
Saturday 26 March 2011

Music I've not heard in a while

There back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I am so happy to announce that 'Pete and the Pirates' and 'Patrick Wolf' are back with even more great music. I had heard the mighty 'Pete and the Pirates' ages ago before I moved down to Dorset on NME TV and I was reading my newest issue of the magazine and I heard that they were coming back to the music scene but they were still being writen up in the magazine as an under the radar band which was incredibly frustrating to hear, but I shouldn't be suprised as I used to find that other bands that no one had heard of but I had found via channel hopping on music channels weren't being talked about by the 'JO Whiley' ( I have to disagree with all the people who say that she is the go to women for unheard bands).

The only person who was really on the button for unheard bands and I watched his show every tuesday and friday religiously to see what new bands were on his show has to be for me Jools Holland. To me he really his the go to person for new music and I really do think that if your a band that wants to be on all the radio shows then his show will launch you to where you want to go, as I've seen so many bands go on that show and the next day their on Radio 1 and all over the TV.

I've put Patrick Wolf on here because this is the song that I fell in love with and got me to be a fan of Patrick Wolf. So I have to thank for that NME as I was given on my 16th birthday a NME playlist CD and this song was one of the songs on the CD that I played over and over again. So I hope you like it as much as I do.

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