks. Enter Lindy (Vanessa Hudgens), saved from muggers by Kyle and then kept in his home for her own safety. Lindy cares little for looks, but can love blossom before the spell becomes permanent? Or has Kyle's ugliness become more than skin-deep?

Muse News

I bought the newest issue of NME Magazine the other day, and on the front cover was an announcenemt about Muse which made me want to read on and find out what the story behind the headline was, but at the same time it gave me heart palpatations as the headline read "This will be the last time that you will hear some of these songs for a long time". This gave me heart palpatations as it made me think that the magazine was suggesting that Muse was going to break up, and being an avid fan of their music that scared the hell out of me as I would not know what to do if they broke up.

However, it was all good thank goodness, as the article was just about how after they were going to perform at the Reading festival this year they were going to take a break for a bit. And who can blame them for doing that as it's been a really busy time for them as they've been touring a lot all over and Matt is just about to have a baby. But before they go on their break their going to be at Reading festival performing more of their songs from 'Origin of Symmetry' album which I can only imagine is going to be fantstic as I love those songs from that album just as much as the songs from their other albums, especially "Plug in Baby". That is an awesome song.

Sunday 27 March 2011

Other Films

These trailers are from the new Transformers film and the new Aliens vs. Cowboys which you may or may not have already seen on the television, but just in case you haven't here is the trailers.

Finally, the DreamWorks Animators have given Puss in Boots his own movie. This is a very long awaited film for me and I hope when November 4th rolls around I'll be the first to see this film that I hope will be filled with lots of laughs.

More New Films

Steven Spielburg has a new film coming out this summer or next I'm not really sure but it looks really good. It's called 'Super 8', and I saw the trailer for the film on youtube yesterday. Looks like a film that has finally caught my attention enough to want to go to the cinema which hasn't happend in a while as all the films either out now or coming out make me not want to go and see them as they either look like their going to be good or like their films that won't hold my attention.

I've put next to this trailer of 'Super 8' the official trailer of the upcoming and for me the hotly anticipated new 'Captain America: The First Avenger'.

Dirty Projectors

I heard of this band a while ago and really liked this song 'Stillness is the move', but it still to this day frustrates the hell out of me that it just appears that they have gone into what I call 'Celebrity Oblivion'. Meaning that a band or a celebrity has their day in all the papers and on the television and for a time they're in the limelight, but then they go away never to be heard of again and one day someone will ask you 'you know that celebity/band do you know what's happened to them'. A perfect example of this is Vanessa Peroncel, at the time it all came out about her and Terry's affair she was in every paper saying things like 'I'm going to take Wayne to the cleaner's....' and 'I want compensation because everyone is treating me so badly...' , she even got the money grabbing slime Max Clifford to be her publicist, as if that wasn't going to make the public turn their opinion of her around.

I don't really know why she even hired the money grabbing Max  Clifford in the first place because not only is he a money grabber he really is like a vulture in my opinion as anyone who is in a vulnerable position he doesn't really do anything to make their public image better but all he's out for is ....'the lot's and lot's of money and the G5'. Not to quote Les Grossman from 'Tropic Thunder'.

Anyhuw, back to the matter at hand, here's the video for Dirty Projectors song 'Stillness is the Move' :

See what you think. Hope you like it.


This dance band I have just heard on youtube and I think this song is quite good. I't got a good dance beat, but I don't think it's up to Laurent Wolf's 'Non Stress',which reminds me of my travels to the south of France a couple of summers ago with my sisters, and going to the wildest parties in Cap D'AI. Ah the memories!

If you've not heard of Laurent Wolf then it doesn't matter as it really does take your mind off work and if your having a high stress day at work then it does take your mind off things.Check it out! If you like this you can leave a reaction on this or any of my other post pages.

Saturday 26 March 2011

Music I've not heard in a while

There back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I am so happy to announce that 'Pete and the Pirates' and 'Patrick Wolf' are back with even more great music. I had heard the mighty 'Pete and the Pirates' ages ago before I moved down to Dorset on NME TV and I was reading my newest issue of the magazine and I heard that they were coming back to the music scene but they were still being writen up in the magazine as an under the radar band which was incredibly frustrating to hear, but I shouldn't be suprised as I used to find that other bands that no one had heard of but I had found via channel hopping on music channels weren't being talked about by the 'JO Whiley' ( I have to disagree with all the people who say that she is the go to women for unheard bands).

The only person who was really on the button for unheard bands and I watched his show every tuesday and friday religiously to see what new bands were on his show has to be for me Jools Holland. To me he really his the go to person for new music and I really do think that if your a band that wants to be on all the radio shows then his show will launch you to where you want to go, as I've seen so many bands go on that show and the next day their on Radio 1 and all over the TV.

I've put Patrick Wolf on here because this is the song that I fell in love with and got me to be a fan of Patrick Wolf. So I have to thank for that NME as I was given on my 16th birthday a NME playlist CD and this song was one of the songs on the CD that I played over and over again. So I hope you like it as much as I do.

Madina Lake

For all Madina Lake fans like myself this news might not be anything new to hear about but I was reading Kerrang Magazine online the other day and I was very shocked to hear that Matthew from the band was hospitalised after interviening in a husbamnd beating up his wife. This sounds to me very couragious, but I was also more shocked to read on that after the huusband had done his worst he and his wife left Matt lying unconscious on the street.

Not only did he go through this terrible bearting but he had to go through several operations on his skull as there was some swelling on it.

This maybe an old post that I was reading but I just hope that Matt recovers as soon as possible as I was listening to their songs on Youtube yesterday and it just made me rember how incredibly good they are and I hope they can go on to make more incredible music when Matt is recovered.

Friday 25 March 2011

Thor Film

I found this on youtube while doing some work today. I really shouldn't have been doing this but after seeing the Script at Bournmouth last night I really don't feel up to doing any work today, but it was a good night and Danny O'Donaghue ( I think that's how you spell his name) was fantastic. I was a bit worried that I wouldn't get any good photographs but it looks like the best picture of the night was taken by the band themselves and posted on twitter.

Anyhuw, I was quite excited by finding this on as I had heard of this film coming out a couple of months ago and kept feeling disapointed that I  couldn't find a trailor for this,so now I've managed to find this and here it is. Enjoy!

Wednesday 23 March 2011

More avengers news

Has Nick Fury found a female sidekick for The Avengers?

Cobie Smulders the favourite for Maria Hill
By Matt Maytum | Feb 6th 2011

There has been word recently that Samuel L. Jackson's S.H.I.E.L.D. leader Nick Fury will be joined by a female sidekick for The Avengers.
This to me sounds very exciting news as I think that Robin in 'How I Met Your Mother' would be great in this movie as it's huge news for her and I'm really pleased for her as it's very frustrating watching her in that series without Barney Stinson is just not right as both of these characters are really AWESOME .

The Avengers new film

The Avengers

Expected to hit theatres in 2012, Joss Whedon will be directing the next installment in the Marvel movie franchise. And it's set to provide an all star cast with Robert Downey Jr (Ironman), Chris Evans (Captain America), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury), Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye), Mark Ruffalo (Hulk) and Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow).

There is probably going to be another trailor in due course but this is the first sign of a trailor that I've been able to get my hands on that is already on But this to me already looks wow. I just hope that this story to the film doesn't get changed like so may great films that I've seen over the last couple of years. I hope you like it.

Avatar 2 AND 3

James Cameron agrees release dates for Avatar 2 and 3

20th Century Fox make deal
By Sam Ashurst | Oct 27th 2010
James Cameron is officially returning to Pandora for two Avatar sequels.

We can join him in December 2014 and December 2015 for Avatar 2 and Avatar 3.

This is news that lovers of the blue people and the ridiculousness of 'UNOBTAINIUM' will love to hear. However, I was suprised to hear this as I roughly knew the plot of the last Avatat film and I had to say I thought it was ridiculousness, as an ex soldier is hired to pretend in essence to be a smurf and for a couple of minuites a day he gets to walk again. THIS DOES NOT MAKE A PLAUSABLE STORY!

And now that I think about it, the film was just stupid as the whole storyline was like other mushy romcoms like 'You've got mail'- where the lead character falls for 'the girl', he/she finds out something about the other which ends up with them  having an accident and breaking up for a bit but then they get back together or in the case of this film the battle sequence at the end of the film made the lead character and 'his blue girl' have to get together as they were needed to lead the fight against 'Team America'.

If you need any other upcoming film news, you can go to TOTAL FILM . com for more details or Empire Film Magazine online .

Just saw last night

I just saw the trailor for the new X-MEN film and it looked really good, and I can't wait to see Micheal Fassbender play Magneto in this film. I think he'll be really good as him in the film. I read an interview in a fashion magazine a couple of months ago and he seemed really nice in his interview. Not taking anything away from James McAvoy. He is a really good actor and I'm sure he'll do well as Professor Charles Xavier but I don't really know what to make of his latest acting gig in that god aweful creation of Elton John's 'Gnomeo and Juliet'. I just really can't beleive that ever got made into a real animated kids film.

I maybe shouldn't be wondering if I should go to the cinema or not to watch the film that is 'Smurfs'. It took it's sweet time to get made as a couple of years ago I'd heard on the film grapevine that 'Smurfs' was going to made into a kids film but I guess a lot of things had to be sorted out, like most importantly who was going to play Poppa Smurf,  what was the story going to be, and who was going to be mad enough to direct this film. So if you are in this film dilema I have added the trailer below for all to see.


Friday 18 March 2011

A hell of a lot of new film trailors

All these films trailors I have got from which I seem to be living on these last couple of days. I have to point out that these films are amazing to have a look at but X-Men:Destiny is coming out for PS3. I don't know why, perhaps it's just me but I don't get why games for PlayStation or any other game for that matter are now written like they're going to be shown in films these days. I'm really making myself sound ancient rather than a 20 years old, but where have the days gone when there were PS games like CRASHBANDIKOOT and Lara Croft where the story behind the game was what made the game. Meaning in CRASHBANDIKOOT you were playing as Crash because the professor had kidnapped CRASH'S girlfriend so you were playing to get her back. However, I do quite like the idea that the stories for games have moved on a bit as the story and the actual game of Lara Croft frustrated me as you had that annoying butler following you around in the first game.

Thursday 17 March 2011

Water for Elephants-new R-Patz film

I saw this new R-Patz film being advertised in this weeks edition of EMPIRE Magazine. So I thought I'd have a look on Youtube to see if I could see the trailor. However other magazine's that are online have been showing still pictures of this film which made it sound like to me that this film wasn't out yet but I think that if there is a film trailor for the film and there is a poster being shown in film magazines like Empire and TOTAL FILM (there was a still picture of this film in the back of the last edition I bought of this magazine where other books have been made into films), then I guess that they have already shot the film and are now editing it down before it is shown in cinemas. I hope that this editing process isn't going to be anything as ridiculous as Michael Bay's editing of the third Transformers film as it has got so intense Michael Bay has enen reportedly put an editing room in his house so that he doesn't get behind on editing this third one ashe said to Empire "I got a little behind with the last one".

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Lady Gaga- Going Gaga

I was on last night and I saw a link they had put on their website to this video. I have to say I watched it and I was a little offenced at it as I didn't really think I needed to see Lady Gaga pretending to give birth to some kind of alien looking head. So I have to conclude that I think she has gone the same way as Kanye West, ie she has had all this contraversial fame which has done wonders for her career as it got everyone to talk about her and listen to her music, but she is just doing any old crap now like in this video she has put spikes in her face to make her look like a robot and is just dancing around with her bra and pants and her high heels on to get people to talk about her. I'm afraid though this time the songs not worth listening to and her feeble attempt to stop the media saying that she is a man won't save the record from not being as successful as her songs from the Fame Monster album.

Plan B new song

I saw this on and I quite liked it eventhough the song is quite sad. This may make me sound a bit of a blonde but I liked the idea for the video how it showed how Strickland Banks got to the court room in the "She Said" video. I do have to admit though that after the first time I saw this the song did get stuck in my head just a little bit. However this song  didn't get so stuck in my head that I had to listen to it over and over again unlike the Vaccines song "A Lack of Understanding". This song I have to say I have fallen in love with and that isn't a thing that happens often with me and songs, but it has happened once before with Paramore's song "Only Exception".

Fast and Furious 5

This is the new Fast and Furious 5 trailor. I think that this film has just given an exuse to the actors in the film to blow a lot of things up from cars to ridiculous things like trains. However one good thing has to be that Vin Diesel is back in the film which should make this one in the series watchable. Let's face it the first Fast and Furious film was all the better for him being the bad guy in the film.

Anyhuw it looks like that the film was shot in some nice places around the world which could give me exrtra ideas where to visit for a weekend trip somewhere with my sisters. I do however have to say that at one point in this trailor it looks like the producers have merged this film with XXX (America's stab at having their own James Bond), this is confusing because I was left not knowing why the film had done this.

Saturday 12 March 2011

Japanese Tsunami

I was shocked to hear last night that Japan have had an earthquake as well as a tsunami. This is just aweful but I hope that the devastation isn't too much as I heard that no one from outsie countries has been allowed to bring help or relief aid to any of the surviving citizens as of yet because the country do not know as yet how bad the tsunami has left things or if there is going to be another wave that is reportedly going to hit other island countries that lie on the South Pacific like: Hawaii and Indonesia.

I hope that relief aid can be allowed into the country soon so that any outside country can start to help Japan get back on it's feet soon, and that local citizens can start to rebuild their lives after this devastating tragedy that has happened to the country.

Friday 11 March 2011

Just thought you might like

Schwayze- Buzzin' and Corona and Lime

While I remember, this band I fell in love with a couple of summer's ago and I still can't get their songs out of my head so I think these songs should be added to any summer playlist as these songs particularly Buzzin' are really summery and really easy to listen to especially if your on holiday somewhere.

The Lake Poets and Virgins

A friend of mine suggested this new band to me the other day and last night after work I finally got a chance to listen to them on youtube and I have to say I really like these, and how they really chilled me out after a long hard day in the office. The Lake Poets Windowsill is just one of their songs that I liked but especially their accoustic version of  Rain. I urge anyone who wants some new band to listen to, as like me you think their is nothing at the moment that is incredibly good to listen to like Pheonix or Virgins out at the moment then I think I might have just found it to listen to them. Most of all I just love the sounds that this guy gets out of his guitar. I think if you are in need of some chilled out songs for summer or if you just want to know about these guys then why not have a little listen on this site or even on youtube.

Another song to add to your summer playlist has to be virgins, I got their album last christmas and I got really addicted to listening to it all christmas I was listening to it and all the while after. I really urge you to get this as all of their songs really do make you want to lie back and transport you somewhere sunny. Or that could just be me as I always imagine when I listen to it that I'm lyinng on a sun lounger by a pool somewhere hot and not here in miserable Britain.

Finally I've found tigers that talked

Finally after searching for 2yrs on youtube after listening to this song on NME TV I've found them. YES! But I've also just found out that the reason that I haven't been able to find this band is because like an idiot I've been typing in the wrong name in youtube's search bar. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I can't believe that I could be so stupid.

Anyhew, Tigers that talked and this song "Heart was black and her eyes are blue" is in my opinion very listenable and I quite like it and I can't beleieve neither radio 1 or any other radio has picked up on them. I would highly recomend that you listen to this song or any of their other songs if not for the music just the name of the band is cool. Speaking of cool and ingenious band names if anyone out there like to listen to dance music then you should listen to "Mogwai", personally this isn't my kind of cup of tea but I say whatever floats your boat.

Thursday 10 March 2011

New Bourne Book

I may have already written about this but I'm not sure because I have a memory like a sieve these days I find, so I'll just say it again ok. Last night I finished the book I've been reading by Eric Van Lusterbadden (I think that's how you spell his name I'm not sure, so if it's wrong I'm awefully sorry), it's called "Robert Ludlum's Bourne Objective". It's fantastic, and I had to put it on my blog because I just really enjoyed reading it. In case your wondering it isn't another Bourne book, but Eric does use Bourne as the main character in the book, as well as Alexander Conklin and Treadstone. I wont give too much away because I really would strongly urge you to go out and buy this book or buy it on Amazon.

But what I will say is that he goes to lots of places and again he's being hounded by old friends.

I would also say that to me I think that this book is a tribute that Eric Van Lusterbaden is paying to Robert Ludlums Bourne series and that to me is great as it was a great series of films and books.

Charlie Sheen Update

Oh dear... poor old charlie sheen isn't doing that great in the newspapers lately and he isn't doing himself any favours by coming out of his house that he's been hold up in for god knows how long and brandishing a machete, that'll do wonders for his plea to get his kids back. I Think Not! It also still questions whether he is really mental or not. But it definitly helps his wife in her case to keep the kids because she is worried about them when they are around Charlie.

He also has been sacked from his role in the hit American series Two and a Half Men. I guess the producers are having the last laugh now after they were called "Maggots" by Charlie. However I think this is the most the Sheen's have ever been in the press for as I don't know where Charlie's brother went Emilio Estevez, I just can't believe after having big movie hits with Young Guns I &2 and Mighty Ducks he has fallen into what I like to call celebrity oblivion. Not a Good Place To Be. Although I think that under the circumstances it's not really why you want to be in the papers for a prolonged amount of time.

Monday 7 March 2011

New Album

I just thought that you'd like to know that The Vaccines album is coming out on the 14th April this year YAY!  and if there is any new band you listen to this year it has to be these along with thecockandbullkid . TheCockAndBullKid if you haven't heard of her before then she will be new to you but it's a shame if you haven't because to me she is great, and her song 'I am not sorry' is my favourite. So I urge anyone if they buy any album, listen to anything on youtube or go to a hmv store get these.

Here are little sound bites from each of these artists that might get you in the mood for liking each artist:

The video on the end is from MSTRKRF-Heartbreaker. Just thought you might be interested in giving this song a wirl as the dance beat to it really does in my opinion get you going for a night out or for any occasion.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Yesterday for a belated birthday present for both my dad and my sister we-the family- went on a chartered boat ride from Cobb's Quay in Poole Marina all the way round Brownsea Island which is beautifully isolated save for a few seagulls and other birds, to Old Harry and his wife, where we stopped for a few moments to soak up the sun and pop some bubbly and have a few nibbles. Arrgh the life! With the sun out, sunglasses donned, and warm clothes I couldn't help but feel I was in a James Bond Film and it didn't help that I had 'Diamonds are Forever' stuck in my head.

As I mentioned before Brownsea Island is isolated but if you go round the back of it you'll notice that there is a very imposing castle that is owned by John Lewis and is there for any of it's colleagues that have a trainig day. This island is also owned parrtly owned by The National Trust so no own can live here except the birds. However, this island looks like it's safer not to live there as it all has eroded at the edges.

Dorset Haunts

I don't want to sound too much like a walking advertisement for Dorset and the West Country, but if you ever get time to come down to Dorset do come down. It's great and if you do venture down here there are several things that I have to say are the best things I enjoy doing now that I live here and I have to say these are must-do-things once you get down here . These are:
  • Going to West Bay and having either a Mr.Whippy/99 icecream with a flake whilst sitting on the pebbly beach and watching the waves roll in to the beach. Or you must have a Marshfield Farm icecream in a chocolate topped cone filled with my favourite flavoured icecream Mint Chocolate Chip.

  • Also my favourite pass time has to be going to Urban Bech Retreat in Boscombe Bournmouth for the surf so I can bodyboarding and then going to either the restaurant on the beachfront or up on the hill to have a hot/cold drink. If you decide to have a bite to eat at either restaurant I urge you to try the three types of New Forest Sausages with Mustard Mash and Parsnip Shavings. Or you need to try the Nachos.

  •  Castle Point Shopping Centre in Bournmouth is great for the shopaholic as it has everything from TK Maxx, Robert Dyers,Miss Selfridges,HMV, Marks and Spencers, H &M, New Look etc. However, the only one downside with having shops including the mecca of all mecca's  Thorntons, is it is very easy to get weighed down by all those shopping bags and you always end up spending way too much time there just because you don't know which shop to go in next.

  • If you go to Bridport you have to take a trip into the Bull Pub and Restaurant as it is just so cosy and when you sit on the sofas in the restaurant you'll just want to stay indoors sat next to the fire. The absolute must to eat in the restaurant is the Eggs Royale (with Salmon instead of Ham) and a nice cup of hot black coffee. Yum! Also at night the Bull opens up it's other restaurant The Stavle Bar that has an authentic feel of being in a bar in the barn, but if it's a pizza you want your in luck as they only serve these and pies.  Or if you just want a cocktail then you can go upstairs to their lovely and plush Vesper Lounge Cocktail bar.

  • Also in Dorchester you have to go to have lovely cakes or welsh rare bit at the Bakery cafe where every cake and bun looks good enough to eat so be prepared to look very confused at what you want to eat, and say over and over in your head "Do I want that or do I want that?".
These are my must see haunts down south and I hope you like them as much of me when or if you mamge to get yourself down to Dorset. However, other places you should visit are Poole, Osprey Quay, Weymouth and Swannidge.