
Tuesday 5 April 2011

Here's a thought...

Lat night I had stuck in my head 'Skint and Demoralised-Red Lipstick'. And I was thinking when this song was in my head that now I'm living here down in Dorset that I have probably become like the girl that they describe in this song as everytime I go down onto a beach for a drink I always think about having either fish and chips by the beach or a Mr. Whippy which in my opinion both of them are a staplefold for when you go down to the beach.

And I always think of going down to my favourite beach 'Boscombe Beach' in Bournmouth and taking my bodyboard and wetsuite and doing some surfing and then having a drink afterwards on any weekend I have that isn't ruined by work!

Just talking about surfing is making me want to grab my wetsuite and get out onto the waves but I do have to say that nowadays I'm a little bit shyer than I used to be when going surfing as I'd want to run into those waves faster than you could say 'Macdonalds'. I even went surfing on my 19th birthday when there was gale force winds, but it was the biggest the waves have ever been. All I'm going to say why I'm shier than I was before is because I've been really ill.

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