
Monday 28 March 2011

My favourite cars from the motor show

This is the new FF Ferrari 2011. Amazingly this new concept car from Ferrari is a four seater. This is amazing as Ferrari have never before done a four seater car, and to me this looks just as good as the two seaters. Also, to me this car still looks as sporty as Ferrari are knownn for being but with the practicality of two back seats. This is good news for me and my sisters as we all love the look of Ferrari's and would if we had that kind of money buy one. Oh well, you can always dream!

This is the Berton B99 Jaguar concept car that I suprisingly didn't know was a new Jaguar car, but eventhough I don't always like the look of Jaguar cars, this car looked to me quite cool and a bit like an Audi at the front. Also I thought that it looked a more modern looking Jaguar but still has the Jaguar shape. Looks like Jaguar might be moving into the 21st centuary, either that or it's under new ownership as a company.

This is the new Buggatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport. I have to say that this version of this car-with it being all in black-, I prefer it to it's previous version with there being Orange on the bottom half of the chassy. I have to be honest but the orange for me made the car a bit tacky. This all in black version looks way more cooler, and imagine if you had one and you were pulling up in the car park, all the people on the street would immediatly turn your head and think 'Oh god I wish I had one of those'. Now if I see the black and orange car pull up all I think is 'Oh that looks nice'.

This car is called 'Gumpert'. You can think that with that sort of name it might be a british car because I can't imagine a european car maker thinking 'what a great name for a car and nobody will have a similar name', but nobody will have a similar name as it's a ridiculous name. Thank god this car looks attractive as you don't want to ever buy a car that is name after a grumpy old grandad. Can you imagine driving this car over to your friends house and then having to say to them that what you are driving is a Grumpet. I think for the sake of every car salesman around the world the name of this car has to be changed to something a lot more appertising.

This is the Masserati GrandCabri. To me this car looks like an Aston Martin which is probably why I like the look of this car. It also has a soft top hood on it so it would look great in the summer. Also one disappointing feature of this car for me is the fact it doesn't look like a sports car but just looks like a normal car that you can buy now from any old car dealership, which makes me a bit sad as I thought that is why you buy a sports car as it looks sporty so you want to find really long stretches of road like they do on Top Gear and have the top down and just drive really fast.

This is the Pegani Huayra which to me looks a lot more sporty, but with is butterfly winged doors the car looks like a cooler version of the Back to the Futer Car when these doors are open. But this is really a car that you want to find an open stretch of road and just drive. It also looks like a cross between a Ferrari and a Lamborghini car which you could say makes it a hybrid of these cars, or you could say that these cars have been chopped up and welded together to make this sports car.

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