
Friday 18 March 2011

A hell of a lot of new film trailors

All these films trailors I have got from which I seem to be living on these last couple of days. I have to point out that these films are amazing to have a look at but X-Men:Destiny is coming out for PS3. I don't know why, perhaps it's just me but I don't get why games for PlayStation or any other game for that matter are now written like they're going to be shown in films these days. I'm really making myself sound ancient rather than a 20 years old, but where have the days gone when there were PS games like CRASHBANDIKOOT and Lara Croft where the story behind the game was what made the game. Meaning in CRASHBANDIKOOT you were playing as Crash because the professor had kidnapped CRASH'S girlfriend so you were playing to get her back. However, I do quite like the idea that the stories for games have moved on a bit as the story and the actual game of Lara Croft frustrated me as you had that annoying butler following you around in the first game.

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