
Sunday 6 March 2011

Yesterday for a belated birthday present for both my dad and my sister we-the family- went on a chartered boat ride from Cobb's Quay in Poole Marina all the way round Brownsea Island which is beautifully isolated save for a few seagulls and other birds, to Old Harry and his wife, where we stopped for a few moments to soak up the sun and pop some bubbly and have a few nibbles. Arrgh the life! With the sun out, sunglasses donned, and warm clothes I couldn't help but feel I was in a James Bond Film and it didn't help that I had 'Diamonds are Forever' stuck in my head.

As I mentioned before Brownsea Island is isolated but if you go round the back of it you'll notice that there is a very imposing castle that is owned by John Lewis and is there for any of it's colleagues that have a trainig day. This island is also owned parrtly owned by The National Trust so no own can live here except the birds. However, this island looks like it's safer not to live there as it all has eroded at the edges.

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