
Monday 11 April 2011


I saw this song ages ago on NME TV round the same time as Marina and the Diamonds brought out their first single 'Robot'. This is true that Marina brought this song out first as lots of bands do this, they bring out a song and if it either gets picked up by radio stations or it gets lots of people downloading it, listening to it or just lots of press coverage then it goes on to bigger and better things, but if it doesn't get either of these then it gets dropped as the first single and another more popular tune gets put out to the masses as the bands first single instead of this one.

But I heard Chairlift's song and loved it as it more often than not got stuck in my head. This though was a good thing as most of the songs that get stuck in my head are really annoying songs like 'Taylor Swift' songs or 'Justin Bieber' songs.

I know this is from an Apple Advert but on it's own it's great. Well I think so anyway!. I just thought I've not heard from this band in a while, so I wonder what their up to now.

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