
Sunday 27 March 2011

Dirty Projectors

I heard of this band a while ago and really liked this song 'Stillness is the move', but it still to this day frustrates the hell out of me that it just appears that they have gone into what I call 'Celebrity Oblivion'. Meaning that a band or a celebrity has their day in all the papers and on the television and for a time they're in the limelight, but then they go away never to be heard of again and one day someone will ask you 'you know that celebity/band do you know what's happened to them'. A perfect example of this is Vanessa Peroncel, at the time it all came out about her and Terry's affair she was in every paper saying things like 'I'm going to take Wayne to the cleaner's....' and 'I want compensation because everyone is treating me so badly...' , she even got the money grabbing slime Max Clifford to be her publicist, as if that wasn't going to make the public turn their opinion of her around.

I don't really know why she even hired the money grabbing Max  Clifford in the first place because not only is he a money grabber he really is like a vulture in my opinion as anyone who is in a vulnerable position he doesn't really do anything to make their public image better but all he's out for is ....'the lot's and lot's of money and the G5'. Not to quote Les Grossman from 'Tropic Thunder'.

Anyhuw, back to the matter at hand, here's the video for Dirty Projectors song 'Stillness is the Move' :

See what you think. Hope you like it.

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