
Wednesday 16 March 2011

Fast and Furious 5

This is the new Fast and Furious 5 trailor. I think that this film has just given an exuse to the actors in the film to blow a lot of things up from cars to ridiculous things like trains. However one good thing has to be that Vin Diesel is back in the film which should make this one in the series watchable. Let's face it the first Fast and Furious film was all the better for him being the bad guy in the film.

Anyhuw it looks like that the film was shot in some nice places around the world which could give me exrtra ideas where to visit for a weekend trip somewhere with my sisters. I do however have to say that at one point in this trailor it looks like the producers have merged this film with XXX (America's stab at having their own James Bond), this is confusing because I was left not knowing why the film had done this.

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