
Saturday 30 April 2011

3rd Place Victory

I have just started following this band on twitter and I really like 'Backseat Sarah'. I think that they are really worth listening to. Their album is also out for free download at the moment but for the moment here is their 'BackSeat Sarah'.

I think these could be really liked or popular if they were requested on Radio 1. They are also from Kent, which is nice and under my current circumstances this song puts me in a really good mood. I think I will make it my mission to get them heard on Radio 1. With hearing this band it is a really good day for me as I have just recieved from HMV 'Fenech-Solars' ' album and some dvds which have put me in a better mood than I have been over the past couple of days.

If like me you like the sound of this band then you should know that they have a facebook page. Also, the merchandise tops are really good designs I think.

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